Thursday, March 8, 2012

249 Japanese DJP politician supports 9/11 Truth. China refuses to meet Israelis calling for Iran Sanctions

Japanese DJP politician supports 9/11 Truth. China refuses to meet Israelis calling for Iran Sanctions

What a relief. While the Western world is supine, Asian leaders rise to the occasion.

(1) Skype is not blocked in China
(2) Skype is a totally compromised - Brendon O'Connell
(3) Spooks going STRAIGHT INTO your wireless hardware - Brendon O'Connell
(4) "Gas Lighting" or how to drive your target crazy
(5) Japanese DJP politician supports 9/11 Truth Movement; Washington Post condemns him
(6) Yukihisa Fujita replies to Washington Post Editorial on Dated Mar 8, 2010
(7) China refuses to meet Israelis calling for Iran Sanctions
(8) Open Letter to the ADL - from Roy Tov

(1) Skype is not blocked in China

{David West is a Foreign Teacher in Kunming, Yunnan Province}

From: dgw <> Date: 10.03.2010 12:18 AM

Skype is not blocked in China, but Google Sites, Facebook, YouTube, Blogspot and many others are.

Best regards


(2) Skype is a totally compromised - Brendon O'Connell

From: Mr Smith <> Date: 10.03.2010 05:13 PM Subject: Skype - Compromised.

{I had had no dealings with Brendon O'Connell before he sent this letter. someone must have told him we were discussing Skype - Peter M.}

Brendon O'Connell here,

I can state unequivocally that "Skype" is a totally compromised piece of intelligence agency crap.

When skype was a nothing they bought out "Timbuktu" remote desktop software - no one knew why. Well, thats easily explained. They built it into the software - Skype.

I have received HUGE harassment as have my friends after outing an Israeli Intelligence asset here in Perth, western Australia. Israel has their hands in our S.A.S communications system and the guy I outted (Leon Wende) had his house visited by the A.F.P after I made a complaint. He also installed the weapons and sensor systems on the Collins Class Sub - Israeli modified American systems. He also installed (with the Israeli Intelligence front company Verint) the Sydney rail transit system security.

SKYPE was their direct line into my computer.

Despite encrypting the hard drive, blocking I.P traffic, getting rid of back door accounts that come with XP, getting rid of all sorts of services at start up, good software firewall - I would get a few days of blissful, "normal" internet usage then all sorts of wiered stuff would begin to happen. Why? I used Skype. When I got rid of it - life was blissful.

The sure sign they are in is incessant hard drive activity and router/internet access light activity. I have turned off hard drive indexing. Combined with locking them out my hard drive light and internet access light barely budge until I tell it to.

I also saw this starkly when I helped a friend fix his computer after I had used his connection. After I used it he began to have the usual - computer locking up, unable to shut down etc...and on and on. Incessant hard drive and router activity. I did my magic and all was well. 3 days later he used Skype after I told him not to and even supplied an old computer with Skype installed that he could use it for exclusively - he could'nt be bothered and no sooner did he install and use Skype on his main computer than they were in - I.P traffic allowed in his software firewall, back door accounts back and all the usual stuff.


I have never been surer of anything in my life.


Brendon O'Connell

Reply (Peter M.):


Let's guess that spooks are interested in some people but not others. Then most users of Skype (or other software) may not notice any unusual activity. I mean hard disk activity when you're doing nothing, or a program running very slowly & tying up the computer.

I agree with you about turning Indexing off - you want to be totally in control of your computer, such that when YOU are doing nothing, IT should be doing nothing. You will notice suspicious activity more if your computer is slower; the faster it is, the easier it would be for someone to read or upload your hard disk without you noticing.

Also, be careful about leaving your computer connected to the internet for hours when you're away from it. Turn off the option to Save Passwords - do not have any saved passwords at all.

You have maximum control when using Mac OS 9, because it's incompatible and its operating system is officially dead, although there's plenty of old but good software around for it - which is free. But you need to have Javascript off, because it provides a common platform. If you're interested in going that way, the cost would be minimal; I can help you, if you'd like to get in touch. You can also run Mac OS X on the same computer if you wish.

There are occasions in OS 9 when I have Javascript on, and when some alien force takes over. On such occasions I Force Quit; if that fails, I press the Restart button. I also unplug the ethernet cable on some such occasions.

Mac OS X and other Unix-based systems are next best. Windows is worst.

