(1) & (2) Anti-Discrimination Act allows men "transitioning to women" to enter female toilets & showers
(3) Obesity threatens the Empire
(4) States must be weaned away from dependence on Gambling income
(5) British school governors told to ensure Literacy & Numeracy tests proceed, despite Teacher Boycott
(6) Mississippi schools: No proms, no yearbook pics for lesbians
(7) In Britain, 1950s textbooks revived to remedy ignorance of History
(8) England is the 'Least Patriotic' Country in Europe - Survey
(9) TV causes Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) - Pediatrics researchers
(10) Violent video games makes kids more more Aggressive - Iowa University study
(11) & (12) A Lithuanian compares Communism & Capitalism
(1) Anti-Discrimination Act allows men "transitioning to women" to enter female toilets & showers
By Rev. Ted Pike
26 Apr 10
Last Thursday the legislative authority for homosexual Rep. Barney Frank told me that ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, could be up for a floor vote in the US House within two weeks.
ENDA means unimagined legal, social, and moral disaster for America.
For the last forty years the Boy Scouts of America have resisted onslaught by the homosexual lobby and liberal "civil liberties" groups to allow homosexuals to become scout masters. Yet pervasive intrusion by homosexual volunteers has been relentless. Result: last week's nearly twenty-million dollar judgment against scouting in Oregon for hiding abuses against a former scout, Kerry Lewis, by a homosexual scout master.
Yet if ENDA, HR 3017, becomes law, the scouts, along with all businesses with over fifteen employees in America, will actually be forced to hire a horde of qualified homosexuals in all positions. Churches might also have to hire gays in at least non-spiritual posts.
ENDA also forces businesses to give men "transitioning" from male to female complete access to women and girls' bathroom and shower facilities.
Considering what happened to the scouts, can you imagine the chaos that will result when businesses and churches are actually required to make homosexuals a part of their workforce - on penalty of huge fines and even imprisonment?
What We Can Do
It's up to YOU to keep ENDA from even getting to the floor of the House.
- Call the representative in Congress from your district, and say, "I urge you to please vote against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, HR 3017. It discriminates against employers, giving special rights to homosexuals."
- Call the crucial sixteen Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee, most of whom have vigorously opposed hate crimes legislation in the past. Tell them, "Please do your best to fight ENDA in its upcoming mark-up hearing."
- Take this link to the list names of Judiciary Republicans on the Action Page at http://www.truthtellers.org/actionplan.html. Call toll-free 1-877-851-6437 or toll 1-202-224-3121.
Promoters of ENDA have had difficulty getting the votes they need because some Congressional Democrats, like most Americans, are horrified by ENDA's "transgender" provision - requiring employers to allow transitioning males access to women's facilities. Let's encourage this rift among the Democrats by blitzing Congress now with protest. ENDA's mark-up hearing has not been scheduled. If we can prevent it through heavy calling, we will have struck a powerful blow against the perverts who are not only ruining the Boy Scouts, but intend to sexually violate and destroy as many of America's children as possible.
Defeat of ENDA would also have a strong secondary effect: it would prove once again that lovers of family and freedom do not have to wait until the decisive midterm elections, or until a violent revolution, to change America for the better.Legislative change is still possible, despite bitter disappointment of healthcare reform passage. A powerful weapon, spectacularly used for surgical strikes upon crucial legislative weak points in the Democratic control of Congress, still remains at our disposal. In fact, it may be only an arm's length from you - your telephone.
(2) Anti-Discrimination Act allows men "transitioning to women" to enter female toilets & showers
From: The Patriot Dames <subie-sisters@thepatriotdames.net> Date: 04.05.2010 11:10 PM
Dear Americans,
I just spent the most important nineteen minutes of my life! I called every Senator on Rev. Pike's list (www.truthtellers.org) and asked them to vote AGAINST the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) that is coming up for vote in the Senate within a few weeks.
NINETEEN minutes was all it took for me.....can you call them in less time? And if you win this Contest....what will your prize be?
YOUR PRIZE will be the Privilege and Honour of using your right to influence the very Senators you elected!! And your privilege will be that of living in a nation we can again call The Republic. Imagine having that much power.....few know we have it.
