Thursday, March 8, 2012

245 Skype in league with Mossad. Movie: THE TRIALS OF NORMAN FINKELSTEIN

*Skype in league with Mossad. Movie: THE TRIALS OF NORMAN FINKELSTEIN*

*(1) Zionized leaders wear Yarmulkes - Can you imagine them in a
Palestinian scarf?*

*(2) Letter to Rachel Corrie's parents*

*(3) Temple Mount clashes over contested shrines*

*(4) Ex-Mossad chief: Israel doesn't need U.S. permission to strike Iran*

*(5) Skype in league with Mossad. Every encryption system can be broken
- Roy Tov*

*(6) Protest, Tuesday, March 9 - FRIENDS OF THE ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES*


*(8) It’s hard to decide who is more sickening: Peres or Ban Ki-moon?*

*(9) Tips to ordinary Israelis representing Israel abroad: Do not raise
your arm at a 45 degree angle*

*(1) Zionized leaders wear Yarmulkes - Can you imagine them in a
Palestinian scarf?*

{visit the link to see the photo; and save it to disk}

From: adibsk <> Date: 07.03.2010 06:32 PM



*(2) Letter to Rachel Corrie's parents*

From: Dr. Gunther Kümel <> Date: 07.03.2010 01:13 AM

Rachel Corrie's parents get nasty letter from professor at Haifa University

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Corrie,

You are coming to our lovely town to sue Israel, claiming that your
daughter was "killed by an Israeli bulldozer." But you neglect to
mention the circumstances under which she was so killed (nor the fact
that she died from her injuries while under Palestinian medical care).??

You have stated, "She had been working in Rafah with a nonviolent
resistance organization, the International Solidarity Movement, trying
to stop the demolition of Palestinian homes and wells."??

Homes and wells, huh???

Well, she was not. Rachel was *trying to prevent the demolition of
tunnels* used to smuggle weapons for Palestinian terrorists seeking to
murder Jewish civilians. ISM openly endorses Palestinian "armed
struggle" against Jewish children and civilians and openly collaborates
with terrorists. It has hidden wanted terrorists and their weapons in
its offices. It is an accomplice in murder. Lying is not the best way to
drum up sympathy for your daughter.??

You say your daughter died trying to protect an "innocent house." Again,
this is not the truth. That "innocent house" was camouflage for a
not-so-innocent terrorist smuggling tunnel, and the residents of that
innocent house knew all about the tunnel.??

*Your daughter was in a war zone as a belligerent*, on behalf of a
movement of Arab fascists seeking to destroy Israel and murder as many
Jews as possible. Your daughter died while interfering with an
anti-terror operation carried out by soldiers in a land in which she had
no business being at all.??

You demand that we feel your pain at the loss of your daughter, yet your
daughter conscripted herself as an accomplice for those seeking to
murder?? my children. You feel no pain for the scores of martyrs in my
own city of Haifa murdered by those same terrorists.

Your daughter put herself in harm's way by challenging a large bulldozer
and positioning herself where the operator could not see her. You know
quite well that the bulldozer operator was not seeking to harm her.??

You have written, "We had not understood the devastating nature of the
Palestinians' situation." Of course, you??have never expressed any
interest in the devastating nature of the Jews' situation. The Jews have
been battling Arab fascism and genocidal terrorism for a hundred years,
before, during, and after the Nazi Holocaust of six million Jews. Your
daughter was helping those who perpetrate Nazi-like atrocities against
randomly selected Jews.

You smugly praise the propaganda play about your daughter, which ignored
all the other Rachels - the Jewish victims of terror in Israel who were
murdered by genocidal terrorists.??

Your daughter, and apparently you as well, never had any understanding
of the Middle East conflict. The Middle East conflict is?? not about the
right to self-determination of Palestinian Arabs, but rather about the
right to self-determination of Israeli Jews.

For a century the Arabs have attempted to block any expression of Jewish
self-determination, using violence, armed aggression, and terrorism. The
Arabs today control 22 countries and territory nearly twice the size of
the United States. They refuse to share even a fraction of one percent
of the Middle East with Jews, even in a territory smaller than New

The *Arab countries invented the Palestinian people* and their "plight"
as a propaganda ploy in imitation of the German campaign on behalf of
Sudeten self-determination in the 1930s. Just as the struggle for
"Sudeten liberation" was nothing more than a fig leaf for the German
aggression aimed at annihilating Czechoslovakia, so the struggle for
"Palestinian liberation" is nothing more than cover for a jihad to
destroy Israel and its population.??

