Friday, June 5, 2020

1188 Kevin Barrett: COVID-19 a US Bioweapon?

Kevin Barrett: COVID-19 a US Bioweapon?

Newsletter published on May 26, 2020

(1) Ron Unz Facebook ban
(2) Kevin Barrett: COVID a US Bioweapon?
(3) Kevin Barrett: COVID-19 a US bioweapon, deliberately unleashed on
China, Iran, and the world
(4) Kevin Barrett - Coronavirus vs. US Economy: Chaotic Devastation or
Targeted Strike?
(5) Barrett: Trump Clashes with Media on Coronavirus
(6) Wrong about Covid: Larry Romanoff, Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today,
Ron Unz & Global Research

(1) Ron Unz Facebook ban

Our Facebook Ban: the Fatal 0.2%


MAY 11, 2020

Just over a month ago I was riding high and celebrating the steady
upward progress of our alternative media webzine. I proudly noted that
our traffic had now far surpassed that of the venerable New Republic, a
century old publication that had spent decades as America’s most
influential opinion magazine.

But pride goeth before the fall. At the end of April we were suddenly
purged and banned by Facebook, the world’s leading social network. Not
only was our rudimentary Facebook page removed, but every last item of
our website content was declared illegal, with all past and future links
eliminated. Any attempt to post our material on Facebook now produces an
error message reporting that the content is "abusive" and a violation of
"community standards."

Although I personally don’t use Facebook or other social networks,
billions of people do, and totally excluding all of our content from
that important distribution channel eventually produced a 20% drop in
our regular daily traffic, a serious blow that set us back many months.

At first I was rather surprised by this unexpected development. After
all, we had already spent years publishing articles and posts of an
extremely controversial nature, notably including my own American Pravda
series. As far back as 2018, my writings had been attacked by the ADL,
though that notoriously ferocious organization seemed rather perfunctory
and milquetoast in its denunciation. During all this time, we had not
incurred any Facebook penalties, but now we had suddenly been totally

An obvious explanation was the ongoing Covid-19 epidemic. Over 80,000
Americans have died while unemployment has already reached Great
Depression levels. During such a tremendous national crisis, strong
steps are often taken to maintain social control, and Facebook had come
under great pressure to block the distribution of dangerous
misinformation on its network, which the company’s top leadership soon
promised to do.

Now "misinformation" is a somewhat vague term, and our very extensive
Coronavirus coverage had hardly included suggestions that Americans
drink bleach or inject themselves with Lysol. But critics have often
linked such health care falsehoods with what they considered "conspiracy
theories" about Covid-19 and its origins. A new organization had
recently taken out a full-page ad in the New York Times that denounced
these latter notions in very strong terms, claiming that such ideas were
almost as dangerous as the virus itself and spread as rapidly, therefore
demanding that they be banned by the leading social networks.

Although the term "conspiracy theory" generally carries a pejorative
meaning, if taken as a simple description, I would certainly agree that
our website had trafficked in some articles along those lines.

Indeed, just before the Facebook ban I had published a 7,400 word
article presenting the considerable circumstantial evidence that our
national disaster may have been the unintended blowback from an
extremely reckless American biowarfare attack against China (and Iran),
presumably organized by the Deep State Neocons or other rogue elements
within our national security establishment. The piece generated enormous
early traffic, more than any of my previous articles, and perhaps twice
as many Facebook Likes. The following extracts provide a taste of the
material I presented:

As the coronavirus gradually began to spread beyond China’s own borders,
another development occurred that greatly multiplied my suspicions. Most
of these early cases had occurred exactly where one might expect, among
the East Asian countries bordering China. But by late February Iran had
become the second epicenter of the global outbreak. Even more
surprisingly, its political elites had been especially hard-hit, with a
full 10% of the entire Iranian parliament soon infected and at least a
dozen of its officials and politicians dying of the disease, including
some who were quite senior. Indeed, Neocon activists on Twitter began
gleefully noting that their hatred Iranian enemies were now dropping
like flies.

Let us consider the implications of these facts. Across the entire world
the only political elites that have yet suffered any significant human
losses have been those of Iran, and they died at a very early stage,
before significant outbreaks had even occurred almost anywhere else in
the world outside China. Thus, we have America assassinating Iran’s top
military commander on Jan. 2nd and then just a few weeks later large
portions of the Iranian ruling elites became infected by a mysterious
and deadly new virus, with many of them soon dying as a consequence.
Could any rational individual possibly regard this as a mere
coincidence? * * *

For obvious reasons, the Trump Administration has become very eager to
emphasize the early missteps and delays in the Chinese reaction to the
viral outbreak in Wuhan, and has presumably encouraged our media outlets
to direct their focus in that direction.

As an example of this, the Associated Press Investigative Unit recently
published a rather detailed analysis of those early events purportedly
based upon confidential Chinese documents. Provocatively entitled "China
Didn’t Warn Public of Likely Pandemic for 6 Key Days", the piece was
widely distributed, running in abridged form in the NYT and elsewhere.
According to this reconstruction, the Chinese government first became
aware of the seriousness of this public health crisis on Jan. 14th, but
delayed taking any major action until Jan. 20th, a period of time during
which the number of infections greatly multiplied.

Last month, a team of five WSJ reporters produced a very detailed and
thorough 4,400 word analysis of the same period, and the NYT has
published a helpful timeline of those early events as well. Although
there may be some differences of emphasis or minor disagreements, all
these American media sources agree that Chinese officials first became
aware of the serious viral outbreak in Wuhan in early to mid-January,
with the first known death occurring on Jan. 11th, and finally
implemented major new public health measures later that same month. No
one has apparently disputed these basic facts.