Rev. Ted Pike states, "The homosexual lobby is frantically trying to persuade at least 15 Senators to get on board. Although liberal, these Senators are reluctant, largely because of the bill’s outrageous “transgender” provision, requiring businesses of more than 15 employees to allow men who claim they are transitioning to women to enter female lavatories and showers."
========================= CONTEST RULES ===================================
1. First protest ENDA to the Senators from your state. Call 1-877-851-6437 or 1-202-225-3121. The capitol operator will route you to their offices.
2. Protest to those Senators still straddling the fence, possibly because of the transgender provision:
* Mark Warner (D-VA)
* Kent Conrad (D-ND)
* Byron Dorgan (D-ND)
* Tim Johnson (D-SD)
* Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)
* Robert Byrd (D-WV)
* Harry Reid (D-NE)
* Max Baucus (D-MT)
* Ben Nelson (D-NE)
* John Tester (D-MT)
* Kay Hagan (D-NC)
* Evan Bayh (D-IN)
* Scott Brown (D-MA)
Tell their staffers, “Please tell the Senator not to vote for the disgusting ENDA bill. It would entitle male employees who claim they want to become a woman to use female restroom and shower facilities. We will never forget or forgive the Democrats, especially at midterms, if the Senator votes for this obscene legislation.”
(3) Obesity threatens the Empire
From: WVNS <ummyakoub@yahoo.com> Date: 04.05.2010 09:58 AM
'Too Fat' for Empire
Military Generals Target School Lunches
School Lunches Blamed As More Americans Too Overweight To Join The Military
By Mary Clare Jalonick
April 20, 2010
"AP" - WASHINGTON - School lunches have been called many things, but a group of retired military officers is giving them a new label: national security threat.That's not a reference to the mystery meat served up in the cafeteria line either. The retired officers are saying that school lunches have helped make the nation's young people so fat that fewer of them can meet the military's physical fitness standards, and recruitment is in jeopardy.
A new report being released Tuesday says more than 9 million young adults, or 27 percent of all Americans ages 17 to 24, are too overweight to join the military. Now, the officers are advocating for passage of a wide-ranging nutrition bill that aims to make the nation's school lunches healthier.
The officers' group, Mission: Readiness, was appearing on Capitol Hill on Tuesday with Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.The military group acknowledges that other things keep young adults out of the armed services, such as a criminal record or the lack of a high school diploma. But weight problems that have worsened over the past 15 years are now the leading medical reason that recruits are rejected.
Although all branches of the military now meet or exceed recruitment goals, retired Navy Rear Adm. James Barnett Jr., a member of the officers group, says the obesity trend could affect that."When over a quarter of young adults are too fat to fight, we need to take notice," Barnett said. He noted that national security in the year 2030 is "absolutely dependent" on reversing child obesity rates. ...
(4) States must be weaned away from dependence on Gambling income
Deakin professor calls for action on gambling
Danny Lannen
May 1st, 2010
DEAKIN University professor Linda Hancock has challenged the Federal Government to wean states off gambling revenue and seize tough national control of gaming machine regulation.
The associate professor in public policy tabled a ground-breaking report in Canberra yesterday arguing that proceeds from a new federal tax could supplement state earnings from gaming, which runs at up to 13 per cent of state-generated revenue.
She later lamented Geelong's $106m losses to gaming machines, according to latest figures.
"This is not about a nanny state because here you've got products that are like the nicotine of the gambling industry," Prof Hancock said.
"That's what we're talking about, dangerous consumption.
"These are not benign recreational products, these are harmful products designed to entrap. We're saying at a national level we need to pull the machines back."
Prof Hancock was chairwoman of Victoria's gambling research panel from 2000 to 2004 and wrote the report in partnership with economist Michael O'Neil. ...
(5) British school governors told to ensure Literacy & Numeracy tests proceed, despite Teacher Boycott
School governors drawn into Sats battle
Ed Balls sends letter to governors telling them to ensure Sats tests go ahead in all primary schools
Rachel Williams
guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 28 April 2010 15.54 BST
School governors were told today that they must make sure national tests for 10- and 11-year-olds go ahead, despite a planned boycott by headteachers.