Your write, "Clearly, our daughter has become a positive symbol for

I am afraid you are mistaken. Your daughter has become a symbol for
dangerous foolhardiness. She essentially committed suicide as an empty
gesture to assist murderers and terrorists.??

You want the world to mourn for your daughter, who died while working
with monsters out to murder?? our children. On the pages of anti-Semitic
propaganda web magazines you denounce Israel, but you do not have a
single word of sympathy for the families of the thousands of innocent
Israeli victims of the terrorists with whom your daughter chose to ally

On behalf of the citizens of Haifa, all of whom your daughter's Hamas
friends are trying to murder, I remain,??

Steven Plaut

Steven Plaut is a professor at Haifa University. He can be contacted at

*(3) Temple Mount clashes over contested shrines*

From: Sami Joseph <> Date: 07.03.2010 05:47 PM

Pan-Islamic body calls for international intervention to end 'Israeli
aggression,' reports


The Organization of the Islamic Conference on Saturday called the
fighting one day earlier between Israel Police officers and Muslim
worshippers on the Temple Mount "a sacrilegious act of profanation of
the holy Islamic site," according to French news agency AFP.

Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, secretary-general of the Jeddah-based pan-Islamic
body, called for international intervention to end what he described as
"Israeli aggression."

Clashes broke out between Israeli police officers and Muslim rock
throwers at the end of Friday prayers on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
following a sermon on a recent Israeli decision to include two West Bank
shrines on a list of national heritage sites.

Rocks were thrown from the direction of the mosques above toward Jews
praying below at the Western Wall plaza. Israeli police entered the
Temple Mount compound to quell the rock throwing. The stone throwers
eventually retreated to inside the Al-Aqsa mosque.

Fifteen police officers were lightly hurt in the incident; three were
transported to Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus, two to Shaare Zedek
and the rest were treated at the scene.

Palestinians reported that dozens were injured by Israeli security forces.

The pan-Islamic body on Saturday said Israel's police action was "a
violation of international law and a flagrant attack on the freedom of
religion of the nature that could take the region into a war between
religions," reported French news agency AFP.

The UN Security Council on Friday voiced concern over the fighting
between Israeli forces and Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank
and urged both sides to resume peace talks. ...

*(4) Ex-Mossad chief: Israel doesn't need U.S. permission to strike Iran*

Ex-Mossad chief: Israel doesn't need U.S. nod to strike Iran


Israel does not need American permission to strike Iran, said *Shabtai
Shavit, former chief of* Israel's *Mossad *intelligence agency, in an
exclusive interview with Aaron Klein, WND's Jerusalem bureau chief.

Asked whether Israel must coordinate with the U.S. on any future
military actions against Iran's nuclear facilities, Shavit replied, "*I
don't think that Israel needs American permission* when it comes to the
survival of Israel."

"But I would expect Israel to try to coordinate such a move if push
comes to shove," Shavit said.

Shavit, who traditionally shies away from news media interviews, was
speaking during an interview on New York's WABC Radio with Klein, who
hosts a weekend show on station.

Shavit posited that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's declaration
last week that his country is a nuclear state "proves that the
international strategy addressing the nuclear threat until today was
completely wrong."

Shavit said he* doesn't see a consensus materializing to push through
the crippling sanctions *that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been
lobbying for.

*(5) Skype in league with Mossad. Every encryption system can be broken
- Roy Tov*

From: Roy Tov <> Date: 06.03.2010 10:39 PM

On Iran, Skype and a Fallen Prince

How secure are our communications? Can we be sure Qwest is not listening
to them? Why do western countries systematically violate the Right to
Privacy clearly stated in Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, which was signed by all of them?


In recent years, communications over the internet are rapidly replacing
the phone system. *Skype became one of the main providers of VOIP*
(Voice over IP) communications and enjoys a reputation of being quite
secure since it uses its own encryption protocol. Yet, Kurt Sauer, Chief
Security Officer of Skype, refused in the past to say if the company can
listen or not. In 2008, officials at the Austrian interior ministry said
that they could listen in on Skype conversations without problem.

Yet, before I’ll touch the problem at its basic level, I would like to
illustrate another side of the problem: the infiltration of state agents
into these companies and the consequences of that.