But with the horrific consequences of our own later governmental
inaction being obvious, elements within our intelligence agencies have
sought to demonstrate that they were not the ones asleep at the switch.
Earlier this month, an ABC News story cited four separate government
sources to reveal that as far back as late November, a special medical
intelligence unit within our Defense Intelligence Agency had produced a
report warning that an out-of-control disease epidemic was occurring in
the Wuhan area of China, and widely distributed that document throughout
the top ranks of our government, warning that steps should be taken to
protect US forces based in Asia. After the story aired, a Pentagon
spokesman officially denied the existence of that November report, while
various other top level government and intelligence officials refused to
comment. But a few days later, Israeli television mentioned that in
November American intelligence had indeed shared such a report on the
Wuhan disease outbreak with its NATO and Israeli allies, thus seeming to
independently confirm the complete accuracy of the original ABC News
story and its several government sources.

It therefore appears that elements of the Defense Intelligence Agency
were aware of the deadly viral outbreak in Wuhan more than a month
before any officials in the Chinese government itself. Unless our
intelligence agencies have pioneered the technology of precognition, I
think this may have happened for the same reason that arsonists have the
earliest knowledge of future fires.

A leaked CDC report recently estimated that American deaths may rise to
3,000/day by the end of this month, and if so, we will probably have
suffered a couple of hundred thousand fatalities by the end of summer
along with a wrecked economy. If Americans began to suspect that this
unimaginable national disaster may have been entirely self-inflicted,
the consequences could be explosive. I can easily understand why any
such guilty parties along with their close political allies would take
all possible steps to prevent such ideas from gaining traction,
including blocking their circulation on Facebook.

So after considering these factors, I was disappointed in Facebook but
not entirely surprised. After all, in many other parts of the world or
historical eras, a midnight raid by the secret police and a one-way
ticket to the Gulag would have been the likely response to my
provocative writings. Compared to such retaliation, merely having our
website blacklisted by a very popular social network amounted to pretty
weak tea.

However, a few days ago someone brought to my attention a Facebook
report documenting their steps to eliminate "inauthentic content" during
the month of April. Although it included mention of our own case, I was
very surprised at the nature of the discussion.

Apparently, the vast majority of the organizations sanctioned were
foreign ones, either from countries like Iran and Russia, or those
involved in violent internal conflicts like Georgia, Mauritania, or
Myanmar. Almost none of their websites were even mentioned, presumably
because they tended to be so small and obscure. I skimmed over a couple
of Facebook’s previous reports, which seemed fairly similar.

I’m hardly an expert on Facebook, but it wouldn’t surprise me if our
publication is by far the largest and most popular ever to have had its
entire content banned. Yet across the 29 pages of the very detailed
document, our case was only discussed in the briefest of casual asides.

For example, four full pages including numerous screenshots were
presented to justify the banning of SouthFront, a website allegedly
based in Crimea that provides a pro-Russian perspective on the Ukrainian
and Syrian conflicts. But although our own traffic is several times
greater, the explanation for prohibiting all our content was provided in
just two scattered sentences:

Our investigation linked this network to VDARE, a website known for
posting anti-immigration content, and individuals associated with a
similar website The Unz Review.

Although the people behind this operation attempted to conceal their
coordination, our investigation linked this network to VDARE, a website
known for posting anti-immigration content, and to individuals
associated with a similar website The Unz Review.

So the absolute prohibition of any links to our several million pages of
unique content, including the near-complete archives of hundreds of
America’s leading opinion magazines of the last 150 years, was allegedly
justified by our being "similar" to VDare, "a website known for posting
anti-immigration content."

I find this explanation utterly bizarre. We do have republication
agreements with a couple of dozen alternative media websites of the Left
and Right, including VDare. But since the beginning of the year, our
overwhelmingly focus has been on foreign policy issues and the
Coronavirus epidemic, so we have only run just 41 VDare pieces. Few of
these had anything to do with immigration, and they represented only
about 0.2% of our 1,751 articles and posts during this period. Is VDare
so enormously powerful a brand that by providing us 0.2% of our recent
content, we have necessarily become "similar"?

Moreover, as the Facebook document correctly emphasizes, VDare is an
anti-immigration webzine, while I cannot even remember the last time
that we featured an article having that theme. And although our own
traffic is a dozen times larger, VDare appears to have been the primary
target of the prohibition, with our own website merely swept along in
the undertow.

Facebook surely invests substantial resources in policing its content,
which their report claims is performed by a team of more than 200
professionals. So I find it rather difficult to believe that the
decision to ban our entire website, perhaps the largest ever subjected
to such a penalty, was taken in such a lackadaisical manner and for such
ridiculous reasons.

It seems far more likely that the explanation provided was merely an
excuse to avoid explaining the true reason. If the largest website ever
banned from Facebook had suffered that penalty for promoting "Covid-19
conspiracy theories" such an announcement might draw unwelcome attention
to the facts being presented, perhaps with serious consequences. After
all, Facebook employees and executives have themselves suffered as much
as everyone else in America from our current disaster, and some of the
points we made might even have become the subject of lively internal
discussions. So presumably it was much safer to declare that our website
had been banned for republishing VDare’s anti-immigration content, even
if that only amounted to 0.2% of our total.

Still, careless mistakes are sometimes made. A couple of days ago
Facebook announced its new "oversight board" to adjudicate these sorts
of matters, so I suppose I will try to get in touch with them to clarify
this issue.

(2) Kevin Barrett: COVID a US Bioweapon?

COVID a US Bioweapon? Kevin Barrett on Kalima Horra with George Galloway

By Kevin Barrett

May 21, 2020

Former British parliamentarian George Galloway hosts Kevin Barrett for
an uncensored discussion of the possibility that elements of the US Deep
State created and deployed COVID-19 as a biological weapon. The motives:
Stop China’s rapid economic growth even if it requires crippling the
globalized economy; accelerate the transition to authoritarianism and
hypersurveillance in the West; and target Iran’s leadership in the
bargain. Full show:

(3) Kevin Barrett: COVID-19 a US bioweapon, deliberately unleashed on
China, Iran, and the world

9/11 Truth, Coronavirus Truth: Zionist Hysteria, MSM Lockdown

War on the Horizon?


