Friday, September 27, 2019

1058 Kalergi Plan - discrepancy at Wikipedia. DSA partners with Brazilian Trotskyists

Kalergi Plan - discrepancy at Wikipedia. DSA partners with Brazilian

This newsletter of September 19, 2019 is at

The newsletter of September 8, 2019 is appended to it at the bottom,
because several comments (items 1 to 4) relate to an article in the
earlier newsletter: Fed & IMF may switch from $ to SDR as World Currency
- William Engdahl.

(1) If the future of the USA is Greece, then the future of Australia is
(2) Positive interest rates in USA, with negative interests in Europe,
will destroy Europe
(3)  What if the "powers that be" behind the Fed want an Elisabeth
Warren agenda - William Engdahl
(4) If cash is removed, fiat currency is digitized and all deposits are
bailed-in, only the Bankers will have any Money
(5) Kalergi Plan - discrepancy at Wikipedia
(6) Kalergi Plan Conspiracy Theory
(7) HPV vaccine a cause of sterility (yet this is not mentioned in sites
promoting HPV)
(8) Too Much Breast Cancer and Not Enough Answers - Dr David Brownstein
(9) Snowden says he broke non-disclosure agreement to reveal that
Government is violating the Constitution
(10) Teen kicked out of class for claiming there are only ‘two genders’
(11) NYT Forced To Issue Major Correction To Kavanaugh Hit-Piece
(12) Times Makes Major Correction That Undermines Its Big Brett
Kavanaugh Story
(13) New York Times sinks its Kavanaugh claim with Editor's Note stating
alleged victim 'does not recall the incident'
(14) Looking at the 9/11 False Flag After 18 Years - Greg Bacon, at
(15) DSA partners with Brazilian Trotskyists to attack Trump and Bolsonaro

(1) If the future of the USA is Greece, then the future of Australia is

Subject: Re: The 2008 Bailout: Fed loaned $16 trillion to banks &
businesses. No Recovery for ordinary people
From: Michael Crighton <>
Cc: Robert Crighton <>

 > MICHAEL HUDSON: No, we haven’t at all recovered.
 > That’s why Hillary lost the election. ...
 > The whole economy at the end of the road is going to
 > look like Greece or Spain or Portugal or Italy. All of
 > these economies are shrinking by what’s called debt deflation.

Globalised Banks. No borders.
Bailed out by the poor. Ditto.
Not nationalised as the dominant ideology,  the ownership of government,
via the government’s, is theirs.

See Boris Trump-Morrison.

If the future of the ZSA is Greece, then the future of Australia is
somewhere way south. Sudan?

Sorry kids.


(2) Positive interest rates in USA, with negative interests in Europe,
will destroy Europe

From: Orwell <>
Subject: the Fed might be holding interest rates high as a strategy to
cause  recession

To understand what happens in the world, or is done, one has to take in
account the actions of destroyers.
The universal suffrage has created ideal opportunities for psychopaths,
among them the destroyers,
or nécrophiles*. So positive interest rates in the USA, with negative
interests in Europe can be
considered as an operation to destroy Europe. With an argument pleasing
the Americans.
Negative interests have en plus the advantage of inciting governments to
increase their debts.

*one of the greatest in history is, according to Eric Fromm, in his
Anatomy of Human Destructivity,
Winston Churchill.

(3)  What if the "powers that be" behind the Fed want an Elisabeth
Warren agenda - William Engdahl

From: "William Engdahl" <>
Subject: AW: Fed's attempt to oust Trump may put Sanders, Warren or
Gabbard in by mistake

I read with interest your reports since some years. I would add the
disturbing thought: what if the "powers that be" behind the Fed want an
Elisabeth Warren agenda. Next step in their New World (Dystopian) Order?
BIS-IMF-UN Agenda 2030, eugenics?
Thanks for your ongoing work,

(4) If cash is removed, fiat currency is digitized and all deposits are
bailed-in, only the Bankers will have any Money

From: "Bill Madden" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Henry Pierson" <henry.pierson...snip...Myers Peter"
Subject: Re: A financial meltdown coming?


I read some of the attachment and it becomes obvious after a few quotes
from the Goldman Sachs graduates why both Pierson and Aristotle include
the factor of "store of value" when defining money.  If money were a
store of value or if any fiat currency used for convenience could be
converted to some official amount of value, the discipline would
drastically shrink the world economy.

If cash is removed, fiat currency is digitized and all deposits are
bailed-in, only the bankers will have any money and the masses will
become slaves.  SDRs are fiat unless convertible at some official rate
to something of value.  A basket of fiat currency from different
bankrupt countries is like a basket of shit from different dogs.

Thanks for sharing the information.

Bill Madden

(5) Kalergi Plan - discrepancy at Wikipedia
- by Peter Myers, September 19, 2019

Wikipedia's page on Count Richard Nicolaus Coudenhove Kalergi, founder
of the EU, is at

I first visited that page in 2017.

In 1925, Kelergi set out his ideas in a book called Practical Idealism
(Praktischer Idealismus). It envisaged mass immigration into Europe, and
the forming of a new, mixed-race European type similar to the Ancient

However, the current Wikipedia page suppresses this, and instead calls
it a conspiracy theory.

It says:
{quote} Nazi criticism and propaganda against Coudenhove-Kalergi, and
his European worldview, would decades later form the basis of the racist
Kalergi plan conspiracy theory.[26]
Nazis considered the Pan-European Union to be under the control of

But when I visited Wikipedia page on Kalergi in 2017, at the same
address (above), it contained the following quote from Kalergi's book
(which has since been removed):

In his book Praktischer Idealismus (Practical Idealism), written in
1925, he describes the future of Jews in Europe and of European racial
composition with the following words:[45]

The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes
will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and
prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its
appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of
peoples with a diversity of individuals. [...]

Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will,
refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through
this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that
escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe.
Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of
nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when
Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish

  Coudenhove-Kalergi 1925, pp. 20, 23, 50

  Coudenhove-Kalergi, Richard Nikolaus (1925). Praktischer Idealismus
[Practical Idealism] (in German). Wien-Leipzig: Pan-Europa-Verlag.
UBR069031840355. Retrieved 2014-11-07.

This page was last edited on 1 September 2017, at 17:55.

I always save the timestamp at the bottom of a Wikipedia page.

That came in handy yesterday morning (Sept 18, 2019) - when I found the
quote from Praktischer Idealismus missing.

Wikipedia lets you look at previous version of the page, under Page
History. I went there, and found the version for the date & time I had
saved,  1 September 2017, at 17:55.

Lo and behold, the missing quote was there. You too can see it at

So how is that this is deemed a Conspiracy theory?