Fallen Prince

In November 2009, my Skype account was blocked. Several phone calls were
stolen and when I complained to the company they told me they can’t
refund me and blocked the account “to prevent further thefts.” In the
subsequent weeks I dealt with the issue. They kept apologizing for their
slowness. I didn’t care too much since I seldom make phone calls –
especially since listeners sit next to me in the internet kiosks and
openly place recording devices on the table.

In late December, I published “On an Israeli Art Student” and things
changed. In the first days of January a friend sent me an email urging
for a phone call. “After I’ll get my account back” was my answer. “Call
me later today, it is urgent!” he added. Annoyed, I found my Skype
account was given back at the same time the email was sent, though
without a refund. I wasn’t even planning to check that out, they just
sent an email. Something was wrong, someone was pulling strings within

Minutes later, I was chatting with my friend. Without giving identifying
details, I’ll just say he depend economically on his relatives; one of
them is a very influential American. He began talking about the article
claiming he was surprised about my choice of that chapter from The Cross
of Bethlehem for the online promotion. I was even more surprised about
his comment. “What’s the problem?” I answered.

”*Arik* is furious.”

How do you know that?

He claimed having be contacted by his relatives and threatened to be cut
his allowance if he didn’t cooperate by making this call to me. Then he
informed me that *Arik*’s website was taken off-line. I checked out that
immediately and found this information correct. It was clear his claim
of being blackmailed by people cooperating with Israel was true. It was
also clear that Skype was collaborating with the American politician and
the security services.


One of my readers contacted me recently. After a few emails, I was
offered to move to a *supposedly secure email system using a zillion-bit
encryption*. I agreed, and proved to both of us that the security
systems were capable of breaking the encryption (or that *hidden key
loggers* are installed in public computers). Simply, I mentioned the
name of the *American politician who was working for Arik Prince of
Mossad *or his accomplices. In answer, I got a silent threat of the type
that if reported to the authorities would get the answer of being only
“circumstantial evidence.”

I won’t go into a full analysis of the topic here. Readers wishing to
learn more, are invited to read the excellent book “The Code Book: The
Evolution of Secrecy from Mary, Queen of Scots to Quantum Cryptography”
by Simon Singh. Mr. Singh was careful in certain places, but the
emerging picture is clear: *every encryption system can be broken* if
enough time is provided. The reason is that they rely on a constant and
unchanging logic. If necessary, the logic can be deciphered by brute
force approaches, meaning by checking out all possible options. Lengthy
and costly, but possible.

What cannot be broken are good codes – that is unless one of the sides
speaks out. On February 26, 2010, an extraordinary article appeared in
the New York Times. The article is named “*Another Puzzle After Iran
Moves Nuclear Fuel*.” I could summarize the thesis of the authors simply
as “I don’t know,” which is an amazing one for an article published in
one of planet’s most circulated newspapers.

I already performed a more careful analysis of the article; the points
relevant to the secure communications issue touched here is that the
article asks for information regarding certain issue and then provides a
list of the possible answers. It is clear than nobody in the west can
answer. Thus it seems *the article is aimed for someone in Iran that may
be able to answe*r; someone with access to the New York Times in Tehran.
The list cannot be very large.

How is that related to this article? We can see here a wonderful example
of an open and secure communications protocol based on a code. The
person at the other side needs to answer just one number – *the number
of the correct option as per the codification list* offered by the open
source article. The safe transfer of one number – or letter – is not
very difficult.

Should you use your phone or Skype? It doesn’t matter, both are not
secure unless you codify all the sensitive information passed over the line.

Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights promises
privacy; we demand it.

My articles on the web are my main income these days; please recognize
my efforts in writing them by visiting my donations page.

All texts and background photo © Roy Tov 2010

*(6) Protest, Tuesday, March 9 - FRIENDS OF THE ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES*


WAR CRIMINAL ALERT! Protest Friends of the IDF & Ashkenazi!

03.02.2010 | Jews Say No

Printable Flyer HERE


WHEN: Tuesday, March 9, 2010 from 5:00 - 7:00 P.M

WHERE: Please come to 53rd St and Lexington Ave

(The dinner is at the Waldorf Astoria)






Please wear black if you can. We will provide dynamic signs!


02.11.2010 | The New York Times

Is This a Man Who Sheds Light, or Simply Sets Fires?

“American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein” is a cautiously
respectful documentary portrait of a political firebrand who presents
himself as a beacon of moral truth in the murk of the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A scholar, author and passionate advocate
of the Palestinian cause, Mr. Finkelstein, 56, is a thorn in the side of
the Israel lobby.

