(1) Young Turks, Young Bosnia, Black Hand - and the outbreak of World War I
(2) Germanic tribes, invading Roman Empire, baptised but led to Aryan Christianity
(3) Blacks & Latinos most affected by foreclosures - Cynthia McKinney
(4) East Asian skeleton from Roman Empire times found in Italy
(1) Young Turks, Young Bosnia, Black Hand - and the outbreak of World War I
From: Mark MacCuish <markmaccuish@hotmail.com> Date: 10.02.2010 04:06 PM
> Secondly, the British Ambassador to Turkey ...
> referred to the C.U.P. as the "the Jew Committee
> of Union and Progress" and he also reported that
> "liberty, equality, fraternity) ...were both the
> slogan of the Italian Freemasons ... and of the
> Young Turkey movement ...
Peter the above quote draws me to remember the Red Symphony confession you had posted on your website:
However, the real aim is "create all the required prerequisites for the triumph of the Communist revolution; this is the obvious aim of Freemasonry; it is clear that all this is done under various pretexts; but they always conceal themselves behind their well known treble slogan [Liberty, Equality, Fraternity]. You understand?" http://mailstar.net/red-symphony.html
Masons should recall the lesson of the French Revolution. Although "they played a colossal revolutionary role; it consumed the majority of masons..." ------------------
Is it possible that Masonry was subverted by Jews and used to advance an "international" agenda? Along the way nationalism was attacked, monarchies were toppled, and a consolidation of the West occurred (i.e. European Union and the "international community)
Reply (Peter M.):
> Is it possible that Masonry was subverted by Jews
> and used to advance an "international" agenda?
This was the aim of Weishaupt's Illuminati.
But there seems little connection with the Young Turk revolution in the Ottoman Empire: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Turk_Revolution.
They pursued the Turkification of ethnic minorities eg the (Christian) Armenians. The (Christian) Balkans rebelled and seceded from the Ottoman Empire:
"The First Balkan War, which lasted from October 1912 to May 1913, pitted the Balkan League (Serbia, Greece, Montenegro and Bulgaria) against the Ottoman Empire. The combined armies of the Balkan states overcame the numerically inferior and strategically disadvantaged Ottoman armies, and achieved rapid success. As a result of the war, almost all remaining European territories of the Ottoman Empire were captured and partitioned among the allies. Ensuing events also led to the creation of an independent Albanian state."
Map showing boundaries after the war: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Balkankrieg_Besetzte_Gebiete_1913.png
Samuel Huntington's civilizational thesis applies in part. However (Islamic) Albania also rebelled against the Empire.
Austria-Hungary annexed (Islamic) Bosnia, and the Empire encouraged Bosnian Muslims to resettle, but this proved disastrous.
Further, the (Christian) Germanic and Slav blocs had this own tectonic collision.
"... the Habsburg empire had its own internal problems with the significant Slav populations that campaigned against the German-Hungarian control of the multinational state. Serbia, whose aspirations in the direction of the Austrian-held Bosnia were no secret, was considered an enemy and the main tool of Russian machinations that were behind the agitation of Austria's Slav subjects. ... Serb-Austrian tensions again grew hot in July 1914 when a Serbian backed organization assassinated the heir of the Austro-Hungarian throne"
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia. The Germanic-Slav contest between Austria and Russia then led to World War I.
"On Sunday, 28 June 1914, at approximately 1:15 pm, Franz Ferdinand and his wife were killed in Sarajevo, the capital of the Austro-Hungarian province of Bosnia and Herzegovina, by Gavrilo Princip, 19 at the time, a member of Young Bosnia and one of a group of assassins organized by the Black Hand."
"Young Bosnia was a revolutionary group whose adherents were mostly Serbs, but included Bosniaks and Croats as well. It was formed before World War I in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with significant influence from Serbia. Their motivation and goal is disputed but is usually described as supporting the unification of South Slavs and the formation of Yugoslavia."
