George Tenet: "I knew that on 9/11 we had all become Israelis"
We dissidents do not only have to combat the official, Government theory about 9/11; but also have to refute poor-quality, erroneous and misleading material within "9/11 Truth" circles too. Some of this may be Disinformation sowed by the perpetrators themselves.
Someone emailed me a new theory a week ago. I was going to dismiss it, but then decided to investigate it.
That took some time. In the end, I've written a refutation, but the diversion prompted me to deepen my understanding of how the demolition could have been done WITHOUT mini-nukes.
(1) Dimitri Khalezov's Mini-Nukes theory
(2) Refutation - Dimitri Khalezov's Mini-Nukes theory
(3) 9/11 Loose Ends - No Planes?
(4) Sol-gel nano-thermites can be painted/sprayed on
(5) Remote firing by computer, and wireless detonation via radio links, remove the need for wiring:
(6) Mode of Knowledge Transfer
(7) Missing Links - names on the business cards originals of the 2 FBI agents
(8) George Tenet: "I knew that on 9/11 we had all become Israelis"
(1) Dimitri Khalezov's Mini-Nukes theory
From: Ionut Dobrinescu <> Date: 11.04.2010 07:46 PM
Subject: 9/11 WTC nuclear demolition & the Soviet missile in the Pentagon.
9/11 WTC nuclear demolition & the Soviet missile in the Pentagon.
Dimitri Khalezov, a former officer of the Soviet nuclear intelligence, explains true mechanics of pulverisations of the Twin Towers & the WTC-7, as well as existence of a secret nuclear demolition scheme of the World Trade Center in New York & of the Sears Tower in Chicago.
Forget Dr. Niels Harrit and Steven Jones and....and....
Practically no question is left of the 9/11 mystery.
(2) Refutation - Dimitri Khalezov's Mini-Nukes theory
Peter Myers, April 14, 2010
Dimitri Khalezov, a former officer of Soviet nuclear intelligence, claims that mini-nukes were used to blow up WTC 1, 2, and 7.
He says this is the only explanation of how the debris from 9/11 remained hot for months.
The basis of his thinking is the Peaceful Nuclear Explosives Treaty, which allowed the US and USSR to use underground nuclear explosives, each up to 150 kilotons (kt), to make dams, tunnels, cavities (eg to store gas) etc. The Soviet Union did use use explosions.
He says that such underground explosions were quite different from the above-ground kind at Hiroshima.
He claims that Soviet intelligence had word that US authorities only approved the building of the WTC on condition that a demolition plan be built in to the design.
He argues that the US Government was not the perpetrator of 9/11, but the victim - a victim who then covered up the act.
He denies that planes hit the WTC, alleging that the media faked the footage.
He says that the Pentagon was hit, not by a plane, but by a stolen Soviet nuclear missile - which failed to explode. When US authorities found this, they jumped to the conclusion (assuming that planes had hit WTC 1 & 2) that these planes had also carried Soviet nuclear missiles, which could explode and destroy New York. To prevent this, he says, the US Government decided to activate the demolition plan.
Khalezov says that the basments of the WTC buildings were 27 metres deep, at which depth the foundations anchored the buildings to the rock beneath. He claims that secret passages, bearing mini-railways, were another 50 metres deeper (ie 77 metres below ground level), and that a bomb was moved into place beneath each building and detonated on 9/11.
One problem is that the Pentagon was only hit at 9.37am, whereas the first tower fell at 9.59am - allowing only 22 minutes for an assessment of the situation (finding the missile, identifying it as carrying a nuclear warhead - which did not explode), a decision to be made to use mini-nukes, and the railway actived.
This, of course, is ridiculous. What more need be said? But the author has a 3-hour video interview out - in 26 segments, which has gained fans already - and a book is due soon, in which, he says, he will name the perpetrators.
Contra his argument, there were no mini-nukes in the mid 1960s, when the WTC was built, so a plan for their use could not have been contemplated. Further, controlled demolitions were in their infancy, and none had been contemplated on such a scale.
Another problem is that use of a mini-nuke would have risked fracturing the "bathtub", which kept river water out of the basement. Wikipedia has this on it:,_Inc.
World Trade Center Site
On September 22, 2001, a preliminary cleanup plan for the World Trade Center site was delivered by Controlled Demolition, Inc. in which Mark Loizeaux, president of CDI, emphasized the importance of protecting"the bathtub") which kept the Hudson River from flooding the WTC's basement.[7]
This page was last modified on 22 January 2010 at 06:08.
Steven E. Jones wrote a paper refuting claims that mini-nukes had been used, or were needed to explain the pulverization of materials:
Testing the Hypothesis that Mini-Nukes Were Used on the WTC Towers
Dr. Steven E. Jones, his own views.
28 Sept 2006
(3) 9/11 Loose Ends - No Planes?
Dimitri Khalezov names Mike Harari as the chief organizer of 9/11. Harari is "a former Deputy Chief of the Mossad, a former friend of President Bush Senior, and a former deputy of General Noriega - the Dictator of Panama."