MARCH 18, 2020

"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary
change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and
catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor."… "And advanced forms of
biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform
biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful
tool." The Project for a New American Century, Rebuilding America’s
Defenses (September 2000)

I spent most of 2004 through 2006 blaming Dick Cheney and Donald
Rumsfeld for 9/11. As you can imagine, I got plenty of pushback.
Strangely, the loudest, most hysterical shrieks came not from
red-white-and-blue Republican patriots, but from seemingly insane
Zionists screaming: "Why do you hate the Jews so much, you anti-Semite?"[1]

At first, I could not for the life of me figure out why blaming two
non-Jews, Cheney and Rumsfeld, elicited that kind of reaction. It also
seemed odd that anyone talking about the explosive demolitions of World
Trade Center Towers 1, 2, and 7 was reviled as a Jew-hater.[2]
Questioning what happened to the Pentagon, whether there were really any
hijackers or cell phone calls, who really sent the anthrax, who bought
the put options, who exhibited foreknowledge, and so on elicited the
same hysterical reaction from Israel-firsters. It was only after I
looked into the ethnic and foreign-loyalist backgrounds of PNAC, Larry
Silverstein, and other 9/11 suspects that it began to dawn on me that
"the Zionist doth protest too much."

We are now experiencing 911-2B, the coronavirus black swan. Just as 9/11
terrorized, shocked, and shut down the USA for a few days, it seems that
Covid-19 will do the same, only more so. Instead of a few days, we may
be shut down for a few months, maybe even a few years. And once again,
Zionists are hysterically pushing back against those of us questioning
the official story. The Israel-lobby propaganda site The Algemeiner
recently published a hit piece headlined Islamists Call Coronavirus a
Zionist-American Conspiracy. It featured the following attack on yours

Press TV, meanwhile, published an article by American conspiracy
theorist Kevin Barrett to back the claim that the coronavirus is a
US-Israeli conspiracy using biological warfare to hurt Iran. "US, Israel
waging biological warfare on massive scale," was the March 7 story’s

Barrett, a "9/11 truther," got crazier in the story:

"The United States waged biological warfare against its own Congress in
2001 with the anthrax component of the 9/11 anthrax false flag
operation, which terrorized Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, the leaders
of the movement that blocked the Patriot Act, into giving up and
allowing the Patriot Act.

"So the United States is run by lunatics, by psychopaths who are
entirely capable of launching World War 3 by way of a biological warfare
attack on China and Iran, with the Iran component presumably led by
Israel. That’s the most likely explanation for what we’re seeing."

This is the kind of rot Press TV publishes.

The Algemeiner also vilified Muslims reacting negatively to Israel’s
announcement that it would have a coronavirus vaccine ready "in a few
weeks." It cited British, Iranian, and Algerian Muslims balking at the
prospect of buying vaccines from Israel, and/or questioning how Israel
could possibly develop a vaccine for a new rogue virus in such short
order, assuming it hadn’t simultaneously developed both the virus and
the vaccine.

Might Israel profit from a disastrous black swan that it helped create?
It already happened once. Prior to 9/11, the Jewish population of Israel
was fleeing, with net emigration outpacing net immigration, while the
dotcom bust and suicide bombings collapsed the Jewish State’s economy.
The global Islamic movement was picking up steam; it seemed likely that
Muslims might soon win back custody of their holy places. (Muslims have
administered the holy sites in and around Jerusalem/al-Quds virtually
ever since Islam existed, minus a couple of brief and bloody crusader
interludes, until the current Zionist genocide began less than a century

During the run-up to 9/11, as Naomi Klein explains in The Shock
Doctrine,[3] Israel put all its chips into anti-terror start-ups—and hit
the jackpot on 9/11/2001. An anti-Islam propaganda tidal wave swept the
globe, washing away the Islamic Awakening surge and leaving in its place
the 27-million-Muslim holocaust that continues today.

The 9/11 black swan was in essence a propaganda operation designed to
demonize Islam and Muslims in general, and anti-Zionists ones in
particular, in service to changing the arc of history to benefit Israel.
But it was sold by PNAC crypto-Zionists to people like Cheney and
Rumsfeld as a recipe for prolonging US empire for a New American Century
by way of a "New Pearl Harbor."

Today’s coronavirus black swan, like 9/11, has all the characteristics
of a trauma-based mass-mind-control op. It has already been used to
demonize China in the same way 9/11 was used to demonize Islam: Just as
we were supposed to hate the crazy suicidal Muslims yearning for harems
of afterlife virgins, we are now supposed to feel disgust for Chinese
slurpers of bat soup. And just as we were supposed to loathe the brutal
and incompetent governments of Muslim-majority nations, now we are told
to revile the oppressive censorship-addicted regime in Beijing. It may
be purely coincidental that this wholesale demonization of the world’s
two greatest classical civilizations, based on two fear-inciting black
swan events of suspicious origin, just happened to arrive in the wake of
the Bernard Lewis-Samuel Huntington pronouncement that the 21st century
would be era of the "clash of civilizations." After all, even the
craziest coincidence theories sometimes turn out to be true.

It also may be a coincidence that the primary US bioweapons lab, Ft.
Detrick, was shut down in summer 2019 over fears that weaponized
pathogens might escape. It may be a coincidence that absurdly
under-performing US military athletes came to Wuhan for the World
Military Games in October and have since been accused by China’s
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of being the source of the Covid-19
pandemic. It may be a coincidence that at the same time those "athletes"
were in Wuhan, the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation, Johnson & Johnson, and other Establishment titans were
hosting a pandemic simulation called Event 201. It may be purely
coincidental that the virus appeared in Wuhan, home of China’s biggest
biodefense laboratory, and China’s biggest transportation hub, just in
time for the Chinese New Year, when most Chinese travel to visit
relatives. Likewise, it could be coincidental that the real-life
Covid-19 pandemic almost perfectly mimics Lockstep, the Rockefeller
Foundation’s recipe for a global police state emerging on the back of a
coronavirus-style pandemic.