Ed Balls, the children's secretary, said that if primary school heads in England would not administer the Sats, another "competent person" must be found who could – and the head could be told to stay away from school to ensure they did not prevent that person from doing the job.
In a letter to governors, he said it was their "statutory duty" to ensure the tests went ahead and told them to remind school leaders of their own legal obligations, putting pressure on heads at thousands of schools where a boycott is planned on the first day of a new government.
"If a headteacher still does not intend to administer the tests themselves, it would be wrong for them to frustrate another competent person from administering them, and you should establish that they would not do so," the letter said.
Governors should then speak to the local authority to make a plan for allowing the tests to go ahead. "If necessary, you may consider whether to instruct the headteacher to remain absent from school at times when the tests are due to take place, while another person administers the tests," Balls wrote. ...
(6) Mississippi schools: No proms, no yearbook pics for lesbians
From: Denver Media Service <ron@denvermediaservice.com> Date: 29.04.2010 08:58 PM
By Daniel Tencer
Wednesday, April 28th, 2010 -- 2:41 pm
Mississippi schools are developing quite a reputation for battling their lesbian students.
Just weeks after an Oxford-area high school made national news by canceling its prom rather than allowing a lesbian student to attend with a same-sex date, a Jackson-area lesbian high school senior who had been fighting for the right to appear in her yearbook dressed in a tuxedo has found that not only did her school not allow it -- they cut her existence out of the yearbook altogether.
Not only does Ceara Sturgis' photo not appear in the book, her name isn't even listed.
"It's like she's nobody there, even though she's gone to school there for 12 years," the Jackson Free Press quoted Veronica Rodriguez, Sturgis' mother. "They mentioned none of her accolades, even though she's one of the smartest students there with wonderful grades. They've got kids in the book that have been busted for drugs. There's even a picture of one of the seniors who dropped out of school."
Rodriguez added: "I don't get it. Ceara is a top student. Why would they do this to her?"
Sturgis discovered last Friday that she had been left out of the yearbook after a six-month-long fight with the school over her wish to appear in a tuxedo in her yearbook photo.
In October of 2009, the ACLU of Mississippi sent a letter on Sturgis' behalf asking the school principal to change his decision rejecting Sturgis' photo. County officials refused, the Free Press reports. ...
(7) In Britain, 1950s textbooks revived to remedy ignorance of History
From: IHR News <news@ihr.org> Date: 03.05.2010 03:00 PM
The Telegraph (Britain)
1930s books revived to teach pupils traditional British history
History books first published in the 1930s have been revived in a bid to tackle schoolchildren's ignorance of Britain's past.
By Julie Henry, Education Correspondent
Published: 9:30PM BST 10 Apr 2010
According to the publishers, the 1930s books are needed to address a 'crisis' in the teaching of the traditional narrative of British history
The series, called A History of Britain, was first published in 1937 and was widely used in schools for decades.
It has now been updated and relaunched for a modern audience amid growing concerns that schools are failing to give children a good grasp of history.
It comes as a group of leading history experts called for reform to the school curriculum so secondary schoolchildren are taught a single chronological history course, stretching from the Norman conquest to the 20th century.
Currently, pupils study topics such as the Nazis, Soviet Russia, slavery or the Victorians, often taught in isolation and repeated in different years.
According to the publishers, the 1930s books are needed to address a "crisis" in the teaching of the traditional narrative of British history.
"For more than half a century most intelligent youngsters in Britain have grown up to live in the half-darkness of historical ignorance," said Tom Stacey, chairman of Stacey International.
"I have seen this ignorance creeping up on three generations. I count their loss as incalculable deprivation. There has been a parallel discarding of the fabric of biblical history and the Christian narrative."
He said that traditional history had "all but vanished" in schools, replaced by a diet of "projects on slavery, Victorian slums, the labour movement or, again and again, the Second World War".
The 1930s series was written by E H Carter, who was chief inspector of schools, and R A F Mears, a history teacher. Subsequent volumes covered British history up to the 1950s.
The updated books are edited by David Evans, an historian and former head of history at Eton College.
The first two books to be re-released cover the Tudors and the Stuarts. Eight more will follow, beginning with the Roman invasion.