Khalezov says that aircraft, being made of aluminium, could not get through the box steel frames of the WTC (outer wall & inner core) and reach the other side.
Eric Salter says that the issue with the WTC impact is kinetic energy. It's not how hard the aluminum is but how much energy the plane brings per unit of area. Every part of the airplane except for wing sections with empty fuel tanks would penetrate the outer wall.
"the core columns were thicker than the exterior columns and the plane had already lost 25% of its kinetic energy penetrating the outer wall and floors. It is only an illusion that the plane entered the building intact ... In reality it would have been partially fragmented ..."
"The outer wall columns of the WTC completely stopped the forward progress of the outer half of the wings. Thus, the wings were pulverized."
"Wheels, engine parts, a piece of a fuselage and other 767 debris were found in and around the WTC."
Christopher Bollyn points out that records kept by the BTS ( did not list AA Flight 77 or AA Flight 11 on September 11, 2001.
He links to a website which says,
"WikiScanner discovered that American Airlines changed their Wikipedia entry to state that Flights 11 and 77 never flew on 9/11. ...
"Although these flights were daily departures before and a month after September 11, 2001. Neither flight 11 nor 77 were scheduled on September 11, 2001. The records kept by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics ( do not list either flight that day."
and goes on to note changes in the Wikipedia article, commenting,
"My own WHOIS lookup as well as a Google search of the IP address proves conclusively that it was --indeed --American Airlines itself that made the change. It is American Airlines --by way of Wiki --that has said that neither Flight 11 nor Flight 77 were in the air that day."
Eric Salter comments,
"Paul Zarembka has analyzed the BTS database and found that data for four other flights on 9/11 (which were not involved with the attacks) was also missing from the database. This demonstrates that there are errors in the database and supports the possibility that the missing data for flights 11 and 77 is simply due to a mistake."
Salter goes on to argue that if Flights 11 and 77 never took off that day, the implication would be NOT that no planes crashed into the towers, but that flight substitution occurred:
"And even if the database anomalies were reliable, it would only establish the possibility of plane substitution, and would shed no light at all on what type of plane actually hit the North tower. ...
"Still, there is documentary evidence for at least the idea of flight substitution in the Operation Northwoods documents, which call for the substitution of a chartered airline flight to be substituted with a drone. This drone was to be shot down and the downing of the plane blamed on Cuba. What has seemingly been lost on the 9/11 plane substitution advocates is that the Northwoods plans called for substitution because this was to be a fake plane flight to begin with, a charter full of intelligence assets who would be quietly and secretly disembarked later. The whole point of substitution was to avoid real casualties."
(4) Sol-gel nano-thermites can be painted/sprayed on
Seismic Proof: 9/11 was an Inside Job!
by Craig T. Furlong & Gordon Ross
summary at
full pdf article at the Journal of 9/11 Studies:
No evidence that Muslims hijacked planes on 9/11
By Elias Davidsson
Nano-thermite gel can be PAINTED or SPRAYED on:
The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and Nano-Thermites
Kevin R. Ryan
Kevin R. Ryan writes there:
{quote} It turns out that explosive, sol-gel nano-thermites were developed by US government scientists, at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL) (Tillitson et al 1998, Gash et al 2000, Gash et al 2002). These LLNL scientists reported that --
"The sol-gel process is very amenable to dip-, spin-, and spray-coating technologies to coat surfaces. We have utilized this property to dip-coat various substrates to make sol-gel Fe,O,/ Al / Viton coatings. The energetic coating dries to give a nice adherent film. Preliminary experiments indicate that films of the hybrid material are self-propagating when ignited by thermal stimulus" (Gash et al 2002).
Steven E. Jones endorses Ryan's article, at
(5) Remote firing by computer, and wireless detonation via radio links, remove the need for wiring:
Demolition Technology
The HiEx Teleblaster II is an example of a high-tech blast initiation system that eliminates the need for detonation cord. The HiEx website describes its operation: The radio system's signal is digitally encoded (addressed). The latest microprocessor and message encoding/validation technology has been combined to provide a safe, reliable, accurate and compact remote blast initiation device.
John Cameron <> sends this information:
A paper titled "What did and did not Cause Collapse of WTC Twin Towers in New York"
by Anders Björkman, M.Sc.
being an engineering analysis of the collapse of the towers, is scheduled to be published in the July 2010 issue of the Journal of Engineering Mechanics.
(6) Mode of Knowledge Transfer
From: Bruce Wham <> To: peter <>, John Bursill <> Date: 14.04.2010 12:51 AM
Subject: THANKS! Brisbane 9/11 Street Action Sat 10th April from 1-pm
Hi Peter & John,
Thank you both,for circulating the street action details last week. We had a very good day with ten in attendance,including five new faces. As usual,a very receptive public, and the manner in which we conduct ourselves,is a testament to the importance of this cause!