Then again, it could be that the Chinese government’s suspicions about
the US, or others’ suspicions about Israel (especially regarding the
coronavirus catastrophe in Iran) are justified. But such possibilities
are far outside of the mainstream media’s Overton Window. The whole
topic of bioweapons in relation to coronavirus is an MSM no-go zone,
just as the evidence and arguments refuting the official story was a
no-go zone after 9/11. The very fact that such things are unspeakable in
the Mockingbird media suggests that yet another nefarious propaganda
operation is underway.

Just as I came to reject the official story of 9/11 by comparing the
arguments and evidence cited by proponents and opponents of that thesis,
I am currently leaning toward the "Anglo-Zionist bioweapon"
interpretation of coronavirus based on what I’ve seen so far by
opponents as well as proponents. I recently listened to Peter Myers’
arguments that Covid-19 was made in a lab—"most likely from Wuhan
Institute of Virology (WIV)." (Read his sources here.) Myers focuses on
a paper trail documenting bat virus research at Wuhan and the University
of North Carolina, allegations of Chinese germ warfare espionage, and so
forth. While his scenario, an accidental release from WIV, is not
impossible, the evidence he cites is also compatible with the deliberate
fabrication of a second-level cover story that would be deployed if the
first-level legend, "Covid-19 spontaneously jumped from bats to humans,"
is conclusively disproven. The same second-level cover story would in
the meantime function as a "blame the Chinese" conspiracy theory pushed
by Steve Bannon, Tom Cotton, and other neocon and anti-China sources.

The question of whether the virus is naturally evolved or man-made is
still open. Mainstream authorities like Nature Magazine are, quite
naturally, pushing the "naturally evolved" position as hard as they
can…which they would be expected to do whether or not it was true. Other
sources claim "The spike glycoprotein of 2019-nCoV contains a cleavage
absent in CoV – showing that it was engineered rather than evolved."
Perhaps readers more familiar with the science than I am can arbitrate
such disputes in the comments section.

As with 9/11, the scientific evidence on coronavirus may give rise to a
long-running debate. Meanwhile the world moves on. With 2020 hindsight I
can now see that I should have interpreted 9/11 as a likely false flag
immediately, based on cui bono. Today, asking the same question about
coronavirus, "who benefits," yields only slightly less obvious results.

But if Covid-19 was a biological attack on China, China’s number one
European partner Italy, and China’s close Middle Eastern friend (and
Anglo-Zionist arch-enemy) Iran, why is it spreading elsewhere? A skeptic
on Pepe Escobar’s email list recently responded: "Hi Pepe, I’m convinced
the facts do not support your theory. The damage to the West is greater
than to China and it would be suicidal for US to engineer this. Why rule
out natural causes like the Spanish flu?"

It is true that most military strategists dislike bioweapons due to
their massive blowback potential: There is no guarantee that a mutating
virus will stick to the race or geographical area you are attacking.
Though Covid-19 hit China first, under highly suspicious circumstances,
making it "the Chinese virus" in the words of Donald Trump (and,
subliminally, in MSM reporting and global public opinion) it is now
cratering the US and European economies. Could any US biowar team,
however "rogue"—much less the commanding heights of the National
Security State—have been crazy enough to risk that kind of blowback?

They were certainly crazy enough in 2001. Covid-19 is the new 9/11, the
new "Transformative Event," the new "watershed event in American
history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented in
peacetime and undermine America’s fundamental sense of security…Like
Pearl Harbor, this event would divide our past and future into a before
and an after. The United States might respond with draconian measures,
scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens,
detention of suspects, and use of deadly force."

That sounds, to most of us, like an unpleasant prospect. Yet one of the
authors of "Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger," Philip
Zelikow, is a leading suspect in the orchestration of 9/11, which
occurred less than three years after that article was published.
Cover-up czar Zelikow, essentially the sole author of the risible work
of fiction known as The 9/11 Commission Report, might conceivably have
viewed the massage damage to the United States—not just the loss of the
condemned-for-asbestos Trade Towers and a few thousand replaceable
people, but also the hemorrhage of more than $6 trillion dollars
alongside the even greater reputational loss in the 9/11-triggered
"forever wars"—as being "worth it," in the same way Madeleine Albright
famously said that murdering half a million Iraqi children was "worth it."

Might the neocon crazies who thought 9/11 was worth it feel the same way
about a coronavirus biowar strike? They might. As Pepe Escobar
suggested, the Covid-19 Transformative Event is acting as a "global
circuit breaker." His conclusion: "What’s certain is that the whole
global economy has been hit by an insidious, literally invisible circuit
breaker. This may be just a ‘coincidence.’ Or this may be, as some are
boldly arguing, part of a possible, massive psy-op creating the perfect
geopolitical and social engineering environment for full-spectrum

How could a circuit-breaker foster full-spectrum dominance? First, the
neocons recognize that China’s inexorable rise to #1 world power
status,[4] and the concomitant collapse of the Anglo-Zionist Empire, is
pretty much a done deal absent some circuit-breaking black swan event.
Just as the Zionists needed the 9/11 black swan to get their "Clean
Break" with a historical trajectory leading towards the end of the
apartheid Jewish State, so too the Anglo-Zionists might realize that
something equally "transformative" would be required to forestall the
rise of China.

The US cannot win a trade war with China. It cannot win a nuclear war.
It cannot win a conventional land war. Yet from the neocon perspective
it needs some kind of war ASAP before China grows too strong. So if you
were a hardline neocon strategist dedicated to stymieing China at all
costs, you might opt for a stealth 5G warfare approach featuring
deniable biowar strikes among other tactics. You might be stupid or
crazy enough not to consider the possibility of blowback. But more
likely you would welcome the blowback as an opportunity to tear down the
current US economy, which is totally dependent on Chinese imports, and
rebuild a new, more Spartan system geared for a long 5G war on China
(and Russia and Iran and Venezuela and anybody else who won’t follow
your orders).

