Stolen Identities: 9/11 hijackers cf Dubai assassination
(1) Stolen Identities: 9/11 hijackers cf Dubai assassination
(2) War Games, key to 9/11 USAF Stand Down. Does it mean Cheney was the Brains?
(3) Share Trades before 9/11: do they point to Cheney, the Pentagon and the CIA?
(4) 9/11 Media documentaries blame US Gov't but MOSSAD remains taboo
(5) Larry Silverstein obtained WTC lease from his synagogue buddy, Lewis M Eisenberg
(6) Sabrosky: I express my Jewish identity in cuisine, not foreign policy
(7) Mossad did 911 - Alan Sabrosky, of US Army War College
(8) Pilots for 9/11 truth: Pentagon aircraft hijack impossible - flight deck door closed for entire flight
(9) 9/11 Hijackers' Stolen Identities - from Stranger than Fiction
(10) Stolen Identities: Saudi Prince says seven alleged Hijackers are ALIVE (Sept 23 '01)
(11) Stolen Identities: UK Telegraph interviews four 9/11 Hijackers, ALIVE (Sept 23, '01)
(1) Stolen Identities: 9/11 hijackers cf Dubai assassination - Peter Myers, March 21, 2010
The recent Dubai assasination in which Mossad used stolen identities warrants re-examination of evidence that the identities of at least some of the alleged 9/11 hijackers had been stolen.
In item 11, the UK Telegraph interviews four 9/11 Hijackers, ALIVE.
And in item 10, a Saudi Prince says that at least 7 of the alleged hijckers are alive. This original Reuters News Wire report was hard to track down. Please save the Archive webpage to hard disk, and make backup copies.
The Telegraph assumes that their identities were stolen by Bin Laden. The prospect that Mossad might have done it is not considered. Yet, New Zealand later broke off diplomatic relations with Israel over Mossad using its passports. And the Dubai assassination shows Mossad's track record.
Of the four ALIVE hijackers the Telegraph interviewed, one, Saeed Al-Ghamdi, is a Saudi Airlines pilot - ALIVE. He was named as a terrorist on the United Airlines flight that crashed in Pennsylvania. The FBI published his personal details but with a photograph of somebody else - possibly someone who impersonated him at a Florida flight school.
Another, Abdulaziz Al-Omari, is an engineer from Riyadh - ALIVE. Mr Al-Omari was listed as one of the hijackers of the American Airlines plane that crashed into the the WTC north tower. He said,"I have no idea how to fly a plane."
And another, Salem Al-Hamzi, said, "I have never been to the United States".
If these "hijackers" are alive, who attended the Florida flying schools, impersonating them?
Item 4 reports that TV stations are increasingly ready to run documentaries arguing/showing that 9/11 was an Inside Job. About 20 such cases are described here, yet NOT ONE mentions Mossad. This does not imply that these documentaries are worthless. It is better to get the public wondering about US government first, then progressing onto the even more taboo topic second. But information about the latter is NEVER presented on public TV stations.
It is hard to believe that Bush & Cheney were not complicit in some way. But that does not mean that they were the brains behind the plot. The point to remember is: Mossad knows what THEY are up to, but they don't know what Mossad's doing.
US intelligence agencies are not monolithic. Elements of the CIA, NSA, FBI and Police seem to have provided information on Mossad involvement in 9/11 to the makers of the documentary 9/11 Missing Links (item 4).
On the other hand, Mossad would have some Sayanin in those bodies, apart from those who been duped. So the intelligence agencies are themselves split.
If "Inside Job" documentaries reach a wider audience, the Pentagon and the Intelligence Agencies might find that THEY are assumed to be the Plotters. Mossad - if guilty as I believe - would do all it could to keep the spotlight on them, not it. In self-defence, those agencies might spill the beans and tell all they know.
What Really Happened is a good entrance-point for 9/11 research.
9/11 WRH Index:
Physics 911 is good for technical details:
David Ray Griffin exposes the Bin Laden videos as fake, in his book Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?
For a precedent at Pearl Harbor, see Day of Deceit, by Robert B. Stinnett. He shows US Government complicity at the highest levels. The aging ships left in Pearl Harbor were a bait, which enabled US entry to the war, the goal being to bring Hitler down. Perhaps the end justified the means, but every time school textbooks omit it from their accounts, a new deception is being imposed on the people.
(2) War Games, key to 9/11 USAF Stand Down. Does it mean Cheney was the Brains?
- Peter Myers, March 21, 2010
War Games: The Key to a 9/11 USAF Stand Down
{quote - WRH} Dr. Robert Bowman, a man so decorated with medals and honors they could fill a patriotic Christmas tree, has joined the ranks of those who are declaring that the attacks on 9/11 were an inside job. ... Dr. Bowman has inside knowledge of military protocol, and has stated that it is apparent to him that the massive military exercises that took place on September 11, 2001 were intentionally staged to confuse civil defenses. The person who headed those exercises? None other then Richard Cheney, otherwise known as Dead-eye Dick. [Choice Changes]
Bowman was former head of the Star Wars missile defense program.
The Choice Changes link at WRH is broken, but the original is at
Anyway, it's derived from this report:
Former Head Of Star Wars Program Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect
Official version of events a conspiracy theory, says drills were cover for attacks
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison | April 4 2006
In an interview with The Alex Jones Show aired nationally on the GCN Radio Network, Bowman (pictured below) stated that at the bare minimum if Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were involved in 9/11 then the government stood down and allowed the attacks to happen. He said it is plausible that the entire chain of military command were unaware of what was taking place and were used as tools by the people pulling the strings behind the attack.
In an interview with The Alex Jones Show aired nationally on the GCN Radio Network, Bowman (pictured below) stated that at the bare minimum if Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were involved in 9/11 then the government stood down and allowed the attacks to happen. He said it is plausible that the entire chain of military command were unaware of what was taking place and were used as tools by the people pulling the strings behind the attack.
"The exercises that went on that morning simulating the exact kind of thing that was happening so confused the people in the FAA and NORAD....that they didn't they didn't know what was real and what was part of the exercise," said Bowman
"I think the people who planned and carried out those exercises, they're the ones that should be the object of investigation."
Asked if he could name a prime suspect who was the likely architect behind the attacks, Bowman stated, "If I had to narrow it down to one person....I think my prime suspect would be Dick Cheney."
Bowman said that privately his military fighter pilot peers and colleagues did not disagree with his sentiments about the real story behind 9/11.
The key part of that Bowman statement is this: "it is plausible that the entire chain of military command were unaware of what was taking place and were used as tools by the people pulling the strings".