"thanks again for your support"
Kind regards
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Bruce Wham" <> To: "Robert Bruce" <> Sent: Thursday, 8 April, 2010 10:06:20 PM GMT +10:00 Brisbane Subject: Re: Brisbane 9/11 Street Action Sat 10th April from 1-pm
Hi Rob,
You asked about our method of information given, re street action. with usually a small group of people,we keep it simple, passive and always respect the public's walking space.
We don't use bullhorns,shout out 9/11 was an inside job or have angry debates with passers by.
We hand out good quality flyers & fact cards,and lately have been handing out dvd's that stick to the topic of explosive evidence in all 3 World Trade Center Buildings.
Outside Central Train Station,is one of the few public places,that groups can hand out civil information.
Private property & and the mall are taboo.
Interesting & sensible literature/banners/signs,i believe has a more positive effect,than any angry or fear & smear campaigns,for the related topic!
Networking business cards,are also a great idea in finding those,who wish to get active in a particular cause.
I've received,very grainy information about the coming referendum ,if what they say is true,as a ratepayer,i'd be very concerned!
The mode of knowledge transfer you are operating in is effective. I have heard reports about your distribution previously and thought that the same technique could go a long way with the up coming referendum. The vote is on again and on the minds of many weighing in the NO to Capt Bligh acceptance of the 2001 constitution.
(7) Missing Links - names on the business cards originals of the 2 FBI agents
From: gzibordi <> Date: 06.04.2010 05:46 PM
In terms of 911 "The Missing Links" video summarizes I believe all that is useful and that I find also enough reasonable and all you need to know now
They probably got help from some CIA, FBI, Army people because they show for instance the names on the business cards originals of the 2 FBI agents who contacted the IDF retireded officer who asked protection to reveal what he heard at a cemetery in New Jersey.
The fact that the US Army decided to award a Medal to the USS Liberty survivors after 44 years and nobody in the US media mentioned last summer (2009) is an indication also, a coded sort of message from the Army to the Israeli probably that they did not forget and they know. Same for this dr Sabrosky
he seems to be really a Director of Studies at the US Was College, so it is a sign that someone in the military probably beside him holds this view
But what blew me away also is the work on Mohamed Atta in Florida by Daniel Hopsicker
It sounds credible expecially the interview with the girlfriend of Atta and it connects to the fact that only his password showed up by miracle on the morning of 911. If the interview with the girl (now disappeared) is genuine Atta was in contact with people that sound like the squad in Dubai last month
(8) George Tenet: "I knew that on 9/11 we had all become Israelis"
Former CIA Director Reaffirms United States' "Strategic Relationship" With Israel In Fight Against Terrorism
New York, NY, October 7, 2008 … George J. Tenet, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), said Israel's security is at great peril, but that the United States and Israel have a "strategic relationship" and will "always be bound together." Mr. Tenet delivered the remarks during an Anti-Defamation League (ADL) dinner in upstate New York, where he was honored by the League for his efforts to combat terrorism, extremism and injustice.
"I knew that on 9/11 we had all become Israelis," said Mr. Tenet. "Israel has seen people die in bus bombings, or sitting in cafes in Tel Aviv - now I'd seen it happen on our soil."
"We have a Palestinian-Israeli crisis that is in more difficult shape than it's ever been, but that doesn't argue for walking away … I believe Israel is always in better shape when it is the strategic partner of the United States and the United States is at the table with them. We may have our disagreements, but we also understand that the strategic relationship between us will be unbroken and will always be bound together," he said.
Mr. Tenet also addressed the growing threat of Iran, and advocated for a strong multinational effort to counter the regime's pursuit of nuclear weapons.
"We have a number of moving parts that we have to address with a forceful, dynamic American policy, and it really centers on an ascendant political Iran." Mr. Tenet warned of an Iran dedicated to achieving "a nuclear weapons capability … We have to beat the Iranians at their own game - throw them off their feet, organize the world, bring in our allies, sanction them, bring them to table, and while we're doing that, recapitalize our influence in the region."
Mr. Tenet received ADL's 2008 William and Naomi Gorowitz Institute Service Award, which salutes outstanding achievements in combating terrorism, extremism and injustice.
"George Tenet is an exceptional public servant, one who has spent his entire distinguished career in intelligence, security and international affairs," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, in presenting the award. "He is also a committed friend to the State of Israel, who encouraged exchanges between the CIA and Israeli intelligence services to advance each country's national security and to advance the fight against global terrorism. We are incredibly honored to count George Tenet as our very special, dear and valued friend."
Mr. Tenet also discussed how ADL helped him identify and respond to issues of anti-Semitism that were manifest at the CIA during his tenure.
"We had a problem once at CIA … there is no doubt there was anti-Semitism at stake. With the help of ADL trainers, we educated an entire bureaucracy and we taught people about how their words could be misinterpreted in a manner that was detrimental to the interests of our country," Mr. Tenet said.
Under his leadership, the CIA brought ADL's A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Institute training to help the agency's supervisors and agents work with an increasingly diverse staff. ...
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