Strategic analysts agree that the necessary prelude to ramped up
US-vs.-China warfare would be a decoupling of the US and Chinese
economies. That decoupling is happening now, thanks to coronavirus. Once
it has passed the point of no return, war becomes far more likely.

Hunkering down for a serious war on China and its allies would also
require a momentous psychological and cultural shift on the part of the
American people. Until now, they have been lazy, undisciplined, addicted
to consumption without much production, and unwilling to sacrifice
themselves (though quite willing to murder foreigners from the safe
distance of a drone base). Only a profound psychic shock, and some
serious deprivation, could retool them as potential soldiers and total
war participants in a deadly and dangerous struggle to maintain their
rulers’ global dominance privileges. Or so the neocons might imagine.[5]

Will the panicked American sheeple, stampeded toward the toilet paper
aisles by Coronavirus 911-2B, be redirected into a hyper-militarized
mode of life befitting a long war for full spectrum dominance? Will the
Great Coronavirus Depression end in World War III just as the first
Great Depression ended in World War II, with military Keynesianism once
again "rescuing" a dead-in-the-water economy? Will 9/11 and the 9/11
wars seem like small potatoes once we’ve seen the Coronavirus Wars?


[1] From 2006 through around 2011 my 9/11 truth focused Wikipedia page
was defaced by false accusations, sourced to an anonymous blog, that I
was a "supporter of Holocaust deniers." At the time I knew almost
nothing about Holocaust revisionism, and did not even recognize the name
of the "Holocaust denier" I was accused of supporting. Over a period of
several years, countless attempts to correct the dozens of false
statements about me on Wikipedia were made, but the false information
would immediately reappear within hours, sometimes within minutes.

[2] When I brought Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11
Truth to Madison, Wisconsin, the WORT "alternative" radio interviewer’s
first question was "why do you hate the Jews?" Gage was nonplussed. He
and his organization focus on scientific evidence of controlled
demolition, not the question of who did it.

[3] "A slew of new start-ups were launched, specializing in everything
from ‘search and nail’ data mining, to surveillance cameras, to
terrorist profiling. When the market for these services and devices
exploded in the years after September 11, the Israeli state openly
embraced a new national economic vision: the growth provided by the
dot-com bubble would be replaced with a homeland security boom." (Naomi
Klein, The Shock Doctrine, p.435)

[4] Chinas Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is poised to end Western
dominance of world trade in the same way the European sea route to Asia
ended Muslim dominance via the Silk Road 500 years ago. For historical
perspective, read Peter Frankopan’s The Silk Roads: A New History of the

[5] "On this perverse (neocon) view of the world, if America fails to
achieve her national destiny, and is mired in perpetual war, then all is
well. Man’s humanity, defined in terms of struggle to the death, is
rescued from extinction… To my mind, this fascistic glorification of
death and violence springs from a profound inability to celebrate life,
joy, and the sheer thrill of existence." –Shadia Drury

(4) Kevin Barrett - Coronavirus vs. US Economy: Chaotic Devastation or
Targeted Strike?

Coronavirus vs. US Economy: Chaotic Devastation or Targeted Strike?

Kevin Barrett

Ramadan 08, 1441

The US economy is in a tailspin. By late April, roughly 26 million jobs
had disappeared in less than two months—an all-time record. Retail sales
fell 8.7% in March. Total American industrial production dropped 5.4%,
the worst decline since war production ended in January 1946. Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) plunged 7.5% overnight, a whopping 30% annualized
decline. The stock market, too, imploded, plummeting 30% in 22 days, the
fastest decline ever, worse even than the more famous collapse of 1929.

The destruction of the US economy was blamed on coronavirus lockdowns.
43 of 50 US states issued stay-at-home orders in late March, part of the
first-ever planet-wide experiment in mass house arrest. "Non-essential"
businesses, most of them small, were forcibly shut down, while
"essential" businesses, most of them large, continued to function.

The most essential business of all, judging from the government
response, was usury banking and speculative investing. The parasites who
operate those useless "industries," which are really just casinos for
the super-rich, grabbed the lion’s share of the $6 trillion rescue
package consisting of the $2 trillion CARES Act and $4 trillion in
Federal Reserve handouts. The bailout bonanza built on the post-2008
frenzy of "quantitative easing," a euphemism for printing trillions of
dollars out of thin air and handing it to the richest and most
parasitical and unproductive people on earth to bail out their
fraudulent casino-style "investments."

Meanwhile ordinary Americans, many of them deprived of their livelihoods
by state-ordered lockdowns, are being offered a single $1200 stimulus
check. Since the average US income is $63,000 per year, one stimulus
check equals considerably less than one week’s average earnings. Yet
most Americans are being locked down for more than a month. Many will
face economic disaster, given that, as the Forbes Magazine headline put
it, "63% Of Americans Don't Have Enough Savings To Cover A $500
Emergency." Adding insult to injury, the measly $1200 stimulus checks
were delayed because Trump insisted they bear his personal signature.

Rich Americans—those with six-figure earnings—were deemed ineligible for
the $1200 stimulus checks. But many are laughing, not crying, all the
way to the bank. The stimulus package includes a set of provisions
ensuring that "at least 43,000 American millionaires who are too rich to
get coronavirus stimulus checks are getting a far bigger boost —
averaging $1.6 million each, according to a congressional committee." In
other words, each of those super-rich Americans who make more than a
million dollars a year is getting more than one thousand times as much
as his or her poorer counterpart.