(6) Kalergi Plan Conspiracy Theory - 'akin to Protocols of Zion'

Wikipedia recently added a new webpage on Kalergi, called "Kalergi Plan"
or Kalergi Conspiracy Theory. The history of the page says that it was
created at 18:46 on 7 May 2019.

Here is the latest version:

Kalergi plan

The Kalergi plan (Italian: piano Kalergi), or sometimes called the
Coudenhove-Kalergi Conspiracy,[1] is a far-right,[2] anti-semitic, white
nationalist conspiracy theory,[3] which states that a plot to mix white
Europeans with other races via immigration was constructed by Austrian
politician Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi and promoted in aristocratic
European social circles.[4] The conspiracy theory is most often
associated with European groups and parties, but it has also spread to
North American politics.[5]


Austrian writer and neo-Nazi Gerd Honsik wrote about the subject in his
book Kalergi Plan (2005).[6] Investigative newspaper Linkiesta have
described the Kalergi plan as a hoax which is comparable to the
anti-semitic fabrication The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.[7]


The SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) denotes that the Kalergi plan
conspiracy theory is a distinctly European way of pushing the narrative
of white genocide on the continent, with white nationalists quoting
Coudenhove-Kalergi's writings out of context in order to assert that the
European Union's immigration policies were insidious plots that were
hatched decades ago in order to destroy white people.[8] Hope Not Hate,
an anti-racism advocacy group, has described it as a racist conspiracy
theory, which alleges that Coudenhove-Kalergi intended to influence
Europe's policies on immigration in order to create a "populace devoid
of identity" which would then supposedly be ruled by a Jewish elite.[9]

In his 2018 novel Middle England, author Jonathan Coe uses the Kalergi
plan to satirize the concept with his conspiracy theorist character
Peter Stopes.[10]

This page was last edited on 16 September 2019, at 06:04 (UTC).

Comment (Peter M.): Given that the current mass immigration into Europe
seems to be fulfilling the "Kalergi Plan", might this not indicate that
the Protocols of Zion is genuine after all?

(7) HPV vaccine a cause of sterility (yet this is not mentioned in sites
promoting HPV)

J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2018;81(14):661-674. doi:
10.1080/15287394.2018.1477640. Epub 2018 Jun 11.

A lowered probability of pregnancy in females in the USA aged 25-29 who
received a human papillomavirus vaccine injection.

DeLong G1.


Birth rates in the United States have recently fallen. Birth rates per
1000 females aged 25-29 fell from 118 in 2007 to 105 in 2015. One factor
may involve the vaccination against the human papillomavirus (HPV).
Shortly after the vaccine was licensed, several reports of recipients
experiencing primary ovarian failure emerged. This study analyzed
information gathered in National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey, which represented 8 million 25-to-29-year-old women residing in
the United States between 2007 and 2014. Approximately 60% of women who
did not receive the HPV vaccine had been pregnant at least once, whereas
only 35% of women who were exposed to the vaccine had conceived. For
married women, 75% who did not receive the shot were found to conceive,
while only 50% who received the vaccine had ever been pregnant. Using
logistic regression to analyze the data, the probability of having been
pregnant was estimated for females who received an HPV vaccine compared
with females who did not receive the shot. Results suggest that females
who received the HPV shot were less likely to have ever been pregnant
than women in the same age group who did not receive the shot. If 100%
of females in this study had received the HPV vaccine, data suggest the
number of women having ever conceived would have fallen by 2 million.
Further study into the influence of HPV vaccine on fertility is thus

PMID: 29889622

DOI: 10.1080/15287394.2018.1477640

(8) Too Much Breast Cancer and Not Enough Answers - Dr David Brownstein

Too Much Breast Cancer and Not Enough Answers

In the US, breast cancer rates are out of control. Presently, one in
seven US women suffer from breast cancer.

In 2019, an estimated 268,600 women will be diagnosed with invasive
breast cancer.

Think about those numbers: One in seven and nearly 270,000 women
diagnosed with invasive cancer—THIS YEAR!   Those numbers are
unacceptable, or at least they should be!

What are the Powers-That-Be doing to stem this tide? The answer: They
are too busy diagnosing and treating and are not properly searching for
the underlying cause of why too many US women suffer with breast cancer.

The Powers-That-Be promote routine mammograms as the answer to the
breast cancer epidemic. But, it is important to understand that
mammograms are only a diagnostic tool. Mammograms are not preventative.
In fact, they are the opposite of preventative. The radiation from
mammograms increases a woman’s risk for breast cancer with EACH
mammogram she receives. Studies have shown that mammograms result in
more diagnoses of breast cancer without a significant difference in the
overall rate of death from the disease. (1)

So, what is causing the breast cancer epidemic?

I think there are many reasons why so many US women are suffering and
dying from breast cancer. Remember, to be affecting an entire
population, the causative factors have to be widely prevalent in the

Here’s what I think is going on:

We are exposed to too many synthetic hormones which can disrupt the
normal hormonal milieu. Women are prescribed synthetic hormones in birth
control pills and conventional hormonal replacement therapy which have
been conclusively shown to increase the risk for breast cancer. Needless
to say, I do not prescribe synthetic hormones for any reason nor do I
recommend my patients take them. This was one of the main reasons, 25
years ago, that I began researching and working with bioidentical,
natural hormones. More information about natural hormones can be found
in my book, The Miracle of Natural Hormones.

Iodine deficiency is one of the main reasons we are seeing so much
breast cancer. I have been writing and lecturing about iodine for almost
20 years. Iodine levels in the US have fallen over 50% during the last
40 years while at the same time breast cancer rates have risen to
epidemic levels.

For well over 50 years, iodine has been the most researched nutrient in
treating fibrocystic breast disease. Over 80% of US women have
fibrocystic breast disease which is a precursor to breast cancer.
Research dating back decades ago proved iodine replacement successfully
treats fibrocystic breast disease.

For nearly 20 years, my partners and I have been checking iodine levels.
After reviewing results from over 7,000 patients, we have found nearly
97% of those tested are low in iodine, the majority very low.

What can you do to prevent becoming a breast cancer statistic? First, do
not take synthetic hormones. Especially synthetic forms of progesterone
commonly known as progestins. Next, eat a clean diet free of hormones
and pesticides as well as exercise daily and do not smoke cigarettes.

Finally, make sure you maintain optimal iodine levels. It is best to
work with an iodine-knowledgeable health care practitioner. At my
office, the Center for Holistic Medicine, you don’t have to worry about
that. We are all knowledgeable about how to properly use iodine. In our
toxic world, it is impossible to maintain optimal iodine levels through
dietary means alone. I think supplementation is a must. My research has
shown that optimal iodine supplementation varies between 6-50 mg/day for
most people. However, those with glandular diseases such as breast
illness may require more.

More information about iodine can be found in my book, Iodine: Why You
Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It.

David Brownstein, M.D.