That's much more important than jumping to the conclusion that Cheney was the brains behind 9/11. Rather than Cheney scheduling those War Games around 9/11, it's more likely that the War Games were scheduled first, by Cheney, then the date of 9/11 was chosen to match them - to use them as a cover.
So Cheney himself may have been duped. Bush too.
It has taken Dissidents years to piece the story together. Government officials on the day of 9/11 had no time to research and debate, such as leads one to "think outside the box". They would have been vulnerable to suggestion - to ready-made explanations offered on a plate by the conspirators in their ranks.
The CIA and Mossad would have known about the War Games; Bin Laden would not.
The FBI shut down Arab & Muslim web sites in the days leading up to 9/11:
"If you are going to frame someone, you have to make certain they cannot speak in their own defense."
That does not make the FBI complicit in 9/11. They might have received warnings from some intelligence agency, which led them to take such measures.
After 9/11, Mossad blamed US agencies for not heeding its warnings. Yet the Five Dancing Israelis , and the Urban Moving Systems vans, show that Mossad was far from trying to PREVENT 9/11:
(3) Share Trades before 9/11: do they point to Cheney, the Pentagon and the CIA?
- Peter Myers, March 21, 2010
Mike Ruppert wrote that stock trades before 9/11 "lead directly into the CIA's highest ranks":
When one looks more closely at Ruppert's evidence, it is:
... the firm used to place the "put options" on United Airlines stock was, until 1998, managed by the man who is now in the number three Executive Director position at the Central Intelligence Agency. ... A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard then became ... Vice Chairman of Banker's Trust-AB Brown ... Krongard ... was promoted to CIA Executive Director by President Bush in March of this year. BT was acquired by Deutsche Bank in 1999. The combined firm is the single largest bank in Europe. And, as we shall see, Deutsche Bank played several key roles in events connected to the September 11 attacks. ... A September 21 story by the Israeli Herzliyya International Policy Institute for Counter terrorism, entitled "Black Tuesday: The World's Largest Insider Trading Scam?" documented the following trades connected to the September 11 attacks:
- Between September 6 and 7, the Chicago Board Options Exchange saw purchases of 4,744 put options on United Airlines, but only 396 call options. Assuming that 4,000 of the options were bought by people with advance knowledge of the imminent attacks, these "insiders" would have profited by almost $5 million.
- On September 10, 4,516 put options on American Airlines were bought on the Chicago exchange, compared to only 748 calls. Again, there was no news at that point to justify this imbalance; Again, assuming that 4,000 of these options trades represent "insiders", they would represent a gain of about $4 million. ...
- Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co., which occupied 22 floors of the World Trade Center, saw 2,157 of its October $45 put options bought in the three trading days before Black Tuesday; this compares to an average of 27 contracts per day before September 6. ...
- Merrill Lynch & Co., which occupied 22 floors of the World Trade Center, saw 12,215 October $45 put options bought in the four trading days before the attacks; the previous average volume in those shares had been 252 contracts per day ...
- European regulators are examining trades in Germany's Munich Re, Switzerland's Swiss Re, and AXA of France, all major reinsurers with exposure to the Black Tuesday disaster. [FTW Note: AXA also owns more than 25% of American Airlines stock making the attacks a "double whammy" for them.]
On September 29, 2001 - in a vital story that has gone unnoticed by the major media - the San Francisco Chronicle reported, "Investors have yet to collect more than $2.5 million in profits they made trading options in the stock of United Airlines before the Sept. 11, terrorist attacks, according to a source familiar with the trades and market data".
"The uncollected money raises suspicions that the investors - whose identities and nationalities have not been made public - had advance knowledge of the strikes". They don't dare show up now. The suspension of trading for four days after the attacks made it impossible to cash-out quickly and claim the prize before investigators started looking. ... Understanding the interrelationships between CIA and the banking and brokerage world is critical to grasping the already frightening implications of the above revelations. Let's look at the history of CIA, Wall Street and the big banks ...
That is evidence that the sellers had inside knowledge of the impending 9/11. But Ruppert does not provide evidence that CIA leaders at the time of 9/11 themselves sold such shares before the event. All he shows is a tie-up between them and the New York banks.
If CIA leaders were the brains behind 9/11, they would surely have realized that such share sales would betray the whole project. The true sellers would have been much less high-profile people - the power behind the scenes.
The Chicago Board Options Exchange erased its data after 9/11:
That erasure points to people in High Finance, not to the CIA or the Pentagon. And Finance could just as easily have had a connection to Mossad, as to the CIA.
Who was in charge of the Chicago Board Options Exchange at that time? Did he/she act on his own initiative, or at the behest of someone else?
(4) 9/11 Media documentaries blame US Gov't but MOSSAD remains taboo
The Media Response to the Growing Influence of the 9/11 Truth Movement.
Part II: A Survey of Attitude Change in 2009-2010
by Elizabeth Woodworth
Global Research, February 15, 2010
In the past year, in response to emerging independent science on the 9/11 attacks, nine corporate, seven public, and two independent media outlets aired analytic programs investigating the official account. ...
Eight countries – Britain, Canada, Dnmark, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and Russia – have allowed their publicly-owned broadcasting stations to air the full spectrum of evidence challenging the truth of the official account of 9/11. ...
II. Scientific Paper Finds Nano-thermite Explosives in World Trade Center Dust, April 3, 2009
A peer-reviewed paper published in the Open Chemical Physics Journal on April 3, 2009,2 reported that a little known high-tech explosive called nano-thermite was found throughout the World Trade Center dust.
These physicists and chemists involved in this study discovered "distinctive red/gray chips in significant numbers"3 in four samples of dust collected from the area. The presence of aluminum and iron oxide in the red material provided one of the signs that it might be nano-thermite, which is a high explosive (whereas ordinary thermite is an incendiary.)
Another clue was provided when putting a flame to the chips produced an explosive reaction.
On the basis of these and other observations, the team concluded that "the red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material."4
The article's first-named author, Dr. Niels Harrit – a University of Copenhagen chemistry professor who specializes in nano-chemistry5 –explained on Danish TV2 News:
"Thermite itself dates back to 1893. It is a mixture of aluminum and rust-powder, which react to create intense heat. The reaction produces iron, heated to 2500 degrees Centigrade. This can be used to do welding. It can also be used to melt other iron.
"So in nano-thermite, this powder from 1893 is reduced to tiny particles, perfectly mixed. When these react, the intense heat develops much more quickly. Nano-thermite can be mixed with additives to give off intense heat, or serve as a very effective explosive. It contains more energy than dynamite, and can be used as rocket fuel.