Though the pandemic has devastated the US economy overall, some have
profited. As small local retailers have been forcibly shuttered, the
biggest conglomerates have scooped up their market share. CNBC reports
that "Analysts see stocks like Amazon and Walmart continuing to benefit
from the coronavirus pandemic." Additionally, the
medical-surveillance-industrial-complex is booming. RT reported April
10: "Apple and Google debut Bluetooth-based contact-tracing platform to
combat Covid-19... and end privacy?" The new smartphone app will trace
all Americans’ movements and hand the data to the government, ostensibly
so that people can be notified if they cross the path of someone who
tests positive for COVID-19.

The plan for total government surveillance of the American people, using
the pandemic as a convenient excuse, is exactly what the National
Security State has been demanding. The FOIA-released document "Chinese
Tech Landscape Overview," produced by the National Security Commission
on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI), essentially argues that the only way
the US can contain the rise of China is to institute an even more
draconian surveillance state than the one the Chinese are building. The
document states that in order to "maintain a technological advantage in
artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other associated
technologies related to national security and defense" the US will need
to institute mass surveillance on a herculean scale and feed all the
data to AI-driven supercomputers.

"Having streets carpeted with cameras is good infrastructure," the
document tells us. It also calls for the elimination of cash, so that
all buying and selling can be watched in real time by
corporate-government fused AI systems. (Conveniently, the pandemic has
cast cash as "dirty.") Private automobiles, the document says, must also
be eliminated. In short, the coronavirus pandemic has provided a perfect
excuse, under the cover of a "national emergency," to shunt aside
privacy concerns and enter an Orwellian total surveillance nightmare.

As all of the above observations suggest, the tiny, parasitic
billionaire oligarchy that rules America is getting exactly what it
wants thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. Is that a coincidence? Some
analysts think not, especially given the geopolitical context. Dr. T.P.
Wilkinson writes: "This economic war (by the neoliberal Western
oligarchy against China and to a lesser extent Russia) entered a new
phase with the Wuhan attack."

His article is worth quoting at length:

In the Western media one finds accusations that China caused the "corona
crisis" to benefit from a fall in asset prices (not only stock markets
but also for businesses damaged by the lockdown) to buy them up on the
cheap. Personally I follow a golden rule when reading Western official
statements, whether directly from regime mouthpieces or through their
Great Wurlitzer: what they accuse is what they are hiding. It is like
that classic scene in many a classroom: the bully slaps another pupil.
Pupil slaps back and bully screams. The teacher only sees the return
slap and never the first strike. The slapped pupil is punished and the
bully rewarded.

If we ask critically what the new QE is supposed to do—is it to protect
all these banks from another 2008 failure? No, not really. Instead it is
to fill the "banks" with cash for pre-emptive buying following the price
crashes so that China can be blocked out of any further investment in
the West’s critical sectors. It is also survival money so that all the
defaults and bankruptcies in the SME sector can be written off without
damaging the overall profit line.

Independent historians have convincingly argued that previous major
crises and policy turning points—the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, World
War 1, the Great Depression, World War II, Kissinger’s controlled
demolition of the gold standard in 1971, 9/11, and the 2008
collapse—were orchestrated events designed by the Western usury-banking
oligarchy to extend and consolidate its wealth and power. All of these
events were engineered shocks, like those explored by Naomi Klein in The
Shock Doctrine. Each war or economic catastrophe forces smaller players
out of the market, allowing the big players to buy everything up at
pennies on the dollar while re-writing the rule book to favor
themselves. And each war or catastrophe forces governments to borrow
even more money at compound interest from the private bankers, who print
that money out of thin air, then collect endlessly-compounding interest
from future generations. (About one-third of Western GDP is stolen by
the usury banking parasites, meaning that there is a hidden "usury tax"
of 33% on every transaction you have ever engaged in.)

Historical context forces us to conclude that COVID-19 was almost
certainly produced in a biological weapons laboratory and deliberately
unleashed on China, Iran, and the world, possibly as a botched attack
meant to seriously harm only China and Iran, but more likely as a means
to paralyze and deglobalize the world economy in order to stop the rise
of China, while further consolidating the wealth and power of the usury
banking oligarchy. So, during this locked-down Ramadan, always a good
month to ponder and reflect, we should consider why Allah SWT has
literally declared war on usurers, and take notice of our own obligation
to wage war on the Western banking oligarchy, the worst group of usurers
in all of human history.

(5) Barrett: Trump Clashes with Media on Coronavirus

Trump Clashes with Media on Coronavirus

Kevin Barrett

Ramadan 08, 1441

US President Donald Trump has been waging a war of words with the media
over coronavirus politics. He has been lying, spinning, distorting, and
saying outrageous (and outrageously false) things like: "When somebody
is the president of the United States, the authority is total. And
that’s the way it’s got to be. It’s total." And: "The federal government
has absolute power." Both claims are obviously false in light of the
Constitution. Trump even ludicrously bragged that he saved "billions" of
lives from coronavirus because "we made a lot of good decisions." In
reality, the total population of the US is only about one third of a
billion, and Trump’s bad decisions will likely cost tens of thousands of

Trump has also encouraged "reopen America" protests and encouraged gun
enthusiasts to bring their weapons. He delayed economic stimulus checks,
insisting that his name be printed on them. He continually promises to
end the lockdown—first on April 12, then on May 1—and then wavers in his
decisions. He endlessly lies about the fact that his foot-dragging
approach to the pandemic is what allowed it to get a foothold in America
in the first place. The media has responded by ridiculing Trump,
pointing out the pathetic clumsiness of his response to the pandemic,
and calling out his absurd lies.

Normally, the media’s unflattering portrayal of Trump would guarantee
his defeat in the November elections. And, Trump’s botched response to
the pandemic, and the resulting economic devastation, would be an even
surer guarantee of the incumbent’s loss of the presidency.

But these are not normal times. Trump won the White House by running
against most of the mainstream media. The more the media attacked and
ridiculed him, the more his supporters loved him.