Early in the film, directed by David Ridgen and Nicolas Rossier, Mr.
Finkelstein is shown at a 1982 rally in front of the Israeli consulate
in New York carrying a poster urging “Israeli Nazis” to “stop the
Holocaust in Lebanon,” referring to the Israeli invasion of that
country. Until he was banned from traveling to Israel, he paid regular
visits to Palestinian friends on the West Bank. He is a supporter of

Mr. Finkelstein’s inflammatory rhetoric has earned him many powerful
enemies, most notably the civil liberties lawyer Alan M. Dershowitz,
whose book “The Case for Israel” Mr. Finkelstein has called a fraud,
accusing the author of plagiarism. Leon Wieseltier, the literary editor
of The New Republic, describes Mr. Finkelstein as “poison: a disgusting
self-hating Jew.” Even Mr. Finkelstein’s political ally Noam Chomsky
questioned his judgment in picking some of his fights.

Born in Brooklyn, Mr. Finkelstein explains in the film that he inherited
his temperament from his mother, Maryla Husyt Finkelstein. Both Maryla
and Mr. Finkelstein’s father, Zacharias, were survivors of the Warsaw
Ghetto and of concentration camps. His father was interned in Auschwitz,
his mother in Majdanek.

 From Maryla, Mr. Finkelstein says that he inherited the conviction that
Jews have a special obligation to ease the suffering of humanity because
of what was done to them, and that it is not enough to pay lip service
to one’s convictions; they must be acted on. A childhood friend
remembers her emotional investment in left-wing humanitarian causes as
bordering on hysteria. Mr. Finkelstein recalls that as his notoriety
spread, she came to feel he had taken her too literally and become a
“Frankenstein’s monster” on a path toward self-destruction.

The film chronicles the controversies in which Mr. Finkelstein has
become embroiled, beginning with his attack on Joan Peters’s widely
praised 1984 best seller, “From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the
Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine,” which he denounced as a hoax. In a
television interview after the publication of his best-known book, “The
Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering”
(2000), he declares, “A handful of American Jews have effectively
hijacked the Nazi Holocaust to blackmail Europe” and “divert attention
from what is being done to the Palestinians.”

The cost of Mr. Finkelstein’s outspokenness has been steep. In 2001 he
left Hunter College, where he had taught for nine years, after his
teaching load and salary were reduced. He was subsequently hired by
DePaul University in Chicago, where he became an assistant professor of
political science. But in 2007 his bid for tenure, opposed by Mr.
Dershowitz — who called him “a propagandist” and “not a teacher” — was
denied, despite strong on-campus support.

Because it is a film, “American Radical” can only begin to sketch the
complicated historical and political debates that engage Mr. Finkelstein
and his detractors, but it allows both sides to make their cases. In his
more reflective moments Mr. Finkelstein demonstrates an acute analytical
intelligence and even an inkling of humor. “Speaking as a devout
atheist, thank God in his Almighty wisdom that he made us mortal,” he says.

But he also appears to be a man who reflexively rises to the bait: a
strident polemicist who, however right or wrong, has chosen to travel a
long, hard road.


The Trials of Norman Finkelstein

Opens on Thursday in Manhattan.

Produced and directed by David Ridgen and Nicolas Rossier; directors of
photography, Mr. Ridgen and Mr. Rossier; edited by Cameron Clendaniel;
music by Judd Greenstein; released by Typecast Releasing. At the
Anthology Film Archives, 32 Second Avenue, at Second Street, East
Village. Running time: 1 hour 24 minutes. This film is not rated.

*(8) It’s hard to decide who is more sickening: Peres or Ban Ki-moon?*

Readout of UN Special Coordinator Robert Serry’s meeting with Israeli
President Shimon Peres

02.24.2010 | UNSCO

24 February 2010

UN Special Coordinator Robert Serry called on Israeli President Shimon
Peres today to discuss efforts to resume Israeli-Palestinian
negotiations, the situation in the West Bank, and the continuing crisis
in Gaza.

At the outset of the meeting, President Peres indicated that Israel
intended to fully respect religious rights in places of worship. Special
Coordinator Serry, who had expressed his concern on the matter in a
statement on Monday, noted President Peres’ reassurance and said he
would convey it to the Secretary-General.

Special Coordinator Serry underscored UN efforts to support the
resumption of meaningful negotiations. He and President Peres exchanged
views on how best to ensure that negotiations could succeed.

