Tuesday, May 21, 2019

997 Serong interview on Port Arthur; Fraser Anning Letter on Christchurch

Serong interview on Port Arthur; Fraser Anning Letter on Christchurch

Newsletter published on April 6, 2019

(1) Brigadier Ted Serong interview on 1996 Port Arthur Massacre
(2) Senator Fraser Anning's Letter on Christchurch Massacre
(1) Brigadier Ted Serong interview on 1996 Port Arthur Massacre
Text & images uploaded by Peter Myers, April 6, 2019 ==
A few bullets short of a militia
They're worried about an Asian invasion and Y2K, and convinced that Martin Bryant is a "convenient patsy" of the anti-gun lobby. Frank Robson meets our civilian militia movement, the Freedom Scouts
Sydney Morning Herald
Good Weekend magazine
April 10, 1999
RETIRED BRIGADIER FRANCIS PHILLIP ("TED") SERONG, DSO, OBE, is a revered figure among Freedom Scouts and other militia groups. Ian Murphy refers to Serong s recent book. Defence of Australia Analysis, as "our Bible". (It describes Australia's defence forces as broke and hopelessly ill-equipped to deal with an invasion from the likes of Indonesia, an assessment well supported in the broader community.) In Vietnam, where he was commander of Australian forces from 1962 to 1965, Serong was reportedly a brilliant hut "enigmatic" jungle warfare tactician whose private audiences with then US President Richard Nixon were much resented by American generals in the field.
Often depicted as a caricature of the hawkish Right, the staunch anti-communist retired from the army in 1968, staying in Vietnam as an adviser to the South Vietnamese and US governments until war's end in 1975. Something of a mystery figure, he lives in Melbourne and rarely gives interviews. Contacted by GOOD WEEKEND on what must have been a good day, the old warhorse agrees to discuss his ties with the Freedom Scouts.
"As patron, I have no executive role," he explains. "1 visit their branches and make little speeches telling them they're on the right track or guiding them back to the right track if they've gone off it." He is sure Australia's defence forces will call on the civilian militia if the need arises, yet says he has no idea how the Government views the organisation. "The fact that ASIO is sniffing around (the Scouts) is as it should be. They have to know what any formed organisation is doing because, although that organisation is pointing in a certain direction at this moment, they've got to be ready to handle it if, for whatever reason, it turns itself in another direction."
Is he suggesting that under some sort of charismatic leader such a movement could be dangerous? "They're all right as long as I'm here," says Serong, "I'm charismatic enough to handle that aspect. That's the main reason I became the patron; if I'm patron, then nobody else can be." What happens when he's no longer around? "I can't answer for that ... but you could apply char (dangerous leader) concern to any organisation. Even a major commercial corporation could turn against the national interest ... all it really takes is the availability of money." Yet he is troubled by the unauthorised use of his name by other militia groups in Australia. "There are a number of small groups [that claim]: 'We're doing this for Ted Serong.' And they're not; I've had no contact with them."
Finally, because he is such an admired "figurehead" (his word) among the weekend warriors, where does Serong stand on the Martin-Bryant-didn't-do-it theories? He believes them. What's more, he's prepared to say so publicly. "There was an almost satanic accuracy to that shooting performance," he suggests. "Whoever did it is better than I am, and there are not too many people around better than I am." (At 83, he probably means in his heyday). "Whoever did it," he says again, "has skills way beyond anything that could reasonably have been expected from this chap Bryant ... If it was someone of only average skills, there would have been many less killed and many more wounded. It was the astonishing proportion of killed to wounded that made me open my eyes first off."
He thinks more than one killer was involved. "It was part of a deliberate attempt to disarm the population, but I don't believe John, Howard or his Government were involved. Howard is being led down a track. He doesn't know where it's leading, and he doesn't much care ..."
Can he suggest who was behind the alleged conspiracy? "I could, hut I won't."
A few days later, a Freedom Scouts member in Mount Isa assures me that "extremists" who try to join the movement are still being turned away. "There are other groups that cater for the more radical crowd," she points out. "That's just not what we're about."
And yes, she also believes Martin Bryant didn't do it.
(2) Senator Fraser Anning's Letter on Christchurch Massacre

Fraser Anning’s Open Letter on the New Zealand Murders

April 3, 2019

Fraser Anning is a Senator from Queensland in the Australian Parliament. His letter appeared in Pickering Post, March 27, 2019.


from Senator Fraser Anning

Prime Minister Morrison,

You are threatening to censure me in the Australian Parliament for statements I made following the mass murder of New Zealand Muslims on Friday the 15th of March. Labor leader Bill Shorten agrees with your intentions.

You accuse me of blaming the victims in my initial response to the atrocity. This, despite the fact that my statement unequivocally condemned this heinous act of murderous violence.

One of the victims of this rampage was a toddler. All were innocent. The perpetrator is a monster and no sane person would think otherwise.