"You cannot fudge this kind of science. We have found it: unreacted thermite."6 ...
In a German interview in May 2009, Dr. Harrit said: "There are no experts on nano-thermite without connections to the military…. This stuff has only been prepared under military contracts in the USA and probably in bigger allied countries. This is secret military research…It was not prepared in a cave in Afghanistan."7 ...
According to a June 2009 statement by Britain's prestigious Institute of Nanotechnology,10 the Harrit study "provides indisputable evidence that a highly engineered explosive called nano-thermite was found in the dust of all three buildings that came down on 9/11 2001 in New York city. [sic] This advanced explosive incorporating nanotechnology is only available to sophisticated military labs."11 ...
Comment (Peter M):
The article goes on to describe about 20 cases where documentaries arguing that 9/11 was an Inside Job were screened. All point, implicitly or explicitly, to the CIA, US military or Bush Administration; none to Mossad.
But evidence that the real culprit was Mossad is presented in 9/11 Missing Links, using information supplied (it says) by CIA & FBI agents.
Before watching that video, I suggest that you
- first watch 9/11 Mysteries <>,
- then Eric Hufschmid's 2003/4 original video Painful Deceptions (not the 2005 one done by someone else; it's much inferior). <>.
After that, you'll be ready for 9/11 Missing Links <>. Beware of decoy websites with similar names.
To buy DVDs:
The current edition of "911 Mysteries Part 1: Demolitions" is out of stock. A new release, with critical updates and fresh perspective will be available in the near future. Note: This is the famous film that rocked the world when it emerged in September 2006. A copyright dispute has resulted in a re-release of the original DVD. Three years has allowed us all to make a lot of new discoveries ... there's more to 9/11 than was once known!
COMING SOON: 911 Mysteries Part 1: Demolitions NEW RELEASE
Code: D-MYS1
COMING SOON! Bestselling DVD 911 Mysteries Part 1: Demolitions slimpack NEW RELEASE
Code: D-MYSmini
DVD: Painful Deceptions / Eric Hufschmid
Code: D-PD
Price: $12.00
SALE! Painful Deceptions slimpack / Eric Hufschmid
Code: D-PDmini
Price: $4.00
DVD: 911 Missing Links / Mike Delaney
Code: D-MIS
Price: $10.00
(5) Larry Silverstein obtained WTC lease from his synagogue buddy, Lewis M Eisenberg
Larry Silverstein: 9-11’s Inside Man
By Brother Nathanael Kapner - Copyright © 2008
"I grew up as a Jew. I am now an Orthodox Christian. I wish to warn how Zionist Jews are destroying Christianity throughout the world"
THE ZIONIST JEW LARRY SILVERSTEIN obtained a 99 year lease of the World Trade Center on July 24 2001 just seven weeks before the 9-11 attacks.
Silverstein obtained this lease from his Jewish synagogue buddy, Lewis M Eisenberg, (who was then the Chairman of the Port Authority of New York), even though Vornado Realty outbid Silverstein by $50m.
Eisenberg aborted Vornado’s bid in favour of his Zionist buddy Silverstein. Eisenberg, who was a huge contributor to the Bush-Cheney campaign, is a member of the Republican Jewish Coalition and former partner of the Jewish bank, Goldman Sachs.
Silverstein and Eisenberg both held senior leadership positions with the United Jewish Appeal, a billion dollar Zionist organization. At present, Silverstein is on the UJA’s Board Of Directors. The UJA raises millions of dollars for its client, the Zionist State of Israel. Silverstein is also co-founder of the Israel Export Development Company.
Of particular note, the Wall Street Journal reported that Silverstein regularly had breakfast at the WTC’s Windows on the World every morning. Yet strangely enough, Silverstein had a doctor’s appointment the morning of the 9-11 attack… (How did you know not to be there dear Larry?)
SCIENTISTS, ARCHITECTS, & ENGINEERS now affirm that the 9-11 destruction of the World Trade Center buildings was an inside job. The leading scientist of Scholars For 9-11 Truth, Dr Steven Jones, has proven that controlled demolition devices were placed within the WTC Twin Towers - and this is what brought the buildings down not the airplanes.
Jones says that molten metal was found in the sub basements of the buildings. The molten metal, Jones argues, was caused by a high-temperature Thermite reaction, used to demolish steel. Thermal hot spots throughout the sub basement levels were detected by satellite - confirming Jones’ findings.
Jones also says that heated dust with particles of Thermite was discovered in the WTC area. But Silverstein arranged that three NY Jewish steel and scrap companies ship the metal which could have been used as evidence to China & India.
Paul W. Mason, structural engineer of Melbourne Australia, affirms Dr Jones’ findings:
— “The chances of the buildings collapsing symmetrically into their own footprint at freefall speed by any other means than by controlled demolition are so remote that there is no other plausible explanation” — Here. <>
AE911 Truth stuns Vancouver with local TV interview. Time: 20 minutes. Watch the interview April 22, 2008 Vancouver
Send Your Contribution To:
Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO 80443.
(6) Sabrosky: I express my Jewish identity in cuisine, not foreign policy
Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D, University of Michigan) is a ten-year US Marine Corps veteran and a graduate of the US Army War College. He writes:
Phil asked me to consider writing something about how I came to the Middle East conundrum we face, and I’ve thrashed around a bit doing that. Having only one Jewish grandparent makes me pretty much an outsider, at least for the Orthodox, although guaranteed of an early ride to Bergen-Belsen had I lived “there and then.” But an outside identity, Jewish or other, has never meant much at all to me. I’m an American, and ancestry is something I reserve for odd tastes in cuisine (I do love overstuffed dumplings) and the like. I find it both surprising (a little) and disturbing (a lot) when I look at the Middle East to realize that an awful lot of American Jews do not think of themselves as Americans who happen to be Jewish, but as Jews who happen to be living in America, and that as de facto unregistered agents of a foreign government they have caused enormous damage to America at home and abroad, and brought an enormous amount of death and suffering to a lot of people across the region who simply happened to be in Israel’s way.
What has struck me even more forcefully is the contrast between what I see as mainstream Jewish attitudes and ethics in America – politically liberal, progressive, ambitious but egalitarian, philanthropic, and strong commitments to both civil liberties and civil rights – and those that increasingly come to the fore among Zionists, in Israel and elsewhere. Several events in the past six months or so have sharpened that sense of the good Dr. Frankenstein wanting to make his world and that of others a better place, seeing it go wrong, but largely being unwilling to acknowledge that the creation so dear to his heart – Israel – has in fact emerged as a monster.