(9) Snowden says he broke non-disclosure agreement to reveal that
Government is violating the Constitution


U.S. wants to seize all money Edward Snowden makes from new book

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States filed a lawsuit on Tuesday
against Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor
who leaked secret documents about U.S. telephone and internet
surveillance in 2013, saying his new book violates non-disclosure

Edward Snowden speaks via video link as he takes part in a discussion
about his book "Permanent Record" with German journalist Holger Stark in
Berlin, Germany, September 17, 2019. REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch The Justice
Department said Snowden published his memoir, "Permanent Record,"
without submitting it to intelligence agencies for review, adding that
speeches given by Snowden also violated nondisclosure agreements. In
2013, Snowden wrote "Everything You Know about the Constitution is Wrong."

The United States is seeking all proceeds earned by Snowden for the
book, the Justice Department said. The lawsuit also names the "corporate
entities" behind the book’s publication as nominal defendants.

Ben Wizner, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union who
represents Snowden, said the lawsuit was without merit.

"This book contains no government secrets that have not been previously
published by respected news organizations," he said in a statement,
adding that Snowden would have submitted it for review if he thought the
government would review it in good faith.

Representatives for the book’s publisher, Macmillan Publishers, and its
unit Henry Holt & Co, did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Snowden has lived in Russia since he revealed details of U.S.
intelligence agencies’ secret surveillance programs.

Though he is viewed by some as a hero, U.S. authorities want him to
stand in a criminal trial over his disclosures of classified information.

Speaking by video link at an event in Berlin to promote the book,
Snowden said that while he had signed a non-disclosure agreement to
maintain secrecy, he had also sworn an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution.

"You’ve told the government you’re not going to talk to journalists.
You’ve told them you’re not going to write a book," Snowden said. "At
the same time you have an oath to defend the Constitution. And the
secret that you are asked to protect is that the government is violating
that Constitution and the rights of people around the world."

Reporting by Makini Brice; Additional reporting by Mark Hosenball in
Washington and Paul Carrell in Berlin; Editing by Marguerita Choy and
Lisa Shumaker

(10) Teen kicked out of class for claiming there are only ‘two genders’

Published time: 20 Jun, 2019 16:08 Edited time: 20 Jun, 2019 16:36

A 17-year-old Scottish student claims he was told to leave his class
after saying there are only "two genders" – a statement which earned him
a reprimand from the teacher, whose reaction he secretly recorded on camera.

The three-minute-long video shows the teacher at the Aberdeenshire
secondary school explaining that he was asked to leave the class because
his opinion on genders is "not very inclusive" and out of line with
"national school authority policy."

The student then turns that argument on the 56-year-old teacher, telling
him it’s also "not very inclusive" to prevent him from airing his own
personal views on the subject. When the teen says that claims of more
than two genders are "not scientific whatsoever," the teacher tells him
"not every policy is scientific."

As the debate heats up, the teacher tells the boy he was "clearly given
an opportunity not to pursue" his point, but did so anyway. "Could you
please keep that opinion to your own house? Not in this school," the
teacher asks.

The verbal spat continues, with the student accusing the staff member of
wasting 30 minutes of his time. The teacher then advises him to "make an
official complaint."

"I was simply saying there are two genders – male and female. Anything
else is a personal identification," the boy continues.

Media reports said the teen had been disciplined for sharing the video
online without consent, but not for its content.

In a statement, a spokesperson for the Aberdeenshire Council told the
Scottish Daily Mail that the video didn’t give the full context of the
discussion. The council’s aim, he said, is to "foster good relations
between those who have protected characteristics and those who don’t"
and to support an "inclusive environment for all."

The general secretary of the Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association,
Seamus Searson, also supported the teacher, saying he didn’t know the
full details of the case, but that it sounded like "a youngster looking
for trouble."

(11) NYT Forced To Issue Major Correction To Kavanaugh Hit-Piece
The NYT hit-job is at

Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren responded by calling for Kavanaugh's
impeachment. As a result, I can no longer support them; I support Tulsi
Gabbard instead.

the WaPo covered the Times' apology at

NYT Forced To Issue Major Correction To Kavanaugh Hit-Piece; Trump Says
'They Should Be Sued!'

by Tyler Durden

Mon, 09/16/2019 - 10:13

The New York Times was forced to issue a major correction to an article
about alleged sexual misconduct by Supreme Court Justice Brett
Kavanaugh, after the two journalists who wrote it failed to include
evidence from their own anti-Kavanaugh book which significantly NYT's
??Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly

While digging into an unsupported allegation by a woman named Deborah
Ramirez that Kavanaugh waved his penis in her face during the 1983-1984
academic year at Yale, the Times's Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly claimed
to have uncovered another alleged incident in which Kavanaugh's penis
was thrust into a female student's hand.

A classmate, Max Stier, saw Mr. Kavanaugh with his pants down at a
different drunken dorm party, where friends pushed his penis into the
hand of a female student. Mr. Stier, who runs a nonprofit organization
in Washington, notified senators and the F.B.I. about this account, but
the F.B.I. did not investigate and Mr. Stier has declined to discuss it
publicly. (We corroborated the story with two officials who have
communicated with Mr. Stier.) -New York Times

The only problem - which Pogrebin and Kelly omitted from their NYT
article, yet is contained in their new book "The Education of Brett
Kavanaugh: An Investigation."- is that the woman has no memory of the

NYT Reporters’ essay about a supposed second Yale incident omitted their
own book reporting that completely undercuts it: alleged victim denies
any memory of it. Journalistically indefensible, though gullible
additional reporters are spreading it of course. — Mollie (@MZHemingway)
September 15, 2019

After The Federalist's Mollie Hemmingway and others pointed this out,
the Times issued a major correction to what the National Review's John
McCormack called "one of the worst cases of journalistic malpractice in
recent memory."

An earlier version of this article, which was adapted from a forthcoming
book, did not include one element of the book's account regarding an
assertion by a Yale classmate that friends of Brett Kavanaugh pushed his
penis into the hand of a female student at a drunken dorm party. The
book reports that the female student declined to be interviewed and
friends say that she does not recall the incident. That information has
been added to the article. -NYT [...]