There are no mitigating factors which could in any way excuse this evil act. The person responsible needs to feel the full force of the law.

After putting the immediate blame where it belongs, I looked for contributing causes. I said: “The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program that allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand”.

I was referring, obviously, to terrorists and the backlash they potentially incite. Nowhere in that statement did I imply that any of the victims were fanatics. They were hapless victims.

My brief comment was not an academic treatise seeking to identify all the causes. Instead I zeroed in on the New Zealand government’s indiscriminate immigration policies, which are very much in line with your own.

The censure motion is an attempt to deflect attention from your reckless policies, which are causing run-away diversity – a well-documented risk factor for communal conflict. Shame on you.

Your exploitation of the killing has helped open the door to the far left. Now, innocent conservatives and even the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation are being accused of guilt for mass murder on the flimsy basis that the killer’s manifesto opposed Islamic immigration to Europe.

This guilt by association has the same level of honesty as your own accusation against me. As Douglas Murray states, “Beliefs held by millions [are] not rendered invalid by [the] actions of a maniac.”

What distinguished the killer from others concerned about Islamic immigration is that he abandoned politics and took up terrorism. To blame conservatives for Christchurch, as is now happening, is as irrational as blaming democratic socialists for Communist mass murder.

It is completely appropriate to consider contributing causes. This mass murder is clearly a form of inter-ethnic, inter-religious and inter-cultural violence.

It is a matter of fact that in recent times, these kinds of deadly attacks have proliferated in Western countries. Initially, these attacks were mostly committed by Muslims but more recently, have been committed against them.

It is a matter of causation, not moral blame, that until recently we were largely immune to this problem because until the 1970s Western populations were, for the most part, ethnically, culturally and religiously homogenous.

I believe that these changes were initiated by governments, not requested by the people, who generally wished to retain their way of life, as did others around the world.

The Japanese people have no wish to bring in millions of Vietnamese and grant them citizenship. The Chinese don’t want to be swamped with Indians.

No people wish for this. We didn’t vote for it and we weren’t asked. Yet every Prime Minister since Whitlam has embraced the policy of indiscriminate immigration. The only choice has been in how quickly we would become a minority.

“We the people,” were given no democratic option to oppose this madness. Every major party supported it.

For example, you recently critisised Bill Shorten’s refugee policy. You said it was reckless as it would double the number of refugees at a cost of six billion dollars every year.

You implied that your own policy was somehow responsible because you would import only half that number at a cost of three billion dollars per year.

Are Australians supposed to thank you for driving us over the fiscal cliff at half the speed?

As Prime Minister, you must accept the greatest share of the blame. Sadly, you are not alone. Every other mainstream political party subscribes to the ridiculous trope that diversity is a strength. It is not, and the people know it.

You have pursued these policies against the will of the people. Along with the deep state, you have viciously attacked anyone who opposed this madness.

People have been destroyed by accusations of racism, xenophobia, islamophobia, white supremacy and an ever-growing number of slurs.

In order to lock-in permanent mass immigration, you multicultural elitists have annihilated the bedrock principle of Free Speech from our society.

This is the foundational principle on which our system of democracy is built.

This deliberate subversion of democratic rights has been ruthlessly efficient in silencing legitimate criticism.

The dogma of multiculturalism has been imposed under cover of threats and intimidation. Had people not been bullied into silence by political correctness and the threat of Government sanction, they would have figured out the truth much earlier.

The fact is, that multiculturalism is simply minority tribalism turbocharged by the Left.

This is part of a wider trend for Western governments to import the “Clash of Civilisations” into once peaceful societies. If this continues the result will be the dissolution of the nation state.

Your policy of multiculturalism encourages all minorities to remain culturally separate. It encourages them to remain loyal to their tribal, religious, ethnic or cultural identities instead of to the Australian nation.

Unless of course it is white Australians who express loyalty to their group, in which case it is referred to the so-called Human Rights Commission under the hated Section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act.

Thus, you espouse tribalism from one side of your mouth while decrying it from the other.

The problem is, that minority groups vote for their own interests.

Politicians know this from experience. You are constantly pandering to them. The level of largesse which you offer, is in direct proportion to the numbers of each group in marginal electorates or donations to party coffers.

The key demand of these minority groups is always the same. More migrants from their own “tribe” to bolster the power of their own voting bloc.

Mr. Morrison, you enable this minority supremacism, as did your predecessors. You promote it. And you profit from it. This tribalism is not shared by the majority, who do not yet understand the need to vote for their own ethnic interests.

They are told to think of themselves as individuals, not as parts of a cohesive nation. Unless the majority realise the benefits of voting for their ethnic group interests – democracy will be finished. In its place we will have intractable sectarianism and Australia will be just another failed state.