(3) Spooks going STRAIGHT INTO your wireless hardware - Brendon O'Connell

From: Mr Smith <> Date: 11.03.2010 02:07 PM
Subject: Re: Skype - Compromised.

The trouble with Mac and Linux based O.S's is that I have ZERO control over what goes in and out.

Peter - I have the Israeli state and the local police hacking me. I had a small Eee P.C with Ubuntu. NO wireless driver installed and wireless card switched off in BIOS. It was just sitting there in front of me when the hard drive arced up for 2 solid minutes and the computer locked up. I was doing nothing on it. I tried to log off and it said..."Unable to log off, other users logged on". I pulled out the battery and unplugged it and ran outside with my camera to see if there was some sort of "driveby" going on. I saw no one but they could have easily got away. I checked through the hard drive later and found 2 hidden partitions - each 2 gig - on both the O.S partition and data partition. I also noted that when using Acronis True Image software there was a "networked" 1 terrabyte drive linked to my laptop. This is the level of the hacking. They are going STRAIGHT INTO the wireless hardware. Now made in Israel I might add as well as router chips, mobile phone chips and desktop and Laptop CPU's.

I have had files deleted in front of me. Had them moved in front of me. E-mails deleted in front of me off my hard drive AND the I.S.P e-mail server. The largest I.S.P in Australia is "IINet". They were going broke in 2005. Now they are the largest in Oz and GUESS WHERE their head office is located? One floor below the W.A Police technology Crime Division! I had my e-mails with them.

Now I have locked them out with a combo of good software firewall, deleted back end accounts, hard drive encryption.

For an idea of what has been going on go to this forum thread I made over a year ago. I focus on Israeli Intelligence activity in Oz. They are all over our military and communications networks through Verint and Amdocs etc...

Have SAS Communications Been Compromised By Israel

Also my Blog Postings. I now have a gag order since November 20th last year. I accused the Senior D.P.P Prosecutor of corruption and he resigned. The hit piece producing Channel 9 also axed the local production of "A Current Affair" who colluded directly with police and D.P.P.

The Media Reporting

Media Reporting - Channel Brendon

How Is The Court Case Going

ADL Honey Pot Caught Red Handed

Israeli Intelligence Operating Down Under

Fredrick Toben has supported me and brought much needed publicity with is reporting. He has dropped the holocaust stuff and is now pushing hard on matters of Israeli Intelligence operating Down Under in our military and telecommunications institutions. This has brought about his first bout of computer and phone problems.

I have had my private telephone conversations published online. My girlfriend in the U.S has had her house broken into, dogs, goats and cow tasered to the point of terror (95 pound Snauser, 50 pound Pitbull). Before all the latest gang stalking she had all 4 tires taken off her car and stacked onto her roof, death threats over the phone. She had to leave New York.



(4) "Gas Lighting" or how to drive your target crazy

by Brendon O'Connell

... Here is a book on "Gas Lighting" or how to drive your target crazy. Both myself and my freind have experienced all of these techniques...

How To Drive Your Enemies Crazy
by Victor Santoro
You know what's wrong with the world? Too many assholes and not enough ways to get even! If your boss is bearing down or your next door neighbor's annoying, whatcha gonna do? If you retaliate, it could cost you your job or land you in jail.
Now there's a safe, effective way for you to get even without putting yourself in any danger. It's called "gaslighting ," and it's guaranteed to turn your target's life upside down.
"Gaslighting " means to drive someone crazy. It comes from the 1944 film Gaslight, in which a husband convinces his wife she's losing her mind. Gaslighting is the most potent form of psychological warfare you can use without a license.
In Gaslighting : How To Drive Your Enemies Crazy, Victor Santoro (The "Godfather of Harassment") shows you how to destroy your target's confidence, self-esteem and reputation. Through a series of small incidents, your target gets progressively more confused, until he's "reduced to a shapeless mass of shivering, quivering jelly." Some of the tactics covered include:
*Collecting information on your target
*Preparing for a gaslighting attack
*Creating tension, anxiety and sleeplessness
*Messing with your target's car, telephone and mail
*Gaslighting at your target's workplace and home
*Turning neighbors and co-workers against the target
*Covering your tracks *And much more.
Gaslighting will show you how to cause disorientation, get your target off balance, and build up his paranoia. Finally, you completely annihilate his reputation, leading to personal disasters such as job loss, divorce, financial devastation p; even jail.
If you've been mistreated, you don't have to take it and you don't have to fight back. There is a third route p; Gaslighting p; WHERE YOU WATCH AS YOUR ENEMY SLOWLY SCREWS HIMSELF!