Two of those events occurred during the recent onslaught in Gaza. The first was the decision to initiate the attack with air strikes on the graduation ceremonies of two separate groups of police cadets – a pure exercise in Schrecklichkeit against young people, and their families and friends, who by no stretch of the imagination were part of a terrorist apparatus. The second was the killing at close range of a young Palestinian mother and her two children by an IDF sniper (another “most moral” chord, please!), who was, after all, only obeying his orders (and haven’t I heard that before?). A third was the election that returned Netanyahu as prime minister, and brought in the ever-gracious Avigdor Lieberman as foreign minister. People matter so much, and those brought to power speak so loudly about those who elect them. Hitler and the scum around him would have had no place of consequence in a German Empire. Netanyahu – a Gauleiter in spirit if ever I saw one – and Lieberman, a thug cut from the mold of Feliks Dzerzhinsky, without Israel would be impotent fringe fanatics, which is where they belong.
And the last event was an offhand comment on this website after my piece on “The Two-State Delusion” was posted here – a comment that was trashed soundly by others, but which meshed perfectly with the outpourings in Max Blumenthal’s video from Jerusalem, and bothered me greatly. I had mentioned the Rachel Corrie incident, and the commenter made a sarcastic reference to “squashed red-heads” that really captured the sense, as one poster elsewhere put it, that to many Zionists they are REALLY chosen, and everyone else is disposable. Most Jews I know (and that includes some of my cousins) don’t feel that way, but it is pretty clear that a sizable percentage of Zionists generally and Israelis in particular do – and to translate rhetoric into reality, here’s an image of Rachel Corrie as she lay dying that poster was mocking.
Now tell me what you would think of someone who dismissed this so flippantly. I’d call them barbarians, and I wouldn’t care if the flag they followed sported a swastika or a Star of David. Evil is evil, whatever the creed.
The bad news is that excising this ultra-Zionist/neo-con cancer is not going to be easy. The good news is that a growing number of American Jews are speaking out about this issue, albeit in different ways, but that in itself is significant. That they are doing so is guaranteed to send the AIPAC, ADL and hasbara crowd scrambling. My only fear is that it might be too little done too late to stop this particular train. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try, just that we shouldn’t have any illusions.
Sabrosky can be contacted at
(7) Mossad did 911 - Alan Sabrosky, of US Army War College
Betrayal and Deceit: The Road to 9/11 and Beyond
10. Sep, 2009
By: Alan Sabrosky*
{visit the link to see the graphics; please SAVE this webpage - it's an excellent summary}
The attacks on September 11, 2001 have been a defining moment for America. Although the losses were not great in terms of urban slaughter during WWII, the political and psychological impact on Americans of a concerted and visible attack in America were enormous — indeed, it is an interesting “coincidence” that the attacks occurred on the one day of the year whose mention reinforces a public sense here of danger and emergency: 9-1-1.
With remarkably little reflection or concern with details and evidence, Americans accepted sweeping restrictions on civil liberties, torture as an instrument of government policy, and waged wars first in Afghanistan and later in Iraq, presumably punishing those who attacked America then or might do so in the future. A similar if less enthusiastic drama is unfolding today, as many of the same parties who brought us 9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq are edging America into confrontation and war with Iran.
Like most Americans, I take a dim view of a fixation on conspiracies. I am also conscious of a remark by a French colleague some years ago to the effect that Europeans saw conspiracies everywhere, but Americans never saw them anywhere, and both were wrong. I am even less enthusiastic about presumed coincidences with global consequences driving policy, or superficial explanations of physical catastrophes that fly in the face of both logic and physical realities. With one war waning today, another getting hotter and a third “in the oven,” it is high time to look hard at what brought us to this place.
Prelude to 9/11
Most of the world (but not Americans) understood for decades that American Middle East policy was weighted heavily towards Israel. Eisenhower could compel Israel to withdraw from the Sinai, but the last US President who forcefully opposed Israeli regional and nuclear ambitions was John F. Kennedy. His assassination brought Lyndon Johnson into the White House, so much a friend of Israel that he disregarded the deliberate Israeli attack on the USS Liberty during the 1967 war, in which over 200 US sailors and Marines were killed or wounded.
Shortly thereafter, pilgrimages to Israel and laudatory appearances before AIPAC (the powerful Jewish lobby in Washington) became effectively obligatory for Presidents and serious aspirants for the White House alike, with the Congress (both houses, both parties) being even more supportive – something commonly understood in Washington, but almost unknown elsewhere in the country.
A significant development in the 1990s was the formation of the neo-conservative think tank known as PNAC (Project for a New American Century), whose members prepared position papers for the Israeli government and for a future US Administration sharing their views. That happened in 2000 with the election of George W. Bush, and a contemporary writer summarized the tip of the neo-conservative iceberg in his first Administration this way:
The “outsiders” from PNAC were now powerful “insiders,” placed in important positions from which they could exert maximum pressure on U.S. policy: Cheney is Vice President, Rumsfeld is Defense Secretary, Wolfowitz is Deputy Defense Secretary, I. Lewis Libby is Cheney’s Chief of Staff, Elliot Abrams is in charge of Middle East policy at the National Security Council, Dov Zakheim is comptroller for the Defense Department, John Bolton is Undersecretary of State, Richard Perle is chair of the Defense Policy advisory board at the Pentagon, former CIA director James Woolsey is on that panel as well, etc. etc. (PNAC’s chairman, Bill Kristol, is the editor of The Weekly Standard.) In short, PNAC had a lock on military policy-creation in the Bush Administration.
The presence of so many people from PNAC in key positions definitely sent a signal that US Middle East policy would henceforth be that of Israel, something that brought no joy to any other countries in the region, much less the long-suffering Palestinians. Mutterings about a supposed “Road Map” to some type of peace arrangement in such circumstances were utterly meaningless, and almost everyone except the American public understood this fact of life.
Far more significant in terms of subsequent events was the acknowledgement in one of PNAC’s own documents that their program for America (and Israel) would not readily be accepted by the American people. What this meant, PNAC opined in 2000, was that “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor.”
9/11 Reconsidered
On September 11, 2001, the PNAC people in and out of government — and by extension AIPAC and Israel — “coincidentally” got the event they needed, barely eight months after coming into office. Most people are familiar with the basic details of that day — two commercial aircrafts crashing into the two tallest buildings in New York City’s World Trade Center (WTC), a third striking the Pentagon, and a fourth ending up in a Pennsylvania field. Few people will forget the images of the burning buildings, their collapse, the casualties, and the sense of shock and tragedy that ensued. Few should forget the passage of emergency legislation (the misnamed “Patriot Act”), the rush to attack Afghanistan for harboring the source of the attackers, or the later rush to attack Iraq to forestall “mushroom clouds” from its apocryphal “weapons of mass destruction.”