Meanwhile, the office of Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) - who was mentioned
in the article, tweeted several items of note to address the original
claims by Ramirez:

1. Senate Judiciary staff "proactively contacted Ms. Ramirez' lawyers
soon after the New Yorker story broke."

2. "Despite 7 attempts by staff, Ms. Ramirez' lawyers declined to
provide documentary evidence referenced in the article/witness accounts
to support the claims. They also declined invitations for Ms. Ramirez to
speak with committee investigators or to provide a written statement"

3. Nonetheless, our investigators spoke to and reviewed material from
several Yale classmates of Ms. Ramirez and Justice Kavanaugh in order to
assess the claim. You can read the committee’s 414-page investigative
summary here:

4. The committee's review found no verifiable evidence to support the
claims. The @nytimes' own reporting at the time noted that it couldn't
find anyone with firsthand knowledge & that Ms. Ramirez told friends she
couldn’t be sure Kavanaugh was involved:

4. The committee's review found no verifiable evidence to support the
claims. The @nytimes' own reporting at the time noted that it couldn't
find anyone with firsthand knowledge & that Ms. Ramirez told friends she
couldn’t be sure Kavanaugh was involved: — Sen. Grassley Press (@GrassleyPress)
September 15, 2019

5. Ultimately, Ms. Ramirez’ team agreed only to contact the FBI with the
claims. She was reportedly interviewed by the FBI during its
supplemental background investigation. More on those background
investigations here:

5. Ultimately, Ms. Ramirez’ team agreed only to contact the FBI with the
claims. She was reportedly interviewed by the FBI during its
supplemental background investigation. More on those background
investigations here: — Sen. Grassley Press
(@GrassleyPress) September 15, 2019

(12) Times Makes Major Correction That Undermines Its Big Brett
Kavanaugh Story

By Benjamin Hart @realaxelfoley

On Sunday, the New York Times updated its story reporting a new assault
allegation against Brett Kavanaugh, which had drawn widespread
attention, to clarify that the woman at the center of the incident does
not recall it.

A newly attached editor’s note at the bottom of the story reads: "An
earlier version of this article, which was adapted from a forthcoming
book, did not include one element of the book’s account regarding an
assertion by a Yale classmate that friends of Brett Kavanaugh pushed his
penis into the hand of a female student at a drunken dorm party. The
book reports that the female student declined to be interviewed and
friends say that she does not recall the incident. That information has
been added to the article."

That clarification put already substantial right-wing backlash to the
story into overdrive, with many conservative defenders of Kavanaugh —
most prominent among them President Trump — alleging journalistic
malpractice or worse.

"The New York Times walks back report on Kavanaugh assault claim."
@foxandfriends The one who is actually being assaulted is Justice
Kavanaugh - Assaulted by lies and Fake News! This is all about the
LameStream Media working with their partner, the Dems. — Donald J. Trump
(@realDonaldTrump) September 16, 2019

Just Out: "Kavanaugh accuser doesn’t recall incident." @foxandfriends DO
to destroy, and influence his opinions - but played the game badly. They
should be sued! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 16, 2019

The story, which is an adaptation from an upcoming book about Kavanaugh
and his confirmation to the Supreme Court by Times reporters Robin
Pogrebin and Kate Kelly, disclosed an incident that had not been
previously reported from Kavanaugh’s party-heavy days at Yale. It
reported that "a classmate, Max Stier, saw Mr. Kavanaugh with his pants
down at a different drunken dorm party, where friends pushed his penis
into the hand of a female student." The story says that Stier notified
the FBI about what he’d seen but has not spoken publicly about it. But
it did not originally mention that the unnamed woman has no recollection
of it.

The story also includes new details about Deborah Ramirez, who last year
alleged that Kavanaugh thrust his penis in her face at a party during
their time together at Yale. The Times reports that at least seven
people, including Ramirez’s mother, heard about the incident shortly
after it occurred, but that the FBI, in its seemingly perfunctory
investigation of Kavanaugh’s past conduct just before his confirmation
vote, did not talk to any of them. Instead, the agency focused on the
allegations brought forward by Christine Blasey Ford, who said that
Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed and tried to remove her clothes during a
high-school party, but whose claims could not be corroborated.

In the wake of the new information, several Democratic presidential
candidates, including Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, called on
Kavanaugh to be impeached.

Even before the correction appeared, the Times had been criticized for
its presentation of a major new revelation about Kavanaugh, who was
confirmed to the Supreme Court by a 50–48 Senate vote last year amid the
misconduct accusations. The article containing the new information
confusingly appeared in the "Opinion" section, rather than as a straight
news item, and seemed to be framed mostly as a story about Ramirez’s
unhappy college experience; the information about the previously unknown
accuser appears 11 paragraphs in, and the headline — "He Fit in With the
Privileged Kids. She Did Not." — does not give any hint of the explosive
content within. The "Opinion" section also ran a tone-deaf tweet
downplaying the allegations against Kavanaugh, before deleting it in the
face of blowback.

(13) New York Times sinks its Kavanaugh claim with Editor's Note stating
alleged victim 'does not recall the incident'

by Daniel Chaitin

| September 16, 2019 12:06 AM | Updated Sep 16, 2019, 12:44 AM

More than a day after publishing a bombshell exposé detailing a new
sexual misconduct allegation against Supreme Court Justice Brett
Kavanaugh, the New York Times added a significant passage, along with an
editor's note, that undercuts the claim.

The report published Saturday evening was adapted from an upcoming book
by reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly titled The Education of Brett
Kavanaugh: An Investigation and due out Tuesday.

The Times reporters revealed the account of one of Kavanaugh's male
classmates at Yale University, Max Stier, who said he witnessed
Kavanaugh make inappropriate sexual contact with a female student in the
mid-1980s. Stier notified the FBI and senators about the incident.
Although the FBI did not investigate the claim, two officials who
communicated with Stier corroborated the story to the Times.

In the updated version of the article, the following passage was added:
"The female student declined to be interviewed and friends say she does
not recall the episode."

"An earlier version of this article, which was adapted from a
forthcoming book, did not include one element of the book's account
regarding an assertion by a Yale classmate that friends of Brett
Kavanaugh pushed his penis into the hand of a female student at a
drunken dorm party. The book reports that the female student declined to
be interviewed and friends say that she does not recall the incident.
That information has been added to the article," read the editor's note
at the bottom of the story that was added Sunday evening.

After the report's publication Saturday, liberal activist organizations
and some 2020 Democratic candidates called for Kavanaugh to be
impeached. President Trump defended Kavanaugh in a salvo of tweets and
urged him to "start suing."

Stier's account echoes that of Deborah Ramirez, who previously accused
Kavanaugh of thrusting his penis into her face at a drunken dormitory
party, prompting her to swat it away and accidentally touch it in the

As noted in the Federalist, the Times reporters also did not mention
that Stier was one of the attorneys representing President Bill Clinton
during the Whitewater investigation in the 1990s while Kavanaugh was
part of Ken Starr's team leading the inquiry.

Kavanaugh faced other allegations of sexual misconduct, including that
of Christine Blasey Ford, who last year testified during Kavanaugh's
confirmation hearings that he had attempted to force himself on her at a
high school party in the 1980s. Kavanaugh vehemently denied the
allegations put forth by Ramirez and Ford, but did not answer questions
about Steir's account.