(5) Japanese DJP politician supports 9/11 Truth Movement; Washington Post condemns him

Washington Post EDITORIAL

Monday, March 8, 2010

A leading Japanese politician espouses a 9/11 fantasy

YUKIHISA FUJITA is an influential member of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan. As chief of the DPJ's international department and head of the Research Committee on Foreign Affairs in the upper house of Japan's parliament, to which he was elected in 2007, he is a Brahmin in the foreign policy establishment of Washington's most important East Asian ally. He also seems to think that America's rendering of the events of Sept. 11, 2001, is a gigantic hoax.

Mr. Fujita's ideas about the attack on the World Trade Center, which he shared with us in a recent interview, are too bizarre, half-baked and intellectually bogus to merit serious discussion. He questions whether it was really the work of terrorists; suggests that shadowy forces with advance knowledge of the plot played the stock market to profit from it; peddles the fantastic idea that eight of the 19 hijackers are alive and well; and hints that controlled demolition rather than fire or debris may be a more likely explanation for at least the collapse of the building at 7 World Trade Center, which was adjacent to the twin towers.

As with almost any calamity whose scale and scope assume historic proportions, the events of Sept. 11 have spawned a thriving subculture of conspiracy theorists at home and abroad. The only thing novel about Mr. Fujita is that a man so susceptible to the imaginings of the lunatic fringe happens to occupy a notable position in the governing apparatus of a nation that boasts the world's second-largest economy.

We have no reason to believe that Mr. Fujita's views are widely shared in Japan; we suspect that they are not and that many Japanese would be embarrassed by them. His proposal two years ago that Tokyo undertake an independent investigation into the Sept. 11 attacks, in which 24 Japanese citizens died, went nowhere. Nonetheless, his views, rooted as they are in profound distrust of the United States, seem to reflect a strain of anti-American thought that runs through the DPJ and the government of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama.

Mr. Hatoyama, elected last summer, has called for a more "mature" relationship with Washington and closer ties between Japan and China. Although he has reaffirmed longstanding doctrine that Japan's alliance with the United States remains the cornerstone of its security, his actions and those of the DPJ-led government, raise questions about that commitment. It's a cliche but nonetheless true that the U.S.-Japan alliance has been a critical force for stability in East Asia for decades. That relationship, and its benefits for the region, will be severely tested if Mr. Hatoyama tolerates elements of his own party as reckless and fact-averse as Mr. Fujita.

(6) Yukihisa Fujita replies to Washington Post Editorial on Dated Mar 8, 2010

From: CAMPAIGN <> Date: 11.03.2010 08:51 AM

Yukihisa Fujita: Comment on Circumstances of Washington Post Editorial on Dated Mar 8, 2010

From 9/11 Truth Movement Colleagues on Japan

Yes, this incidence is quite disturbing, but on the other hand it may be a sign that those holding to "911 Official Story might think they need to do some counter attack against uprising 911 Truth movements especially including Richard Gage's recent actions. I truly believe it won't be long until the Truth will come out! And this could be such an introduction.

We are discussing right now to find how to take an action properly with Mr. Fujita. I have attached (below) the English translation from his recent blog explaining what exactly happened then. It seems obvious that this WP editorial staff intentionally set up the interview with Mr Fujita to get his any words implying "911 is a hoax".

Thank you for your concern. 

March 10th, 2010

Comment on Circumstances of Washington Post Editorial Dated Mar 8, 2010

Yukihisa Fujita

Member of the House of Councillors

At 10:30 am on March 3, 2010, Lee Hockstader, Editorial Writer for the Washington Post, visited myself (Yukihisa Fujita, member of the House of Councillors, and Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) International Department Director General) having made an interview request on the subject of “Japan’s stance on and shifting attitudes toward immigration” via the Foreign Press Center, Japan. 

1.     The requested interview time of one hour was spent discussing the current situation relating to Japan’s response to immigration and my opinions on this issue.  During the interview Hockstader typed my comments into his laptop computer, as he had requested.  However, once the one hour interview had ended and Hockstader had closed his laptop, he mentioned as an aside that he had noticed from my resume that I had raised the issue of the 9/11 terror attacks in a Diet committee, and asked whether I had some doubts about this issue.  In response, I explained the circumstances that led me to become involved in the 9/11 issue and pointed out a number of points that still remained unexplained about the events of that day.