"The Black Hand was founded by former members of a semi-secret society named Narodna Odbrana (Defence of the People) dedicated to achieving Pan-Slavism and nationalism by means of assassination. The purpose of Narodna Odbrana was to recruit and train partisans for a possible war between Serbia and Austria and eventually free Serbia from Austria. Under their anti-Austrian propaganda, they organized spies and saboteurs to operate within the empire's provinces."
(2) Germanic tribes, invading Roman Empire, baptised but led to Aryan Christianity
The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity:
A Sociohistorical Approach to Religious Transformation
James C. Russell
New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
$19.95 US
Reviewed by Samuel Francis
"Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism," Oswald Spengler wrote many years ago. What he meant was that Christianity's endorsement of such ideas as universalism, egalitarianism, peace, world brotherhood, and universal altruism helped establish and legitimize the ethics and politics invoked by socialists and communists. Socialists and communists don't always agree, however, which is why another German scholar, Karl Marx, pronounced that religion is in fact a conservatizing force, the opiate of the masses, the drug that prevents the workers of the world from rebelling against their class enemies.
Both of these Teutonic heavyweights might have profited from reading James C. Russell's The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity, since it speaks, at least indirectly, to the tension between their different views of Christianity, differences that continue to be reflected in political and ideological disputes on the European and American right today. The main question in the controversy is this: Is Christianity a force that supports or opposes the efforts of the right to defend the European-American way of life? Christians on the right argue that their religious commitments are central to Western civilization, while pagans and secularists on the right (especially in Europe) argue, with Spengler, that Christianity undermines the West by pushing a universalism that rejects race, class, family, and even nation.
Mr. Russell, who holds a doctorate in historical theology from Fordham University and teaches at Saint Peter's College, does not quite answer the question, but his immensely learned and closely reasoned book does suggest an answer. His thesis is that early Christianity flourished in the decadent, deracinated, and alienated world of late antiquity precisely because it was able to appeal to various oppressed or dissatisfied sectors of the population -- slaves, urbanized proletarians, women, intellectuals, frustrated aristocrats, and the odd idealist repelled by the pathological materialism, brutality, and banality of the age.
But when Christian missionaries tried to appeal to the Germanic invaders by invoking the universalism, pacifism, and egalitarianism that had attracted the alienated inhabitants of the empire, they failed. That was because the Germans practiced a folk religion that reflected ethnic homogeneity, social hierarchy, military glory and heroism, and "standards of ethical conduct ... derived from a sociobiological drive for group survival through ingroup altruism." Germanic religion and society were "world-accepting," while Hellenic Christianity was "world-rejecting," reflecting the influence of Oriental religions and ethics. By "Germans," it should be noted, Mr. Russell does not mean modern residents of Germany but rather "the Gothic, Frankish, Saxon, Burgundian, Alamannic, Suevic, and Vandal peoples, but also ... the Viking peoples of Scandinavia and the Anglo-Saxon peoples of Britain." With the exception of the Celts and the Slavs, "Germans" thus means almost the same thing as "European" itself.
Given the contradictions between the Christian ethics and world-view and those of the Indo-European culture of the Germanic peoples, the only tactic Christians could use was one of appearing to adopt Germanic values and claiming that Christian values were really compatible with them. The bulk of Mr. Russell's scholarship shows how this process of accommodation took place in the course of about four centuries. The saints and Christ Himself were depicted as Germanic warrior heroes; both festivals and locations sacred in ancient Germanic cults were quietly taken over by the Christians as their own; and words and concepts with religious meanings and connotations were subtly redefined in terms of the new religion. Yet the final result was not that the Germans were converted to the Christianity they had originally encountered, but rather that that form of Christianity was "Germanized," coming to adopt many of the same Indo-European folk values that the old pagan religion had celebrated.