Trump’s war on the media was and remains unprecedented. In the past, all
serious candidates for federal office in the United States assiduously
courted the media. Their greatest fear was always the "gaffe" that would
give the big TV news outlets and the nation’s leading newspapers an
opportunity to attack and ridicule them.

Trump took precisely the opposite approach. He actually invited media
ridicule by saying ridiculous and obnoxious things (as well as alluding
to a few unspeakable truths, like Bush’s responsibility for 9/11, CIA
Cubans’ involvement in the JFK assassination, and Bill Clinton’s claim
to being a serial rapist). Trump’s impolite utterances predictably
elicited outrage and hostility from the media establishment. And if that
wasn’t enough, he viciously attacked the media as well as his political
opponents. Trump had learned to operate that way from his mentor, Roy
Cohn, the "lawyer" who ran New York for the world’s then-leading
organized crime kingpin, Meyer Lansky. Cohn taught Trump to respond to
attacks by mounting high-volume counter-attacks, the nastier the better.

Trump learned Cohn’s lesson well—and applied it in his 2016 presidential
campaign in a unique and unprecedented way. Trump understood that by
2016, the American people no longer trusted mainstream media. The
nation’s press and TV news outlets had lied to the people about such a
long list of critically important issues, beginning with the JFK
assassination and 9/11, that they no longer knew whom or what to
believe. Trump exploited that mistrust by posing as the heroic
castigator of the "fake news media." A new pseudo-alternative pro-Trump
media emerged via the de facto merger of alt-right and alt-light outlets
like InfoWars, WhatReallyHappened, NaturalNews, and Breitbart on the one
hand, with Rupert Murdoch’s gigantic Likud propaganda factory Fox News
on the other.

So, Trump won in 2016, and has governed and survived impeachment since
then, by polarizing both the media and the electorate. Can that strategy
survive the coronavirus crisis?

It all depends on how the pandemic plays out. If America is still in
chaos in November, plagued by a huge and continuing death toll
necessitating continuing lockdowns, Trump may not be able to succeed in
deflecting the blame onto scapegoats: China, the WHO, the Democrats, Dr.
Anthony Fauci, the media, anyone but himself. At some point Trump’s
scapegoating strategy—and the American people’s tendency to rally behind
their leader, no matter how evil and/or insane, in a time of crisis—will
start to wear thin. A resounding Trump defeat could be the result.

On the other hand, if the pandemic eases, and appears not to have been
as bad as the media had predicted—and if the economy is rebounding in
the fall—Trump will benefit politically. He will claim that the
Democrats and mainstream liberal media tried to shut America down, while
he, the brave and sagacious Trump, battled heroically to keep it open.
He will take credit for the rebound, and promise better times ahead. If
the HCQ-zinc coronavirus cure pans out, Trump will bask in its reflected
glory, and rip the media for not trusting his amazingly prescient
medical judgment. He will cast himself as the eternal optimist, while
castigating the media for its unwarranted negativity and pessimism. And
of course, he will flagellate Joe Biden as both "sleepy" (senile) and by
rhyming implication "creepy" (Biden doesn’t just grope women’s private
parts like he, Trump, does, but actually violates them.)

All of this might or might not win over enough voters to give Trump a
resounding victory. But it could certainly allow him to prevail in the
key swing states that will decide the election. (Assuming, of course,
that the votes are being counted accurately, always a dangerous
assumption in the black-box-voting-machine-run USA.)

Whatever happens in November, Trump’s battle with the media over the
COVID-19 pandemic is a symptom of the larger collapse of the Western
public’s trust in its media, politicians, and other authority figures.
Even as the media and politicians successfully persuade billions of
people around the world to abandon their jobs, stop attending their
places of worship, and cower in their homes—a triumph of the art of mass
persuasion—ever-increasing numbers of ordinary people doubt nearly
everything they are being told. Trump feeds on that doubt, and exploits
it. The media, and the billionaire oligarchy that owns it, increasingly
demonize, deplatform, and sometimes even incarcerate the doubters. But
their accelerating efforts to quell the doubts further feed the
perception that the Establishment has something—everything—to hide.

The widespread breakdown of trust in authoritative Western institutions,
which are overwhelmingly secular, and the marginalization of the Western
religious establishment, has created a potentially favorable climate of
opinion for those who wish to propagate the message of Islam. We should
repeatedly hammer home the point that the underlying reason Western
leaders are so often sociopathic and mendacious is the collapse of
religious spirituality and the rise of secular materialism—which offers
no moral foundations whatsoever. An honest, consistent secular
materialist has plenty of compelling reasons to be a clever sociopath
(wealth, power, pleasure) and no genuine, metaphysically-grounded
reasons not to.

Additionally, the coronavirus crisis forces us to confront the reality
of death. What meaning do our lives have, when they can end at almost
any moment, due to a virus or accident or other act of God—and are
certain to end all too soon in any case? Secular materialism does not
have a satisfying answer to such questions. Islam does. Perhaps at least
some of the people today who are being terrorized, locked down, and lied
to by their leaders, will take the time to follow the Qur’an’s advice to
ponder and reflect.

(6) Wrong about Covid: Larry Romanoff, Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today,
Ron Unz & Global Research

by Peter Myers, June 27, 2020

My discussions with Larry Romanoff dated to over a year ago.

Since then, he has become a major influence on the leftists at Global
Research, persuading them that the Tiananmen massacre of 1989 did not
occur, and that Covid-19 is a US bioweapon attack on China.

I released details of the discussion between Romanoff and myself because
his impact on world politics requires that his real agenda be identified.

As one commentator on this list put it, Larry Romanoff is right about
Jewish influence, but blind about China.

Romanoff is part of the China Lobby. His stretegy is to list all the
sins of White America that he can, including its genocide of the Indians
(natives) and its Jewish domination.

Yet at the same time, he airbrushes China's sins away.

Michel Chossudovsky, editor at Global Resaearch, has taken up a number
of Romanoff's ideas. Only a few months ago, Chossudovsky was denying the
reality of the virus.