The official 9/11 Commission’s work and report were at best an incomplete exercise. Many people dismiss the findings of the Commission, and that includes its co-chairs. Many others who utterly distrust the 9/11 Commission report, dismiss the US Government’s explanation of it, and point to both an official cover-up and an “inside job,” include veteran fighter pilots, EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians)(EMT interview), air defense experts, experienced commercial pilots, demolition experts, architects and civil engineers – none of them professions that inherently attract and retain the gullible and credulous.
Errors abound in the report. Among the more catastrophic is the collapse of a third WTC building (the 47-story WTC7) which was not hit by a plane, and fell in what appears to be a controlled demolition, but has essentially been sidestepped by the mainstream media (MSM). And this video interview (Interview) with a demolitions expert overseas explains clearly and succinctly what happened to WTC7, with the shock and chaos accompanying the impact of the aircraft serving to distract attention and conceal what happened overall. The overlay of the World Trade Center below shows the layout of the affected buildings:
{see the graphic at }
Even more unbelievable is the “coincidental” salvage of an intact passport presumably belonging to one of the hijackers inside the plane that hit WTC2 — and this was how the official 9/11 Commission report described it:
The passport was recovered by NYPD Detective Yuk H. Chin from a male passerby in a business suit, about 30 years old. The passerby left before being identified, while debris was falling from WTC 2. The tower collapsed shortly afterwards. The detective then gave the passport to the FBI on 9/11.
Several things are very clear to me from a careful assessment of both official and critical evaluations of the 9/11 attacks. First, the striking aircraft alone simply could not have brought down either of the two buildings in the manner in which they fell, much less a third building which was not hit by a plane (I expect the one intended to do that as a “cover” had ended up in that Pennsylvania field), given the available physical evidence and a wealth of expert testimony. This means the attackers had assistance on the ground, and it had to have been active before the attacks occurred: preparing buildings for controlled demolition is not something done haphazardly in the midst of chaos.
Second, only two intelligence agencies had the expertise, assets, access and political protection to execute 9/11 in the air and on the ground: our CIA and Israel’s Mossad. Only one had the incentive, using the “who benefits” principle: Mossad. And that incentive dovetailed perfectly with the neo-con’s agenda and explicitly expressed need for a catalytic event to mobilize the American public for their wars, using American military power to destroy Israel’s enemies. Only the unexpected strength of the Iraqi resistance kept Syria and Iran from being attacked in the second Bush Administration. Thus, the evidential trail for 9/11 and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq run from PNAC, AIPAC and their cohorts; through the mostly Jewish neo-cons in the Bush Administration; and back to the Israeli government. None of the denials and political machinations can alter that essential reality. Terms such as treason, betrayal and deceit do not overstate the case against them.
Finally, we need to take a hard look at why the mainstream media (MSM) have paid more attention to Sarah Palin’s wardrobe than they have to dissecting blatant falsehoods, discrepancies and inconsistencies in the US Government’s treatment of 9/11 and its aftermath. And the reason is that on this issue, all are on the same side, and the official line is the one they all prefer – “all” meaning the PNAC alumni who took over the Bush Administration’s national security apparatus and their counterparts in the Obama administration, AIPAC and the rest of the numerous Jewish PACs, the MSM owners and Israel. The depiction of the media management in America in 2002 is especially informative, and has not changed significantly since then:
CEOs and Directors of companies change as often as Boards of Directors vote. But if we could “freeze frame” the CEOs of the largest US Media companies in mid 2002, we would find that ten Jewish American men ran the vast majority of US television networks and other media companies including movies, radio, and publishing at that time. Not much has changed today.
{see the graphic detailing Jewish media ownership at }
Today we are getting the same line on Iran, from the same type of people — Obama himself tries to be more independent, but most of the key staff and national security people in his Administration do not differ greatly on Israel and the Middle East from those of his predecessor. And the Congress has shown itself to be even more of AIPAC’s lap-dog than the preceding Congress, an exercise in self-serving cowardice that admittedly has taken some doing. This is not a simple anti-Jewish canard or mindless prejudice, both of which are juvenile and self-defeating sentiments. They are a factual depiction of specific people in specific positions advocating specific policies and stonewalling specific attempts to elicit specific information about specific lies, misrepresentations and deceit.
AIPAC and company are riding a tiger in America, and if they ever slip, the resulting convulsion will be catastrophic for them and for Israel. The open unfolding of the 9/11 tragedy and its ensuing wars that is now occurring can be that slip. The human cost to America to date is some 60,000 people, military and civilian, killed or wounded on 9/11 and in Iraq and Afghanistan together, with more to come once we go to war with Iran (or get dragged into it following an Israeli attack on Iran). Much of the deliberately misdirected rage that followed 9/11 has given way to endurance and grief, captured all too well in the following picture of a military funeral here:
But grief is a close cousin to rage, and an enraged America is not pretty, as anyone familiar with our history can appreciate. Americans are often deceptive without meaning to be. To much of the world, they often come across as naive, bumbling innocents in the world of global politics. And on a day-to-day basis, there is much truth to that.
But an enraged America is a very different character. You have only to look at what happened in WWII to German and Japanese cities, towns and villages, where America slaughtered literally millions of German and Japanese civilians — most of them women and children — knew it was doing it, and cared nothing at all. The goal was to crush, and restraint was not a word used much at all.
If these Americans and those like them ever fully understand just how much of their suffering — and the suffering we have inflicted on others — is properly laid on the doorsteps of Israel and its advocates in America, they will sweep aside those in politics, the press and the pulpits alike whose lies and disloyalty brought this about and concealed it from them. They may well leave Israel looking like Carthage after the Romans finished with it. It will be Israel’s own great fault.
Source: __
*Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D, University of Michigan) is a ten-year US Marine Corps veteran and a graduate of the US Army War College. He can be contacted at
(8) Pilots for 9/11 truth: Pentagon aircraft hijack impossible - flight deck door closed for entire flight
From: Dr. Gunther Kümel <> Date: 28.11.2009 08:43 PM
( - Newly decoded data provided by an independent researcher and computer programmer from Australia exposes alarming evidence that the reported hijacking aboard American Airlines Flight 77 was impossible to have existed. A data parameter labeled "FLT DECK DOOR", cross checks with previously decoded data obtained by Pilots For 9/11 Truth from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) through the Freedom Of Information Act.