(14) Looking at the 9/11 False Flag After 18 Years - Greg Bacon, at

Off-Guardian is a dissident platform for former readers of The Guardian,
who object to its censorship these days.

This webpage about 911 is well-worth studying thoroughly, and saving to
your computer.

Sep 17, 2019

Looking at the 9/11 False Flag After 18 Years

Greg Bacon

(15) DSA partners with Brazilian Trotskyists to attack Trump and Bolsonaro

NZ dissident Trevor Loudon is one of the few writers exposing Trotskyist
networks. However, he is a bit too 'Conservative' for my liking. For
example, he opposes Putin, and seems to support Laissez-Faire economic
policy. In contrast, I support Putin, and the mixed economy that both NZ
and Oz had in the postwar decades, prior to Thatcherism & Reaganonics. I
approved of the NZ Alliance Party led by Jim Anderton; but not Socialist
Alliance in Oz, because it was & is Trotskytist-led - Peter M.

Transnational Treason: DSA Partners With Brazilian Trotskyists to Build
Mass Socialist Movements, Attack Trump and Bolsonaro

Trevor Loudon

September 16, 2019 Updated: September 16, 2019

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is working closely with
Brazilian Trotskyists from the Party of Socialism and Liberty (PSOL) to
coordinate attacks against U.S. President Donald Trump and Brazilian
President Jair Bolsonaro.

The U.S.–Brazil revolutionary alliance is conducted through
revolutionaries in both countries aligned to an international Trotskyist
revolutionary coordinating body—the Brussels-based United Secretariat
for the Fourth International.

One of the key point men in the alliance is Pedro Fuentes, an
Argentine-born revolutionary now living in the United States. Fuentes,
along with São Paulo-based "militant and leader of the Socialist Left
Movement" Bruno Magalhães (also known as Bruno Silviano), represented
PSOL at the August DSA convention in Atlanta. During his speech,
Magalhães declared, "We in Brazil are really, really excited with the
Democratic Socialist movement here in the U.S."

Also associated with PSOL are journalist Glenn Greenwald’s partner David
Miranda, who is a federal congressman for Rio de Janeiro, and former
PSOL member Adélio Bispo de Oliveira, who stabbed Bolsonaro in the
stomach during a 2018 rally, almost killing him.

Pedro Fuentes Pedro Fuentes is the "nom de guerre" of Argentine
Trotskyist revolutionary Alberto Pujals. Born circa 1943, Fuentes "began
his activism [in Argentina] as a teenager, when he and his brother
joined a high-school student movement to reform the schools called
Movimiento de Acción Reformista. In the 1960s, he joined Palabro Obrera,
led by the Argentine Trotskyist revolutionary Nahuel Moreno," according
to a DSA Facebook event post. In 1971, Pedro’s older brother, Luis
Pujals, a leader of the Proletarian Revolutionary Army, died in the
"dirty war" against Argentina’s anti-communist government.

Fuentes was forced to flee Argentina, traveling across Latin America and
Europe, where he continued working with Trotskyist groups in several

Fuentes eventually settled in Brazil and, in 2000, began organizing with
Movimento Esquerda Socialista (MES), a Trotskyist tendency inside the
ruling leftist Workers’ Party. In 2003, the Workers’ Party split over
pension reform issues, and several Trotskyist factions, including MES,
subsequently founded PSOL—now Brazil’s fifth-largest political party.

Fuentes served for many years as PSOL’s secretary of international
relations and still works to build ties between PSOL and other leftist
parties. Though living in the United States, Fuentes still serves as a
leader of the PSOL’s MES faction.

Fourth International and Mass Party of the Left In the early 1990s, the
Fourth International used its national affiliates in an attempt to
rebuild the world revolutionary movement after the so-called "collapse
of communism." These efforts were modeled on the very successful
Brazilian Workers’ Party—an amalgamation of leftist Christians, Greens,
black radicals, ex pro-Soviet communists, former Maoists, and Fourth
International Trotskyists.

In my home country of New Zealand, this concept materialized in the New
Labour Party/Alliance Party, which ruled for a time in coalition with
the "old" Labour Party.

The Australian counterpart, Socialist Alliance, achieved little success,
but in Germany, the former East German communists joined up with several
Trotskyist factions to form the Party of Democratic Socialism (now Die
Linke), Germany’s third-largest party on the left. Similar coalitions
were formed with varying degrees of success in El Salvador, Mexico, Sri
Lanka, Pakistan, the Philippines, Spain, Italy, Portugal, and some
Scandinavian countries.

Many of these groups also maintained close ties to old-line communists,
including the Maoist-leaning Belgian Workers’ Party, the pro-Soviet
South African Communist Party, and of course everyone’s friend on the
left, the Cuban Communist Party.

In the United States, Trotskyists from a small "socialist feminist"
group called "Solidarity" joined with former pro-Soviet communists, DSA
activists, Maoists from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, and
ex-Maoists from the Frontline Political Organization, to form the
Committees of Correspondence (CoC) in Chicago in July 1994.

According to the September/October 1994 issue of Chicago DSA’s New
Ground publication, "Over 500 delegates and observers … attended the
founding convention of the Committees of Correspondence (CoC) held here
in Chicago in July."

New Ground reported that the speakers included Charles Nqukula, general
secretary of the South African Communist Party; Dulce Maria Pereira, a
senatorial candidate of the Workers’ Party of Brazil; Angela Davis of
CoC; Andre Brie of the Party of Democratic Socialism of Germany; and a
representative of the Cuban government.

CoC was supposed to lay the foundation for a new mass party of
socialism—one that could eventually replace the Democratic Party.
However, rampant sectarianism and lack of visionary leadership
eventually turned the project to dust. Today, the organization still
exists as the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism,
but it’s down to fewer than 200 mainly elderly members nationwide—many
of whom hold dual membership in the DSA or the Communist Party USA.

While the Fourth International’s dream of an international alliance of
new mass parties of the left lived on in Brazil and Europe, it was dead
in the United States—until Bernie Sanders came along.

Rebirth of the DSA

 From the start, PSOL and the broader Trotskyist movement welcomed the
Sanders socialist movement that took the U.S. left by storm in 2015 and
2016. The DSA went to nearly 30,000 members from 6,500 in two years, and
is now approaching 60,000. This was very inspiring to many Trotskyist
revolutionaries, including Pedro Fuentes.

Writing on the Spanish language website Aporrea in August 2015, Fuentes
and his PSOL comrade Tiago Madeira urged Trotskyists to get behind the
Sanders movement:

"In our opinion, we must support Sanders. For us, the debate in the US,
with its specific characteristics, is similar to what we face in the
rest of the world. Will Trotskyists, without losing sight of our
strategy, intervene in events and real political movements—however
contradictory they are—to contend for influence. … We are talking about
building new organizations, new parties—and respecting their leaders,
even if we disagree with them."