Israel Shamir and Ron Unz likewise have accepted Romanoff's ideas.

Unlike them, Kevin Barrett does not deny the Tiananmen massacre 1989.

Barrett, to his credit, does not treat the Deep State as a single
entity. He says he suspects "some elements" of it, and goes on to pin
the blame for Covid-10 on the Neocons, the same faction that pulled off 911.

He surmizes that they did it to bring down China. This would mean that
they saw the rise of China as a threat to their own plans for another
Jewish Century, and took pre-emptive action.

The Neocons are closely aligned with Netanyahu. With Barrett I agree
that they orchestrated 911, & that PNAC documents affirm the use of
bioweapons. No doubt they had Arabs in mind.

Other factions of the elite are the Globalists (Soros, Rothschild,
Rockefeller), and the Paleoconservatives (Trump, Nixon, Pat Buchanan).
The Paleoconservatives are also the original 'British' faction of the
Anglo-American Establishment, with race and culture values like Cecil
Rhodes and Lord Milner.

Their faction fell with the loss in Vietnam, and the Culture War of the
1960s &70s; they got ousted by the Globalist and Neocon factions.

The Globalist and Neocon factions are substantiaaly Jewish, but they are
at odds with one another. To succeed, Trump had to align with one
(Neocon) against the other (Globalist).

Trump is seen as an outsider, not part of the elite at all; yet he's a
billionaire with close ties to Zionists like Sheldon Adelson, so it's
best to consider him as part of the elite. His rise amounts to a
resurgence of the Paleoconservative faction.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr, in contrast, is a true outsider, a Patriot not
part of the elite. He can be considered as a Nationalist in the good
sense (that is, not an Imperialist).

But if the Neocons created Covid-19 as a bioweapon, how to explain
Netanyahu's closeness to China & Xi Yinping? Israel has been selling
Western tech & weapons to China ever since the Tiananmen massacre 1989
cut off Western supplies. Even recently, Israel has resisted Pompeio's
demand to exclude China from Infrastructure cointracts, eg Haifa port
and the desalination plant.

WHO, Bill Gates & John Hopkins are all Globalist. The claim that they
created Covid-19, that their Event 201 went live in the same way that
the 911 drill went live, ignores the fact that China itself conducted a
coronavirus drill in Wuhan on Sept 18. These Globalists have conducted
simulations in past years, not just in 2019. George W. Bush announced
the Lockdown doctrine in 2006, in conjunction with simulations at that time.

If the Globalist faction created Covid-19 as a bioweapon, why would they
do something that threatens Globalization? Barrett admits that the
likely outcome is the end of Globalization.

If the Globalists did it to undermine China, how to explain the
Globalists' defence of China against Trump's accusations? How to explain
Globalist (MSM) media refusing to report Francis Boyle's calling it a
bioweapon? Refusing to report Luc Montagnier's discovery of HIV in
Covid-19, meaning that it was created in a lab? Refusing to report
Nikolai Petrovsky's suspicions that it was a lab creation, even though
MSM lauded Petrovsky's creation of a vaccine for Ebola? How to explain
WHO's closeness to China, delay in declaring a pandemic, rejection of
closing borders to flights friom China in the early days, rejection of
Trump's calling it the 'China virus'.

Could the CIA have done it? James Clapper, Obama's Director of National
Intelligence, monitored Chinese spying and considered Chiuna an enemy.
But he was a Globalist; anyway, Trump sacked him. The US Intelligence
Agencies have released statements that Covid-19 was NOT developed in a
lab, thus exonerating China. Would they have done that if they had been
trying to frame China?

If Paleoconservatives or Patriots (Nationalists) unleashed Covid-19, how
to explain the Trump regime's disorganized handling of the pandemic,
Trump's vaccilation (which Barrett acknowledges), and the US becoming
the epicentre, with 28% of world cases but only 6% of world population.
US mismanagement is destroying its reputation.

Compare 911, the destruction of the WTC.. Within a few days of 911,
Neocons had organized the collection of debris (eg from Pentagon),
removal of evidence & sending beams from the towers to China -
destruction of evidence. And had fingered Osama Bin Laden as culprit.

Ron Unz calls the Covid-19 devastation in the US 'blowback', an
unintended consequence. But earlier simulations DID foresee that a
decentralized country like the US, politically divided and with a
rebellious population, would fail to contain a pandemic in the efficient
way authoritarian China can do.

The claim that Covid-19 was deliberately released cannot be sustained.
Francis Boyle stated months ago, in repeated interviews, that Covid-19
was a bioweapon under development, accidentally released, and that it
affects all races and would spread worldwide.

Barrett sees Covid-19 as a re-run of 911. Yet he admits that he did not
wake up to 911 being a False Flag attack at the time. I, on the
contrary, immediately recognized it as such, and engaged in debate with
Jared Israel at the time; he was deflecting such ideas.

Francis Boyle stated that the Anthrax mailed after 911 was so pure that
it could only have come from Fort Detrick. He was not saying that the
management of that lab was complicit, but that someone working there was
-I would guess that it was a Neocon.

Of course, if the Anthrax attacks were False Flag, that would cast doubt
on the whole 911 narrative.

Boyle made those statements in a BBC TV interview; after that, he was
blacklisted by the Globalist MSM. They have not reported any of his
statements about Covid-19, despite his having been the author of the
Bioweapons Act.

In the early days of Covid-19, the populists thought that it would only
attack ethnic Chinese, and the idea that it was a US attack on China
took hold. But that was never credible. The devastation wrought in the
US undermines that idea, but rather than accept that they were wrong,
the proponents call it an unforseen consequence.

The only accurate assessment is that Covid-19 was accidentally released,
a leak.

The problem with Larry Romanoff, Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today, Ron Unz,
and Michel Chossudovsky is that they think there is only one Bad Guy.
Too late, they will wake up to the reality that China is a bad guy too.

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