On the morning of September 11, 2001, American Airlines Flight 77 departed Dulles International Airport bound for Los Angeles at 8:20 am Eastern Time. According to reports and data, a hijacking took place between 08:50:54 and 08:54:11[1] in which the hijackers allegedly crashed the aircraft into the Pentagon at 09:37:45. Reported by CNN, according to Ted Olson, wife Barbara Olson had called him from the reported flight stating, "...all passengers and flight personnel, including the pilots, were herded to the back of the plane by armed hijackers..."[2]. However, according to Flight Data provided by the NTSB, the Flight Deck Door was never opened in flight. How were the hijackers able to gain access to the cockpit, remove the pilots, and navigate the aircraft to the Pentagon if the Flight Deck Door remained closed?[3]
Founded in August 2006, Pilots For 9/11 Truth is a growing organization of aviation professionals from around the globe. The organization has analyzed Data provided by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) for the Pentagon Attack, the events in Shanksville, PA and the World Trade Center attack. The data does not support the government story. The NTSB/FBI refuse to comment. Pilots For 9/11 Truth do not offer theory or point blame at this point in time. However, there is a growing mountain of conflicting information and data in which government agencies and officials along with Mainstream Media refuse to acknowledge. Pilots For 9/11 Truth Core member list continues to grow. for full member list. to join.
[1] Hijacker Timeline -
[2] Common Strategy Prior to 9/11/2001 -
[3] Right click and save target as here to download csv file with "FLT DECK DOOR" parameter.
(9) 9/11 Hijackers' Stolen Identities - from Stranger than Fiction
911 Hijackers' Stolen Identities
by Anonymous ...
Hours after the 9-11 attacks, authorities began to find clues conveniently left for them to stumble upon. The Boston Globe reported that a copy of the Koran, instructions on how to fly a commercial airplane and a fuel consumption calculator were found in a pair of bags meant for one of the hijacked flights that left from Logan. 64
Authorities also received a "tip" about a suspicious white car left behind at Boston's Logan Airport. An Arabic-language flight training manual was found inside the car. 65
How fortunate for investigators that the hijackers "forgot" to take their Koran and Arab flight manuals with them! Within a few days, all "19 hijackers" were "identified" and their faces were plastered all over our television screens.
Then, like a script from a corny "B" spy movie, the official story gets even more ridiculous. The passport of the supposed "ringleader" Mohammed Atta, somehow managed to survive the explosion, inferno, and smoldering collapse to be oh-so-conveniently "found" just a few blocks away from the World Trade Center! 66
It is obvious that this "evidence" was planted by individuals wishing to direct the blame towards Osama Bin Laden. How is it possible that Arab students who had never flown an airplane could take a simulator course and then fly jumbo jets with the skill and precision of "top-gun" pilots? It is not possible and the fact is, the true identities of the 9-11 hijackers remains a mystery. In the days following the disclosure of the "hijackers" names and faces, no less than 7 of the Arab individuals named came forward to protest their obvious innocence. 67
That's right! Seven of the nineteen "hijackers" are alive and well. They were victims of identity theft, some of whom had had their passports stolen. They were interviewed by several news organizations including the Telegraph of England. Here’s an excerpt from David Harrison’s Telegraph story entitled:
Revealed: The Men With Stolen Identities:
"Their names were flashed around the world as suicide hijackers who carried out the attacks on America. But yesterday four innocent men told how their identities had been stolen.
The men - all from Saudi Arabia - spoke of their shock at being mistakenly named by the FBI as suicide terrorists. None of the four was in the United States on September 11 and all are alive in their home country.
The Telegraph obtained the first interviews with the men since they learnt that they were on the FBI's list of hijackers who died in the crashes in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.
All four said that they were "outraged" to be identified as terrorists. One has never been to America and another is a Saudi Airlines pilot who was on a training course in Tunisia at the time of the attacks. Saudi Airlines said it was considering legal action against the FBI for seriously damaging its reputation and that of its pilots." 68
(emphasis added)
The story of these identity thefts was also briefly reported by ABC 69 and BBC (England) 70 The FBI does not deny this. Nobody denies this fact because it is easily verifiable. Instead, the US media and government just ignore this inconvenient little fact and keep right on repeating the monstrous lie that the hijacker identities are known and that 15 of them were Saudis.
CNN revealed that FBI director Robert Mueller openly admitted that some of the identities of the 9-11 hijackers are in question due to identity theft. Here’s what CNN reported on September 21:
FBI Director Robert Mueller has acknowledged that some of those behind last week's terror attacks may have stolen the identification of other people, and, according to at least one security expert, it may have been "relatively easy" based on their level of sophistication. 71
This opens up a whole Pandora’s box of unanswered questions. First and foremost of which is this: why would Osama Bin laden, the Saudi Arabian caveman, steal identities? To cover his tracks you say? Next question: why would a Saudi Arabian, attempting to cover his tracks, steal the identities of....fellow Saudi Arabians??? What would be the point? Why go you through the trouble of stealing identities that would point back to you? Why not steal Greek identities, or Brazilian identities, or Turkish ones? A much more logical conclusion is that non-Arabs stole these identities as part of a "false flag" operation designed to point the blame at Arabs, and Saudi Arabs in particular.
What kind of a corrupt character is FBI boss Mueller? He initially admitted that false identities were involved with 9-11, but then he allows the media to keep naming these innocent, and alive, Arabs as the hijackers? Why doesn’t he correct them? More on the slimy Mr. Mueller later on!
Now I'm really going to rock your faith in the false religion of 9-11. In February of 2000, Indian intelligence officials detained 11 members of what they thought was an Al Qaeda hijacking conspiracy. It was then discovered that these 11 "Muslim preachers" were all Israeli nationals! India’s leading weekly magazine, The Week, reported:
On January 12 Indian intelligence officials in Calcutta detained 11 foreign nationals for interrogation before they were to board a Dhaka-bound Bangladesh Biman flight. They were detained on the suspicion of being hijackers. "But we realized that they were tabliqis (Islamic preachers), so we let them go", said an Intelligence official.