2.     In other words, after answering questions on the agreed upon theme for around one hour, I naturally responded to this question as being separate from the interview itself.

3.     Ms. Fukasawa of the Foreign Press Center, Japan also attended the interview (DPJ International Department Manager Ms. Uchida and Deputy Manager Ms. Burnicle were also in attendance), and she confirmed that during his visit to Japan, Hockstader did not conduct interviews on any other subject than immigration. (following the interview, I received a letter of thanks from Foreign Press Center, Japan President Terusuke Terada).  The entire interview was recorded and I intend to disclose the content of the interview in due course.

4.     As stated in 1. above, this was an informal chat regarding 9/11 following the actual interview itself.  At no point did I draw the conclusion that 9/11 was a conspiracy, and I clearly stated that I had never concluded that the collapse of the Twin Towers had been a result of a controlled demolition.  Rather, I stated I had made my speech in the Diet from the stance that it was necessary to investigate the origins of the “War on Terror” from the perspective of assisting the relatives of the victims of 9/11, and in relation to the war in Afghanistan and the provision of humanitarian assistance.

5.     Furthermore, I have many American friends from various walks of life, and have worked for many years to serve as a bridge between Japan and the United States, including by providing assistance to former US POWs held captive by Japan.

6.     I currently serve as Senior Director of the Research Committee on International Affairs and Global Warming Issues in the House of Councillors, but I was introduced in the article as though I was the Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs.  Moreover, the article describes me as “a Brahmin in the foreign policy establishment” of Japan, while in fact, as Director General of the Democratic Party of Japan’s International Department, I am not involved in policy matters.  I find it totally regrettable that this kind of biased article should be published in the Washington Post.

(7) China refuses to meet Israelis calling for Iran Sanctions

From: Sami Joseph <> Date: 11.03.2010 12:03 PM


MARCH 8 & 15, 2010

China Snubs Israeli Calls for Iran Sanctions

The prime minister of contract murder, Binyamin Netanyahu, was not long permitted to rejoice over the agreement to sanction Iran which he had wrested from the Russian leadership. A few days later, China made it clear that it would in no case help to carry out such sanctions. Consequently, Netanyahu believed it necessary to pay a visit to the Chinese leadership, in order to bring them on course through an Israeli word of command.

But the Chinese leadership did not even once want to see Netanyahu. So “Bibi” had to stay home. On Feb. 25, 2010, Israel sent a high-ranking government delegation to Beijing, including Vice Premier Moshe Yaalon, as well as the currency bank chief, Stanley Fischer, in order to move the Chinese leadership to hard sanctions against Iran.”

But the Israelis were snubbed once more. They were left standing on stage for not a single member of the government made himself available to them for discussions.

This was how the vassal media rewrote the fiasco: “The Israelis hoped to be able to meet during the two-day stay with the advisor of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Dai Bingguo.” The Israelis have become so modest that even a government advisor would have been enough for them, but even he would not do them the honor.

Let us revisit this dimension of the postponed New World Order one more time. “Bibi” believed he had to take the matter in hand himself because his foreign legionnaire Hillary Clinton, had already received a rebuff in matters of Iran sanctions. So the Israelis more or less invited themselves to Beijing but were again immediately diplomatically uninvited with the comment, “Well, if you absolutely want to come. . . . But we have no time for you.”

And so not even the advisor of the Foreign Ministry was available, let alone a minister. Moreover, a meeting with the head of the Chinese government was not to be considered. The Israelis had to be contented with a common official, in order to hear from him that China would take part in no hard sanctions against Iran: “Beijing also backed out of a fourth round of attempted UN Security Council sanctions against Iran, even though Iran declared it would intensify nuclear development.”

After this declaration from Beijing, Russia also wanted to follow suit and give Israel a further blow to the pit of the stomach. The Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, stated to Ria Novosti, “There is no evidence that Iran wants to manufacture atomic weapons.” The foreign minister then made it clear once again that Russia supports Iran’s nuclear technology: “Lavrov confirmed Iran’s right to expand its nuclear program.”

With this announcement, the Russian foreign minister behaved brusquely a further time toward the U.S. government, since the misanthropic activities of the pro-Israel Hillary Clinton were delivered up to absurdity. It seems to have become noticeable everywhere in the world that Israel’s golem (the USA) is collapsing right into the dust. One recognizes especially well that this is so through Iranian self-confidence.