And support Sanders they did. Solidarity, the U.S. affiliate of the
Fourth International, joined the DSA en masse to help lead the Sanders

Fuentes has worked closely with DSA members in the United States and
attended several DSA events. As mentioned, he was a PSOL delegate to
both the 2017 and 2019 DSA national conventions.

Fuentes and PSOL comrade Mariana Riscali wrote of their experience
attending DSA’s breakout 2017 national convention in Chicago on the
socialist website Left on the Move. The PSOL delegates were very welcome
and were given equal standing to large Marxist parties from Europe.

"PSOL was known by a large share of delegates. … We are proud to say it
was MES, a slate from PSOL, that has made the greatest effort to
establish this contact so that we are proud of our country being
recognized by the DSA at the same level as the Momentum from England,
Mélenchon’s Party [France], Podemos [Spain] and Bloco de Esquerda
[Portugal]," Fuentes and Riscali wrote.

The PSOL delegates look to the DSA as a breakthrough in world
socialism—the start of a new international hybrid left that might build
a mass revolutionary movement where older formations such as the CoC and
the Brazilian Workers’ Party have failed.

"Surely, this privileged relationship with DSA will allow PSOL to look
from a more internationalist point of view [at] the international
situation and the emergence of new political processes independent from
the old social democracy or false Latin American progressivism as PT
[Workers’ Party]. DSA is the best expression of the ‘new cycle.’"

In November 2018, Fuentes attended a DSA meeting in New York, where he
was photographed with two admiring members of the DSA International
Committee, Carrington Morris and Ella Mahony.

In June 2017, Mahony represented the DSA at the PSOL organized
"International Encampment of Youth in Struggle" in Rio de Janeiro. The
event was both a congress for PSOL’s youth wing and "a convocation of
international solidarity."

Solidarity and the DSA International Commission In 2018, the DSA revived
its decades-old International Committee. After splitting with the
"moderate" Socialist International in 2017, the DSA began looking for
revolutionary friends overseas. The International Committee became the
DSA’s diplomatic wing, charged with cementing ties to foreign socialist
and communist movements.

At least two Solidarity members made it onto the newly formed committee:
Boston-based David Grosser and New Yorker Dan La Botz.

Grosser is a longtime supporter of El Salvadorean revolutionary
movements, whose personal goal is to "build the internationalism
necessary to bring down the US Empire."

La Botz is a seasoned revolutionary with direct ties to the Fourth
International and to several Latin American revolutionary movements,
including PSOL.

La Botz was meeting with PSOL activists in Brazil as far back as 2014,
and also met with PSOL activists in New York in November 2016.

In April and May 2016, La Botz toured several countries in Europe and
Brazil speaking about Bernie Sanders and the U.S. elections. All of his
talks in Brazil were sponsored by either PSOL, or by Insurgencia,
another Fourth International affiliated group also active in PSOL.

In a May 2016 article on the DSA website, La Botz explained how Fourth
International Trotskyists were working with mainstream communists and
other Marxists to create broad-based political parties that could
compete electorally in Europe, Brazil, the UK, and the United States:

"In France, Spain, and Brazil, there have been and continue to be
attempts to found new broad left, radical socialist parties as an
alternative to the Social Democrats. In France we have seen both the New
Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) and the Front de Gauche, in Spain Podemos,
and in Brazil, PSOL. These efforts can be compared to those in the
English-speaking nations where Jeremy Corbyn in the British Labor Party
and Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Party clearly represent a similar
popular reaction among youth and sections of the labor movement to the
conservative policies of Labor and the Democrats."

La Botz emphasized that the Fourth International had moved on from its
notoriously violent and sectarian past to a strategy of bringing about
socialist revolution through the electoral process. Forming broad-based
electoral alliances with communists and socialists was to be the new
path to the revolution:

"The New Anti-Capitalist Party came out of a merger of former members of
the French Trotskyist Revolutionary Communist League (LCR) with
environmentalists and other social activists. Anticapitalistas was
formed by people out of the Spanish Revolutionary Communist League
(LCR), also Trotskyist. Ensemble in France, which participates in the
Front de Gauche, has members who come from the Socialist and Communist
Party, as well as from NPA and the Trotskyist left. Similarly,
solidaritéS Suisse [Switzerland], though it has Trotskyist roots, has
also incorporated those from other traditions.

"These groups, if they were Trotskyist in origin, have by and large
turned away from many of the characteristics once associated with
Trotskyist organizations. At one time many of these groups held a
dogmatic view of socialist ideology based almost exclusively on a very
particular and narrow reading of Marx and Engels, Lenin and Trotsky. …

"They worked to organize ‘vanguard parties’ based on a supposedly
‘democratic centralist’ model and often attempted to take control of and
to dictate to labor unions and popular movements. … The Fourth
International … has developed a more broad-minded view of revolutionary
socialism, and so have most (but not all) of its affiliated organizations."

Hating on Trump and Bolsonaro

According to an article by DSA comrade Ben Dalton:

"The official topic at the first Brooklyn Jacobin [DSA-aligned magazine]
reading group held after the [2016] election was socialist politics in
Brazil, but the conversation kept returning to Trump.

"’I think you should be in the first line against Trump,’ said Pedro
Fuentes, a visiting speaker and official in Brazil’s Socialism and
Liberty Party (PSOL). Around the room heads nodded. ‘Anti-Trump. This is
the first task you have.’"

If PSOL and the DSA are united in their goal of building mass
revolutionary parties in their home countries, they’re even more unified
in the hatred of their respective presidents, Trump and his friend

In the United States, the DSA’s approximately 60,000 members are active
in the anti-Trump movement in all 50 states. DSA comrades and their
captive unions, non-profits, student unions, and even churches have
organized thousands of anti-Trump rallies and meetings across the
country. DSA comrades played a major role in taking back the House of
Representatives for the Democrats in 2018.

Currently, the DSA is working with two pro-China organizations—Communist
Party USA and Liberation Road (formerly Freedom Road Socialist
Organization)—in the Left Inside/Outside Project to flip North Carolina,
Florida, Georgia, Arizona, and even Texas to the Democratic column in
2020. If they succeed, Trump will be a one-term president, and the
United States will almost certainly be lost. All the remaining free
countries will then fall like dominoes.

PSOL has played a major role in almost every anti-Bolsonaro rally held
before or since Brazil’s 2018 election. Their American DSA allies have
tried to poison the waters for Bolsonaro in the United States as well.

At a meeting on May 26, the Collin County DSA (North Texas) Skyped in
"three comrades from Brazil who are members of the PSOL … to talk with
us about their organizing efforts against the current proto-fascist
president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro. Thanks to Mr. Pedro Fuentes of the
PSOL, Ms. Alice Domingues, a student organizer, and Mr. Bruno Silviano,
an organizer with the teacher’s union."