The horror in New Zealand is so newsworthy because it is not yet a failed state. In the three weeks before the shooting in Christchurch, 120 Christians in Nigeria were shot or hacked to death by Muslims.

This tragedy was not reported in a single Australian news outlet that I am aware of. In January, much closer to home in the Philippines, a cathedral was bombed by Muslims and twenty innocents were killed.

Why did you and your Government not issue statements denouncing the killers? Perhaps because murderous attacks are so common in these countries.

Since September 2001, there have been more than 34,000 terrorist attacks conducted in the name of Islam. This is a staggering number. Most have been committed in countries with large Islamic populations.

As you and your predecessors have increased the Muslim population in our country, we have suffered a growing series of attacks on our soil.

Fortunately, our security forces have thwarted most of them. The Islamic community is expanding rapidly, however. Soon we will not have the resources to control the situation.

The likelihood of a backlash from other groups increases with every attack. As our society splits along racial, religious and ethnic lines, the possibility of escalating conflict increases.

Australia is not the world’s most successful multicultural society. We were once united and peaceful with a secure national identity.

Our children had bright futures. Now cohesion and trust are falling. The data shows it. There is no net benefit to traditional Australians from your multicultural dogma.

Your policies will lead to white Australians – the heart of our nation – becoming a minority within a few decades. Your own figures confirm this.

You, Mr. Morrison, are part of the problem. How dare you judge me. How dare you hold your head up in the light.

You and your cabinet have no real analysis of the national question. Instead you offer vacuous slogans fed to you by equally vacuous senior public servants – “diversity”, “vibrancy”, “inclusion”, “religion of peace”.

You have no vision for Australia situated in our region. No analysis of how to manage diversity and identity in a sustainable, peaceful way. All we get is politics; saying anything to stay in power.

This lack of principle and positive direction indicates that you and your Labor clones are puppets of powerful vested interests. These interests give a damn only for profits, not diversity, identity or belonging.

The present election campaign in New South Wales offers a horrible example of multicultural politics at work. In September of last year, the Labor leader, Michael Daley, gave a speech to a predominantly Anglo audience in the Blue Mountains.


This is the tragedy of your beloved diversity, that it weaponises positive human bonds. It turns good people against one another.

Your immigration policies have turned Australia into a squabbling Tower of Babel. Those policies really should be criminalised. They should be made unconstitutional.

The Australian nation is dying in the big cities. Congested, progressively foreign, replaced, colonised, self-segregated, hurt by falling trust and loss of belonging. Why are you doing this to us? Where is your soul? Where is your decency?

Stop thinking about your parliamentary pension and media reputation and start thinking about your people, our people. Isn’t it obvious that the nation is in crisis? Why can you not stand tall and actually lead our people?

Our children and grandchildren will curse you if you are remembered at all. You have no right to transform their society without the people’s permission. You have no right to inflict this legacy on them, to become a minority in their own country.

Let me be doubly clear that I condemn you and Mr. Shorten in the strongest terms imaginable – as traitors to truth and traitors to social cohesion.

You have even turned your back on your Christian faith and values. Multiculturalism means “fewer Christians.” Is that really your intention?

Without mass immigration and multiculturalism, neither the Islamic attacks in Australia or this appalling reaction to them would have occurred.

Without your reckless policies, the Australian people would still be living in a peaceful, stable and secure nation state as the Japanese do today.

The New Zealand government is using this hideous attack to further its cynical agenda. Instead of offering their people a vote on ruinous immigration policies, they are further strangling free speech and suppressing opposition.

Censorship of the media was hardly mentioned after terror attacks on Australian soil. Now however, after an attack by an opponent of multiculturalism, The State is demanding censorship of the internet.

Any website which does not embrace your extreme multicultural agenda is coming under scrutiny.

This foreshadows darkness and tyranny which were once unimaginable to Australians. You and your cohorts are driving us there at full speed.

Australia is on the path to a police state, fomented and legitimised by multiculturalist ideology.

Again, Mr Morrison, your government leads the charge, by allowing people to be persecuted under ill-defined accusations of hate speech, when most just hate oppression.

I implore all politicians to step back and think again about what you are doing to this nation.

Do not oppress us in a knee-jerk reaction to this tragedy born of fanaticism.

Any response must be measured and sane. It must not be at the price of this nation’s cohesion and unity.

Free Speech is always the first target of ham-fisted tyranny. The Christchurch killer’s intent was to topple our traditions by his evil scheme. Do not become pawns in his game.

Australia once trusted its citizens to discuss the most extreme ideas peacefully. We have a long history of rejecting radical ideas.

It is clear that our elites cannot be trusted with controlling our borders. I don’t just mean the few thousand illegals coming in boats but the millions coming legally by jet.

We as a nation need to take a breather. We need time to assimilate those already here. We need a plebiscite on immigration!

We the people, not you the elites, have a right to decide who comes here.

Fraser Anning

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