During a recent visit by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to his official colleague, Bashar al-Assad, in Damascus, the two of them made fun of Mrs. Clinton. “Only a few days after U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, had attempted to loosen Syria from the alliance with Iran, Syrian President al-Assad received controversial Iranian President Ahmadinejad, and together they launched almost with pleasure into gestures of friendship.”

The downfall of Israeli/Zionist world power has become irreversible. The bungled murder of the Palestinian freedom fighter, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, on Jan. 19, 2010 in a hotel in Dubai, demonstrates that, also. The ostensibly best secret service in the world allows itself to be filmed by the hotel cameras during the murder and must look on as the identities of the murderers appear worldwide in the headlines with names and photographs.

Any killer on the street would have done it more cleverly and probably would not even have been discovered. The Israelis were so certain of being able to leave Dubai unrecognized only because up to now they could commit murder worldwide, without having to fear being exposed. They never had to take security precautions, since they enjoyed absolute operational freedom in every Western country, as well as in Arab vassal nations.

Naturally, they believed that bankrupt Dubai would also leave them alone because the sheikhs needed credit from the West in order to get out of the financial calamity into which the Emirate was pushed by Wall Street. That was a fatal miscalculation. _ 

The above is translated by Peter Strahl from the German-language “News Journal” website.

(8) Open Letter to the ADL - from Roy Tov

From: Roy Tov <> Date: 09.03.2010 09:09 PM

Open Letter to the ADL

{visit the link to see the cartoon}

Dear Sirs,

I want to file a complaint. Simply, I was looking at the definitions of anti-Semitism and found out that I’ve been a witness of anti-Semitism for years. Terrified, I understood that not complaining to the Anti-Defamation League would transform me into an accomplice, and I cannot support even the thought of that.

I’m sure you’ll value my complaint, after all you claim to "fight anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defend democratic ideals and protect civil rights for all" and "defend the security of Israel and Jews worldwide." Your motto is: “To stop the defamation of the Jewish people…to secure justice and fair treatment to all.” You are doing that continuously since 1913; almost a century of undisputed, undiscriminating professionalism. Wow, I found the right place for my complaint.

What is anti-Semitism? Let me quote a definition I found. I’m confident you’ll accept it. “Anti-Semitism is prejudice against or hostility towards Jews, often rooted in hatred of their ethnic background, culture, or religion. In its extreme form, it attributes to the Jews an exceptional position among all other civilizations, defames them as an inferior group and denies their being part of the nations in which they reside. Anti-Semitism may be manifested in many ways, ranging from individual expressions of hatred and discrimination against individual Jews…”

Yes, clearly my complaint is within the category of anti-Semitism. The proofs are overwhelming. If I was to cite only the available sources, I would run out of space in the server. I just want to bring a paragraph that appeared in an article by Dr. Yifat Bitton, from The Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals. I'm sure you'll find this source a suitable and honorable one. The name of the article is “Old-Fashioned Discrimination, New-Style Battle;” it deals with discrimination in Israel. One of the first paragraphs reads:

“Ethnic discrimination has been a continual struggle for Sephardim in Israeli society since the establishment of the State of Israel. Upon arrival from their countries of origin, Sephardic Jews were categorized as “Mizrahim,” (“Easterners”, or Jews from Arab or Muslim countries) a social and cultural category that was invented just for them at that time. However, though established in the past, this category is still meaningful sixty years later. Mizrahim in Israel continue to suffer from structural injustices. Statistics prove they have a high unemployment rate, comprise a disproportionate percentage of Israel’s prison and social welfare populations, and suffer substantial underachievement in education. These deficiencies have held steady or even increased over Israel’s six decades of statehood. (See Oren Yiftachel, Nation-Building or Ethnic Fragmentation? Ashkenazim, Mizrahim and Arabs in the Israeli Frontier, 1 Space and Polity 2, 149-169 (1997); Hubert Lu-Yon and Rachel Kalush: Housing in Israel: Policy and Inequality (1994). Although Mizrahim today comprise a larger share of formally educated society, recent research indicates that the gap itself between Mizrahim and Ashkenazim in education has grown in the last decades. See Momi Dahan, He is (Not) Entitled – Has the Gap in Education Narrowed? in Education and Social Justice in Israel – On Equal Opportunities in Education 19 (Samuel Shay et al, 2003).)”

Dear leaders of the ADL and their parent organization, the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, I want to file a complaint for anti-Semitism and discrimination against the State of Israel. I do trust you’ll be faithful to your honorable principles and take action against that organization.

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