"One of the most important things we learned from our comrades in Brazil
was that opposition to Bolsonaro is huge in Brazil right now. At the
most recent demonstrations against Bolsonaro before our conversation
(which happened around the same time as DSA NTX and other area
socialists, communists, anarchists, LGBTQ people, labor, and
antifascists were protesting against Jair Bolsonaro’s visit to Dallas …)

"We asked our comrades in Brazil what we in the U.S. can do to help —
the big ask right now was to boost awareness in the U.S. of the huge
protests against Bolsonaro and show our solidarity. …

"Solidarity with the working class and oppressed of Brazil against fascism!"

The Trump–Bolsonaro Alliance Must Continue Brazil was specifically
mentioned in DSA’s Resolution #4, titled "Building the DSA International
Committee," passed during the convention, where the comrades resolved in
part to "prioritize establishing relations with socialist and
working-class organizations in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Canada, Brazil, the
Caribbean, and Latin America broadly." The resolution claimed that "an
effective and orderly International Committee is necessary for DSA to
transition into an internationalist organization."

The DSA and their PSOL comrades are fully committed to destroying the
Trump–Bolsonaro alliance. From the revolutionary’s point of view,
presidents Trump and Bolsonaro are huge impediments to world socialism.

They understand that this auspicious pairing could do more to counter
world communism than anything we have seen since the Ronald
Reagan–Margaret Thatcher–Pope John Paul partnership of the 1980s.

If Trump can turn around the United States and Bolsonaro can save
Brazil, the positive consequences will be felt across the entire Western
Hemisphere. And it will not end there.

If Trump and Bolsonaro destroy the Marxist movements in their respective
countries, the world communist movement could be set back decades. This
would be a fantastic boon for world freedom.

Trump and Bolsonaro should immediately direct their intelligence
services to investigate the DSA and PSOL’s transnational interactions
and their network of international allies. The DSA–PSOL–Fourth
International alliance needs to be countered and dismantled. It poses a
more urgent threat to our freedoms than does ISIS or al-Qaeda.

This alliance is nothing short of transnational treason. We need
widespread media exposure, international governmental cooperation, and
firm legal action to put an end to this threat. ==

newsletter of September 8, 2019

Fed's attempt to oust Trump may put Sanders, Warren or Gabbard in by mistake

(1) Fed's attempt to oust Trump may put Sanders, Warren or Gabbard in by
(2) Fed & IMF may switch from $ to SDR as World Currency - William Engdahl
(3) Fed Banker says Fed should help defeat Trump in 2020 by keeping
interest rates high
(4) Most U.S. Companies Plan to Stay in China and Ride Out Trade Unrest

(1) Fed's attempt to oust Trump may put Sanders, Warren or Gabbard in by
- Peter Myers, September 8, 2019

Several months ago, F. William Engdahl postulated that the Fed might be
holding interest rates high as a strategy to cause recession, which
would be blamed on Trump, making his re-election unlikely.

He expressed such thoughts in his article  Did the Fed Already Decide
the 2020 US Election?

Item 2 is his latest update on that topic.

I think he's right, that the Fed is trying to get rid of Trump, by
inducing a recession that he will be blamed for.

But the consequences might be different from what they envisage.

It could be that voters, sick of the whole rotten pack of cards, will
turn to Sanders, Elizabeth Warren or Tulsi Gabbard, in the belief that
only such candidates will bring real change.

Sanders has much in common with Trump. They are both outsiders, somewhat
isolationist (although Trump submitted to the Deep State when he
appointed Bolton).

At this stage, the above three 'Left' candidates look unlikely to win.

But the recession has yet to bite. When it does, voters might be more
appreciative of  their socialist (but non-Communist) ideas. They are Old
Left rather than New Left. They look to the North European kind of

Wall Street will oppose them as much as they oppose Trump.

If the Democratic Establishment (DNC) cheats these candidates as they
did Sanders in 2016, I hope that they consider running as Independents.

(2) Fed & IMF may switch from $ to SDR as World Currency - William Engdahl

Is the Fed Preparing to Topple US Dollar?

By F. William Engdahl

1 September 2019

Unusual remarks and actions by the outgoing head of the Bank of England
and other central banking insiders strongly suggest that there is a very
ugly scenario in the works to end the role of the US dollar as world
reserve currency. In the process, this would involve that the Fed
deliberately triggers a dramatic economic depression. If this scenario
is actually deployed in coming months, Donald Trump will go down in
history books as the second Hebert Hoover, and the world economy will be
pushed into the worst collapse since the 1930s. Here are some elements
worth considering.

Bank of England speech

The about-to-retire head of the very special Bank of England, Mark
Carney, delivered a remarkable speech at the recent annual meeting of
central bankers and finance elites at Jackson Hole Wyoming on August 23.
The 23-page address to fellow central bankers and financial insiders is
clearly a major signal of where the Powers That Be who run world central
banks plan to take the world.

Carney addresses obvious flaws with the post-1944 dollar reserve system,
noting that, "…a destabilising asymmetry at the heart of the IMFS
(International Monetary and Financial System) is growing. While the
world economy is being reordered, the US dollar remains as important as
when Bretton Woods collapsed." He states bluntly, "…In the longer term,
we need to change the game…Risks are building, and they are structural."
What he then goes on to outline is a remarkably detailed blueprint for
global central bank transformation of the dollar order, a revolutionary

Carney discusses the fact that China as the world leading trading nation
is the obvious candidate to replace the dollar as leading reserve,
however, he notes, "…for the Renminbi to become a truly global currency,
much more is required. Moreover, history teaches that the transition to
a new global reserve currency may not proceed smoothly." He indicates
that means it often needs wars or depressions, as he cites the role of
World War I forcing out sterling in favor of the US dollar. What Carney
finds more immediate is a new IMF-based monetary system to replace the
dominant role of the dollar. Carney declares, "While the rise of the
Renminbi may over time provide a second best solution to the current
problems with the IMFS, first best would be to build a multipolar
system. The main advantage of a multipolar IMFS is diversification… " He
adds, "… When change comes, it shouldn’t be to swap one currency hegemon
for another. Any unipolar system is unsuited to a multi-polar world… In
other words he says, "Sorry, Beijing, you must wait."

The Bank of England Governor proposes in effect that the IMF, with its
multi-currency Special Drawing Rights (SDR), a basket of five
currencies—dollar, Pound, Yen, Euro and now Renminbi—should play the
central role creating a new monetary system: "The IMF should play a
central role in informing both domestic and cross border policies. …
Pooling resources at the IMF, and thereby distributing the costs across
all 189 member countries…" For that to work he proposes raising the IMF
SDR funds triple to $3 trillions as the core of a new monetary system.