The eleven had Israeli passports but were believed to be Afghan nationals who had spent a while in Iran. Indian intelligence officials, too, were surprised by the nationality profile of the eleven. "They say that they have been on tabligh (preaching Islam) in India for two months. But they are Israeli nationals from the West Bank," said a Central Intelligence official. He claimed that Tel Aviv "exerted considerable pressure" on Delhi to secure their release. "It appeared that they could be working for a sensitive organization in Israel and were on a mission to Bangladesh," the official said. 72 (emphasis added)
What were these 11 Israelis doing trying to impersonate Al Qaeda men? Infiltrating?...perhaps. Framing?...more likely. But the important precedent to understand is this: Israeli agents were once caught red handed impersonating Muslim hijackers!
This event becomes even more mind boggling when we learn that it was Indian Intelligence that helped the US to so quickly identify the "19 hijackers"! On April 3, 2002, Express India, quoting the Press Trust of India, revealed:
Washington, April 3: Indian intelligence agencies helped the US to identify the hijackers who carried out the deadly September 11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, a media report said here on Wednesday. 73
Ain't that a kick in the ass?!! Did you catch that? The Indian intelligence officials that were duped into mistaking Israeli agents for Al Qaeda hijackers back in 2000, were the very same clowns telling the FBI who it was that hijacked the 9-11 planes! Keep in mind that Indian intelligence has an extremely close working relationship with Israel’s Mossad because both governments hate the Muslim nation of Pakistan. 74
Now about Mohamed Atta, you know, the so-called "ring leader". There are a number of inconsistencies with that story as well. Like some of the 7 hijackers known to be still alive, Atta also had his passport stolen in 1999, 75 (the same passport that miraculously survived the WTC explosion and collapse?) making him an easy mark for an identity theft. Atta was known to all as a shy, timid, and sheltered young man who was uncomfortable with women. 76 The 5 foot 7 inch, 150 pound architecture student was such a "goody two shoes" that some of his university acquaintances in Germany refrained from drinking or cursing in front of him. How this gentle, non- political mamma's boy from a good Egyptian family suddenly transformed himself into the vodka drinking, go-go girl groping terrorist animal described by the media, has to rank as the greatest personality change since another classic work of fiction, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Atta, or someone using Atta's identity, had enrolled in a Florida flight school in 2001 and then broke off his training, making it a point to tell his instructor he was leaving for Boston. In an October 2001 interview with an ABC affiliate in Florida, flight school president Rudi Dekkers said that his course does not qualify pilots to fly commercial jumbo jets. 77 He also described Atta as "an asshole". 78 Part of the reason for Dekker's dislike for Atta stems from a highly unusual incident that occurred at the beginning of the course. Here’s the exchange between ABC producer Quentin McDermott and Dekkers:
MCDERMOTT: "Why do you say Atta was an asshole?"
DEKKERS: "Well, when Atta was here and I saw his face on several occasions in the building, then I know that they're regular students and then I try to talk to them, it's kind of a PR - where are you from? I tried to communicate with him. I found out from my people that he lived in Hamburg and he spoke German so one of the days that I saw him, I speak German myself, I'm a Dutch citizen, and I started in the morning telling him in German, "Good morning. How are you? How do you like the coffee? Are you happy here?", and he looked at me with cold eyes, didn't react at all and walked away. That was one of my first meetings I had." 79
This is eerily similar to the way in which Zacharias Moussaoui (the so-called "20th hijacker") became "belligerent" when his Minnesota flight instructor tried to speak to him in French (his first language), at the beginning of that course. The Minnessota Star Tribune reported on December 21, 2001:
"Moussaoui first raised eyebrows when, during a simple introductory exchange, he said he was from France, but then didn't seem to understand when the instructor spoke French to him. Moussaoui then became belligerent and evasive about his background, (Congressman) Oberstar and other sources said. In addition, he seemed inept in basic flying procedure, while seeking expensive training on an advanced commercial jet simulator." 80 (emphasis added)
It truly is an amazing twist of fate that both Atta and Moussaoui both had American flight instructors who spoke German and French respectively. Even the great Mossad could not have foreseen such a coincidence! The real Atta would have been able to respond to his instructor’s German small talk and the real Moussaoui would have been able to respond to his instructor’s French small talk. Atta just walked away and Moussaoui threw a fit! Neither responded because neither could. They were imposters, whose faces were probably disguised by a make up artist. Their mission was to frame the two innocent Arabs who were probably targeted by the Mossad at random.
The imposter was able to create a new Atta by using Atta's stolen passport from 1999 - the same passport that floated safely to the ground with a few burnt edges on 9-11. These strange inconsistencies tend to give support to Mohammed Atta's father's claim that he spoke over the phone with his son on September 12th, the day after the attacks. 81 Could a group of professionals have abducted and killed the real Atta in the days following the 9-11 attacks? Mossad agents, posing as "art students" were arrested after conducting some type of operation in Hollywood, Florida, the same small town that Atta stayed in! 82 So what happened to the real Mohammed Atta? To quote his grief stricken father: "Ask Mossad!".
So who, if not the "19 Arabs" was on those planes? That’s the million dollar question! ...
67. Saudi Prince says Seven Saudis on FBI list Innocent. September 23, 2001. Google users enter: hijack suspects alive and well {SEE item 10 BELOW}
68. The Telegraph. (England). Revealed: The Men With Stolen Identities. By David Harrison. September 23, 2001. Google users enter: hijackers still alive and well and also telegraph men with stolen identities hijackers {SEE item 11 BELOW}
Comment (Peter M.):
Apparently, no CCTV footage of hijackers passing through the airports has been released. Were there any hijackers? David Ray Griffin thinks not. If there were, they were themselves hijacked, the planes flown into the towers by remote control. One floor of WTC7 had been reinforced & made self-sustaining before 9/11, as a Command Centre. I wonder if the workers who prepared 9/11 - installing explosives in the Towers - were there when WTC7 was brought down (although firefighters declared it empty, perhaps they did not have access to that floor). It would have been a simple way of disposing of unwanted witnesses.
For a list of the hijackers, by plane, annotated showing those still ALIVE, see
More on the hijackers at
(10) Stolen Identities: Saudi Prince says seven alleged Hijackers are ALIVE (Sept 23 '01)
Saudi Prince Says Seven Saudis on FBI List Innocent
Reuters News Wire: 09/23/2001 12:25 am ET
It was difficult to track down. PLEASE SAVE THAT WEBPAGE to your hard disk; also make backup copies, in case Big Brother removes it. Then disseminate to other people.
The text (but not the whole webpage) is ALSO AT
DUBAI (Reuters) – Saudi Interior Minister Prince Nayef said in remarks published Sunday that seven Saudis named by the FBI as suspects in the attacks on the United States were innocent.
The official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) quoted Prince Nayef as telling the U.S. television network CNN in an interview that the United States had not given any confirmation to the kingdom that Saudis had been involved in the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington.