Mr. Russell thus suggests, as noted above, a resolution of the debate over Christian universalism. The early Christianity that the Germans encountered contained a good many universalist tendencies, adapted and reinforced by the disintegrating social fabric and deracinated peoples of the late empire. But thanks to Germanization, those elements were soon suppressed or muted and what we know as the historical Christianity of the medieval era offered a religion, ethic, and world-view that supported what we today know as "conservative values" -- social hierarchy, loyalty to tribe and place (blood and soil), world-acceptance rather than world-rejection, and an ethic that values heroism and military sacrifice. In being "Germanized," Christianity was essentially reinvented as the dynamic faith that animated European civilization for a thousand years and more.
Mr. Russell's answer to the question about Christianity is that Christianity is both the grandmother of Bolshevism (in its early universalist, non-Western form) and a pillar of social stabilization and order (through the values and world-view imported into it through contact with the ancient barbarians). Throughout most of its history, the latter has prevailed, but today, as Mr. Russell argues in the last pages of his work, the enemies of the European (Germanic) heritage -- what he calls "the Euro-Christian religiocultural fusion" -- have begun to triumph within Christian ranks. "Opposition to this fusion, especially as it might interfere with notions of universalism and ecumenism, was expressed in several of the documents of the Second Vatican Council," and he sees the same kind of opposition to the early medieval Germanic influence in the various reform movements in church history, including the Protestant Reformation, which always demand a return to the "primitive church" -- i.e., pre-Germanic Christianity. ...
(3) Blacks & Latinos most affected by foreclosures - Cynthia McKinney
From: WVNS <ummyakoub@yahoo.com> Date: 11.02.2010 11:06 AM
My Country Has Been Hijacked
Munich Peace Rally Speech
By Cynthia McKinney
... According to United for a Fair Economy, whose work I adore, Black unemployment is now at 14.7 percent compared to 8.7 % for whites. And in 2007, for every dollar of white wealth, a black family had just one dime.
From the sub-prime banking scam alone, because of mortgage foreclosures, Blacks and Latinos are currently experiencing the greatest loss of wealth in recent U.S. history because 53% of blacks and 47% of Latinos were saddled with sub-prime mortgages, as compared to only 26% of whites. The greedy banking class were in a feeding frenzy, feeding on black and brown hopes to become a part of the American Dream.
According to a recent study, U.S. schools today are more segregated than in the 1950s. In our most diverse state, California, one-half of black and Asian students attend segregated schools, as do one fourth of Latino and Native American students.
And, young black girls are experiencing unwanted sterilizations and other complications because of forced vaccinations with an experimental drug in these schools.
In 1954, the Supreme Court found that segregation inherently meant "unequal."
Correspondingly, schools in low-income areas are highly unequal with not even the slightest remediation of the root societal causes that strongly affect student performance.
This of course feeds quite nicely into the prison-industrial complex that is a nice money-maker for those with the disposable income to invest in the private prisons of the U.S., or are lucky enough to have a business that contracts with the prisons to employ U.S. inmates for pennies an hour.
Yes, the United States, imprisoning more people than any country on the planet, has become an incarceration nation, but only for certain people. Be suspected of being a Latino driving without a drivers license and you can get stopped and deported for having one tail light bulb that's out; but Presidents George Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama can order the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents all over the planet and they walk around free without the worry of even a citizen's arrest, let alone a warrant from a real, legal Tribunal.
Incredibly, Whites whose fortunes were sinking in the pile of unkept political promises and debilitating U.S. national debt were proselytized to by special interest media that hatred of the "other" was OK. There was little national outrage when Pat Robertson said that Hugo Chavez should be assassinated and then, more recently, when this man of the cloth opined that Haitians suffered so much because they made a deal with the devil to throw off French slavery.
Incredibly, while a record number of Blacks are seeking emergency food assistance, and people of color are losing not only their homes, but their dreams too, FOX News and CNN propagandize that it is those "others," those people of color who are responsible for the drowning of White America. And that includes President Obama who, one Southern Baptist preacher prayed to God should die. I wonder, who is his God?