Then Carney proposes that the IMF oversee creation of a new payments
infrastructure based on an international "stablecoin." Referring to the
private Libra, he clearly states a "new Synthetic Hegemonic Currency
(SHC) would be best provided by the public sector, perhaps through a
network of central bank digital currencies." Note that Carney, a former
Goldman Sachs banker, is mentioned as a leading candidate to replace
Christine Lagarde as IMF head. Is his speech open admission of what is
being planned by the world’s leading central bankers as the next step to
a world currency and global economic control? Let’s look further.

Lagarde to ECB

The Carney speech, when deciphered from its central bank language, gives
us for the first time a clear roadmap where the powers that control
world central banking would like to take us. The world reserve role of
the US dollar must end; it must be replaced by some form of IMF SDRs as
basis for a multi-currency reserve. That in turn would ultimately be
based on digital money, so-called block chain currencies. Such
currencies, make no mistake, would be completely controlled by central
bank authorities and the IMF. That would require their often-proposed
elimination of all cash in favor of digital money where every cent we
spend can be monitored by the state. This cashless society would also
set the stage for the next great financial crisis and the confiscation
by governments of ordinary citizens’ bank deposits under new "bank
bail-in" laws now on the books since 2014 in every major industrial
country including the EU and USA.

The IMF is fully behind the turn to global blockchain digital currencies
and use of SDR to replace the dominant US dollar. In a little-noticed
speech in November 14, 2018, IMF chief Lagarde strongly indicated that
the IMF was behind central bank digital currencies as well as cashless
societies. She noted very carefully, "I believe we should consider the
possibility to issue digital currency. There may be a role for the state
to supply money to the digital economy." She added, "A new wind is
blowing, that of digitalization…What role will remain for cash in this
digital world? … demand for cash is decreasing—as shown in recent IMF
work. And in ten, twenty, thirty years, who will still be exchanging
pieces of paper?"

Dudley Remarks

The introduction of this central bankers’ new digital currency world
will require, as Carney suggests, dramatic upheavals of the status quo,
upheavals that would lead to the end of the dominant role of the US
dollar since the 1944 Bretton Woods agreement. As that dollar reserve
currency role is a pillar of American power in the world, for that to
happen would require nothing short of catastrophe. Is this in fact what
the Federal Reserve is quietly planning with its money policies?

A remarkable hint of what might be in the works came in an OpEd by the
person who until 2018 was the very important President of the New York
Federal Reserve Bank, Bill Dudley, who like Mark Carney is a senior
Goldman Sachs alumnus. Dudley is no minor actor in the central bankers’
world. Until last year he also was a member of the Bank for
International Settlements Board of Directors and chaired the BIS
Committee on Payment Settlement Systems and the Committee on the Global
Financial System.

Dudley, pointing to the Trump trade war policies and economic dangers of
same, then issues the following rare undiplomatic declaration: "Trump’s
re-election arguably presents a threat to the U.S. and global economy,
to the Fed’s independence and its ability to achieve its employment and
inflation objectives. If the goal of monetary policy is to achieve the
best long-term economic outcome, then Fed officials should consider how
their decisions will affect the political outcome in 2020." While it
shocked many, Dudley is merely making public what the Fed has done since
its creation in 1913 — influence the course of world and US politics
stealthily behind the cover of "neutral" monetary policies. Dudley
suggests not "Russian interference" but rather Fed interference.

The Fed could easily tip the US into crisis. The debt levels of the US
economy are at record high levels for private households, Federal
government, and US corporate debt. Most US corporations have used
growing debt, well over $9 trillion, to make stock buybacks rather than
invest in new plant and equipment, fueling an unprecedented bubble in
the S&P stocks. The rising stocks are not a sign of economic health but
of a dangerous speculative bubble vulnerable to collapse.

Were the Fed now to resume rate rises and continue its less-publicized
Quantitative Tightening into 2020, a domino-style series of debt
defaults, corporate bankruptcies, home mortgage foreclosures, default on
car loans and student loans could quickly make a second Trump Presidency
in 2020 more than doubtful. However that would be no grounds for the
rest of the world opposed to Trump policies to cheer. It would also
trigger collapse in major emerging market countries who have borrowed
hundreds of billions denominated in US dollars, including Chinese state
companies, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil to name a few. EU banks from Italy
to Germany to France would fail.

If this Dudley scenario comes to pass in 2020 or not, only the key
central bank actors know for sure. It is clear that, after almost eleven
years since the 2008 global financial meltdown, the unprecedented
central bank zero interest rate policies in the EU and until recently
the US, have fueled creation of what some call an "everything bubble",
not only in stocks, in corporate and public bonds, in home prices. Is a
new Fed intervention to raise rates and tighten credit the event– the
deliberate central bank rupturing of this inflated bubble using the
excuse of the Trump danger to the world economy– that Carney has in mind
when he says, "transition to a new global reserve currency may not
proceed smoothly,"? Let us hope not. The coming months will tell.

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a
degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling
author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine "New
Eastern Outlook"

(3) Fed Banker says Fed should help defeat Trump in 2020 by keeping
interest rates high

Fed should help defeat Trump in 2020

A former top US central banker has sparked a firestorm with an opinion
piece calling on the Federal Reserve to do something truly outrageous.

AFP AUGUST 28, 2019 8:38AM

A former top US central banker leapt into the political fray on Tuesday,
calling on the Federal Reserve to oppose President Donald Trump’s
re-election effort next year.

Bill Dudley, the influential former president of the New York Federal
Reserve Bank, also said the Fed should not "enable" Trump’s escalating
trade war with China by lowering interest rates.

The stunning arguments in a Bloomberg opinion column flew in the face of
efforts of current Fed officials to remain strictly neutral, above the
political fray, despite Trump’s intense year-long campaign to demand
easier monetary policy.

But Dudley said the outcome of the 2020 presidential elections was
arguably "within the Fed’s purview" because a second Trump term
represented a threat to the global economy as well as the Fed’s
political independence and policy mandates.

"If the goal of monetary policy is to achieve the best long-term
economic outcome, then Fed officials should consider how their decisions
will affect the political outcome in 2020," he wrote. ...

(4) Most U.S. Companies Plan to Stay in China and Ride Out Trade Unrest

By Jenny Leonard

August 30, 2019, 1:31 AM GMT+10

When President Donald Trump ordered American companies last week to
break off ties with China, he gave a directive that conflicts with the
plans of a vast majority of large U.S. firms doing business there.

That’s according to a new survey of U.S.-China Business Council members.
Eighty-seven percent of respondents said they neither have moved nor
plan to shift operations out of China, compared with 90% in a 2018
survey. Only 3% said their China operations were unprofitable, unchanged
from a year ago. ...

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