“As for the names that have been published or provided to us by the FBI, there are seven names of people who did not participate and are present in the kingdom and who are known (to us),” SPA quoted Prince Nayef as saying.
“There are more than 10 other names, possibly 15, whom we still have no detailed information on, either their four (full) names, pictures, passports or personal identity cards, to be able to verify if they are Saudis or not,” he said.
Asked if the United States had provided Saudi Arabia with any confirmation that Saudi nationals were involved in the attacks, he said: “Certainly not in a definitive way.” The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) last week identified 19 men as hijackers, including seven trained pilots, who it had said commandeered the four passenger jets used in the attacks, which left some 6,800 dead and missing.
The United States has said that Saudi-born dissident Osama bin Laden, based in Afghanistan, is the prime suspect in the attacks. Although the FBI list did not provide the nationalities of the suspects, Gulf officials and analysts have said the family names appeared to indicate that many were Saudi nationals.
The apparent errors over the names have strengthened a belief in the Gulf that the real attackers used false or stolen passports and documents.
Saudi newspapers have published interviews and pictures of at least five of those who appeared on the FBI list since it was released Friday.
Many Saudis share the same name, reflecting their common membership of large tribes.
But some who share the same name as the suspects were alarmed to see their own faces staring back at them from newspapers and television networks which published photographs and personal details of the alleged perpetrators.
Copyright 2001 Reuters News Service. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
(11) Stolen Identities: UK Telegraph interviews four 9/11 Hijackers, ALIVE (Sept 23, '01)
{The Telegraph assumes that their identities were stolen by Bin Laden. The prospect that Mossad might have done it is not considered. Yet, New Zealand broke off diplomatic relations with Israel over Mossad using its passports. And the Dubai assassination shows Mossad's track record - Peter M}
Revealed: the men with stolen identities
By David Harrison
Published: 12:01AM BST 23 Sep 2001
THEIR names were flashed around the world as suicide hijackers who carried out the attacks on America. But yesterday four innocent men told how their identities had been stolen by Osama bin Laden's teams to cover their tracks.
The men - all from Saudi Arabia - spoke of their shock at being mistakenly named by the FBI as suicide terrorists. None of the four was in the United States on September 11 and all are alive in their home country.
The Telegraph obtained the first interviews with the men since they learnt that they were on the FBI's list of hijackers who died in the crashes in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.
All four said that they were "outraged" to be identified as terrorists. One has never been to America and another is a Saudi Airlines pilot who was on a training course in Tunisia at the time of the attacks.
Saudi Airlines said it was considering legal action against the FBI for seriously damaging its reputation and that of its pilots. The FBI released the list of 19 suicide terrorists three days after the attacks.
The statement said that the 19 "have been identified as hijackers aboard the four airliners". Photographs and personal details were published around the world with an appeal for "information about these individuals, even though they are presumed dead".
The Saudi Airlines pilot, Saeed Al-Ghamdi, 25, and Abdulaziz Al-Omari, an engineer from Riyadh, are furious that the hijackers' "personal details" - including name, place, date of birth and occupation - matched their own.
Mr Al-Ghamdi was named as a terrorist on the United Airlines flight that crashed in Pennsylvania - a plane said by some experts to have been heading for the White House.
He first knew that he was on the FBI's list when he was told by a colleague. Speaking from Tunisia, he said: "I was completely shocked. For the past 10 months I have been based in Tunis with 22 other pilots learning to fly an Airbus 320. The FBI provided no evidence of my presumed involvement in the attacks.
"You cannot imagine what it is like to be described as a terrorist - and a dead man - when you are innocent and alive." The airline was angry too. Officials brought Mr Al-Ghamdi back to Saudi Arabia last week for a 10-day holiday to avoid arrest or interrogation.
An official said: "We are consulting lawyers about what action to take to protect the reputation of our pilots." Mr Al-Ghamdi faced further embarrassment when CNN, the American television network, flashed a photograph of him around the world, naming him as a hijack suspect.
The FBI had published his personal details but with a photograph of somebody else, presumably a hijacker who had "stolen" his identity. CNN, however, showed a picture of the real Mr Al-Ghamdi.
He said that CNN had probably got the picture from the Flight Safety flying school he attended in Florida. CNN has since broadcast a clarification saying that the photograph may not be that of the accused.
Mr Al-Omari, who was accused of hijacking the American Airlines plane that smashed into the the World Trade Centre's north tower, said that he was at his desk at the Saudi telecommunications authority in Riyadh when the attacks took place.
He said: "I couldn't believe it when the FBI put me on their list. They gave my name and my date of birth, but I am not a suicide bomber. I am here. I am alive. I have no idea how to fly a plane. I had nothing to do with this."
{Question: then who impersonated him at the Flight Safety School? The FBI had his photo}
Mr Al-Omari said his passport was stolen when his apartment in Denver, Colorado, was burgled in 1995. He had been studying engineering at Denver University since 1993. He was given a new passport in Riyadh on December 31, 1995 and returned to America to resume his studies in January 1996. After graduating last year he returned to Riyadh to join the electricity authority and later moved to the telecommunications authority.
The other two men accused of being terrorists are Salem Al-Hamzi and Ahmed Al-Nami. Mr Al-Hamzi is 26 and had just returned to work at a petrochemical complex in the industrial eastern city of Yanbou after a holiday in Saudi Arabia when the hijackers struck. He was accused of hijacking the American Airlines Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon.
He said: "I have never been to the United States and have not been out of Saudi Arabia in the past two years." The FBI described him as 21 and said that his possible residences were Fort Lee or Wayne, both in New Jersey.
Mr Al-Nami, 33, from Riyadh, an administrative supervisor with Saudi Arabian Airlines, said that he was in Riyadh when the terrorists struck.
He said: "I'm still alive, as you can see. I was shocked to see my name mentioned by the American Justice Department. I had never even heard of Pennsylvania where the plane I was supposed to have hijacked."
He had never lost his passport and found it "very worrying" that his identity appeared to have been "stolen" and published by the FBI without any checks. The FBI had said his "possible residence" was Delray Beach in Florida.
Last night the FBI admitted that there was some doubt about the identities of some of the suspects. A spokesman said: "The identification process has been complicated by the fact that many Arabic family names are similar. It is also possible that the hijackers used false identities."
The spokesman declined to say whether the FBI would apologise but added: "If we have made mistakes then obviously that would be regrettable but this is a big and complicated investigation."
When the list was published Robert Mueller, the FBI director, said that it was "fairly confident" that the names were not aliases.
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