Special Coordinator Serry and President Peres agreed on the importance
of supporting statebuilding efforts in the West Bank. Mr. Serry appealed
for further Israeli steps to enable expansion of Palestinian Authority
control of areas of the West Bank.

On Gaza, Special Coordinator Serry underlined Secretary-General Ban
Ki-moon’s appreciation for President Peres’ efforts, including in
helping to facilitate the entry of glass into Gaza. However, he
underscored the Secretary-General’s deep concern at the situation in
Gaza. He stressed that the blockade of Gaza was undermining legitimate
commercial activity while empowering an illicit tunnel economy.

While President Peres suggested that there were no humanitarian
shortages, Special Coordinator Serry highlighted the lack of materials
coming through legitimate crossings for economic recovery and
reconstruction for the civilian population.

Special Coordinator Serry appealed for Israel to respond positively to
the long-standing proposal of the Secretary-General to complete stalled
UN construction projects in Gaza, and urged that the UN be more
empowered to help the civilian population.

Special Coordinator Serry and President Peres also discussed the
regional situation.

For further info please contact:

Richard Miron


*(9) Tips to ordinary Israelis representing Israel abroad: Do not raise
your arm at a 45 degree angle*

*Tips to ordinary Israelis* representing Israel abroad: *Do not raise
your arm at a 45 degree angle* and shout “Heil Hitler!” *Do not sing or
hum “Israel uber Alles!”* Do not drop white phosphrous on your neighbor’
s home! Do not shoot your neighbor’s baby especially if it is holding a
white flag.

*My Word: Doing what comes naturally*

02.20.2010 | Jerusalem Post


20/02/2010 23:39

The idea of training ordinary Israelis to represent the country abroad
is a welcome effort at (peacefully) fighting back.

Israel might have won (just about) all the wars launched against it by
its neighbors but there’s one ongoing battle the country is obviously
losing: The public diplomacy war.

Meet the latest weapon – coming to a street, campus, restaurant or bar
near you. Ordinary Israelis.

If there are two traits that are meant to typify the average Israeli it
is the fear of being a freier and an innate inability to apologize.
Despite these stereotypes, most Israelis with whom I’ve discussed the
national image crisis believe the country has been acting as suckers and
over-apologizing (even for incidents, like the Mohammed al-Dura case, in
which it is now clear that Israel was not the guilty partner).

Hence the idea of training regular Israelis how to represent the country
abroad, a campaign launched last week by Yuli Edelstein’s Ministry for
Public Diplomacy, is a welcome effort at (peacefully) fighting back.

Thousands of citizens are willing to help get across the message that
Israel is a modern, democratic country with an impressive list of
achievements. Now they can learn how.

The preparation runs from workshops for official delegations to pocket
pamphlets distributed at Ben-Gurion Airport for regular travelers, and –
as becomes the modern media age – information contained on the newly
created Web site.

The initiative has been dubbed by Edelstein Tzva Hasbara LeYisrael, the
Israeli Public Diplomacy Forces, a play on the Hebrew name of the IDF
and the concept of “hasbara” or public information.

The idea is neither new nor unique (see the recent interview with MK
Nachman Shai in which he explained his concept of molecularpublic
diplomacy) but it answers an obvious need.

Just about every Israeli abroad has faced something ranging from
antagonism to open anti-Semitism. The lucky ones have only had to tackle
misconceptions – I recently got hit with the old myth that Orthodox Jews
have sex through a hole in the sheet.

President Shimon Peres in his usual upbeat way last month dismissed
fears of a public image disaster, quipping: “There are millions of
Indians, who love us; a billion Chinese, who love us; and millions of
Evangelicals, who love us. We have a problem with Sweden, but we’re
working on it.”

Nonetheless, the stories of (verbal) attacks on campuses ranging from
Oxford University to the University of California, demonstrate that the
problem goes way beyond the tiny dot that is Malmö on the world map.

The masbirim site includes suggestions such as: *First listen, then
speak; maintain eye contact*; use relaxed body language and tone; don’t
preach; ask questions; answer points raised; stick to two or three
messages you want to convey; and maintain a sense of humor.

The ministry is happy to provide the unofficial ambassadors with
information on Israeli history, common *myths that need combating*, and
a list of thecountry’s achievements ranging from the development of drip
agriculture and advanced space technology to the creation of cherry

My main tip to travelers (of any nationality) is *focus on the small
stories of everyday life* and always *find what you have in common*. ...

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