True to fashion, the news that is watched by most people in the United States refuses to tell the people the truth of the conditions facing too many in our country and why.
However, according to Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, certain Whites also constitute part of the problem: according to her they are environmentalists and white supremacists. Interestingly, hatred spewing from the likes of special interest television hosts seems OK as long as they buy into the Republican/Democrat political paradigm and stay there.
Napolitano's enemies of the state, White supremacists and environmentalists, left that conformist paradigm over two generations ago. And I believe that any of us who leave that paradigm, and begin to think for ourselves and then act politically on our own independent, critical analysis can begin to put our country on the road to real independence from the special interests that have overtaken every aspect of our governmental, legal, and political apparatus, and like a parasite, has sapped the life from our body politic.
But leaving the acceptable political order puts us in the crosshairs of those whose position and power come from it.
And because the United States today is a rudderless, leaderless, divided society coming apart at the seams, now is the time more than ever that we need to employ what public schools in this country stopped supplying long ago: critical thinking about where we want to stand as a community of nations and where we in the United States want to stand as a country. ...
Democratic and Republican parties target and oust me. They ousted me because I dared to believe that all human beings, including Palestinians, have human rights.
In 2007, at a peace rally in front of the Pentagon, I did what I am now asking one million U.S. voters to do: I declared my independence from a national leadership that had caused my country to become complicit in war crimes, torture, crimes against humanity, and crimes against the peace.
I joined the Green Party and in 2008, ran for President of the United States. I traveled the length and breadth of my country and now I travel the world carrying a message of truth, justice, peace, and dignity. I spent approximately 10 of the 12 months in 2009 outside of the country.
But, I'm being told now by my friends and supporters that it's time to come back home. That the real heavy lifting is inside our country. That if we want life to be better for the people in the refugee camps all over the world, that we've got to change the policies coming out of Washington, D.C. ...
(4) East Asian skeleton from Roman Empire times found in Italy
From: IHR News <news@ihr.org> Date: 12.02.2010 06:06 PM
Asian Skeleton Found in Italy Suggests Wider Roman Empire Reach
The Telegraph (Britain)
Asian skeleton found in ruins suggests Roman Empire larger than thought
Archeologists have discovered the 2,000-year-old skeleton of an Asian man in an ancient cemetery in Italy, suggesting that the Roman Empire's reach was far more extensive than previously thought.
By Nick Squires in Rome
Published: 5:12PM GMT 08 Feb 2010
Although the Romans are known to have traded for silk and exotic spices with China, it was thought that most of the commerce was conducted through intermediaries along the Silk Route and that no Chinese or other Asians entered the empire itself.
But that orthodoxy will now have to be re-examined after a team of Canadian archaeologists conducted DNA analysis on the man's bones and found that he came from East Asia.
The skeleton was excavated from a cemetery which formed part of an imperial Roman estate at Vagnari, in the province Puglia, which forms the heel of the Italian boot.
"This discovery poses many questions about globalisation and the movement of people in Roman times," said the team's leader, Tracy Prowse, from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.
"Our data reveals that some of the inhabitants of Vagnari came from far outside the confines of the Roman Empire," Prof Prowse told the Journal of Roman Archaeology.
She suggested that the man, who lived in either the first or second century AD, may have been a slave or labourer, based on where in the cemetery his remains were found and the fact that the only item buried alongside him was a clay pot.
The fact that another body was later buried on top of him, with more elaborate grave goods, also suggests that he was of humble standing.
Although analysis of the man's mitochondrial DNA proves that he was of Asian origin, the archaeologists are unable to say whether he himself settled in Italy or whether he was the descendant of an Asian family which was already living there.
Nor does the DNA analysis allow the scientists to pinpoint more accurately where in eastern Asia he came from.
His skeleton is one of 70 that have been found since the Vagnari site was found in 2002.
Details of the discovery will be presented at a conference on Roman archaeology in Oxford next month.
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