The last two books, From Churchill to Thatcher; 1951 – 1990, and Into the 21st Century, are new but will be in the same style as the original series.
Concerns that schools are failing to instil a good understanding of the timeline of British history have been raised by a long list of commentators, including academics David Starkey and Niall Ferguson, Andrew Marr, the BBC presenter and author of A History of Modern Britain, and the Prince of Wales.
"There can be no justification for the excessive focus on the history of the Third Reich," said Professor Ferguson, "What we urgently need is a campaign for real history in schools." ...
(8) England is the 'Least Patriotic' Country in Europe - Survey
From: IHR News <news@ihr.org> Date: 03.05.2010 03:00 PM
The Telegraph (Britain)
England 'least patriotic' country
England is the least patriotic country in Europe, with just one in three British people aware of the date of St George's Day a survey has shown.
By Nick Collins
Published: 9:42PM BST 19 Apr 2010
Only a third of people were aware that the celebration of St George was this Friday, while forty per cent did not know why he is the patron saint, a study revealed yesterday. (MON)
Political correctness and a fear of appearing racist were said to be the main factors in the apparent lack of patriotism in England, along with the increasing influence of the European Union. ...
Scottish people ranked their patriotism at 7.1 out of ten, the Welsh at 7.06 and the Irish at 6.72, while the Dutch were the most patriotic on 7.18.
Ireland was the nation where people were most likely to display their national flag.
(9) TV causes Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) - Pediatrics researchers
From: IHR News <news@ihr.org> Date: 17.04.2010 06:55 PM
BBC News
Last Updated: Tuesday, 6 April, 2004, 08:56 GMT 09:56 UK
Watching TV 'is bad for children'
Children under two should not be allowed to watch any TV, experts say.
Older children should watch no more than two hours a day, the researchers at the Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Centre in Seattle said.
Each hour in front of the TV increased a child's chances of attention deficit disorder by 10%, their research in the Pediatrics journal showed.
The study of 1,345 children showed three hours TV a day made children 30% more likely to have the disorder.
Dr Dimitri Christakis at the children's hospital led the study. He said: "The newborn brain develops very rapidly during the first two to three years of life. It's really being wired."
Children who were exposed to the unrealistic levels of stimulation at a young age continued to expect this in later life, leading to difficulty dealing with the slower pace of school and homework, he said.
"TV can cause the developing mind to experience unnatural levels of stimulation," he said.
This was made worse by the rapid image change that television makers used to keep young children interested, Dr Christakis added.
Parents were questioned about their children's viewing habits and asked to rate their behaviour at age seven on a scale similar to that used to diagnose attention deficit disorders.
The youngsters who watched the most television were more likely to rank within the top 10% for concentration problems, impulsiveness, restlessness and being easily confused.
Frederick Zimmerman of the University of Washington in Seattle, another of the authors, said it was impossible to say what a "safe" level of TV viewing would be for children between the ages of one and three.
"Each hour has an additional risk. You might say there's no safe level since there's a small but increased risk with each hour," he said. ...
(10) Violent video games makes kids more more Aggressive - Iowa University study
From: IHR News <news@ihr.org> Date: 17.04.2010 06:55 PM
Iowa State University
ISU study proves conclusively that violent video game play makes more aggressive kids
AMES, Iowa -- Iowa State University Distinguished Professor of Psychology Craig Anderson has made much of his life's work studying how violent video game play affects youth behavior. And he says a new study he led, analyzing 130 research reports on more than 130,000 subjects worldwide, proves conclusively that exposure to violent video games makes more aggressive, less caring kids -- regardless of their age, sex or culture.
The study was published today in the March 2010 issue of the Psychological Bulletin, an American Psychological Association journal. It reports that exposure to violent video games is a causal risk factor for increased aggressive thoughts and behavior, and decreased empathy and prosocial behavior in youths.
"We can now say with utmost confidence that regardless of research method -- that is experimental, correlational, or longitudinal -- and regardless of the cultures tested in this study [East and West], you get the same effects," said Anderson, who is also director of Iowa State's Center for the Study of Violence. "And the effects are that exposure to violent video games increases the likelihood of aggressive behavior in both short-term and long-term contexts. Such exposure also increases aggressive thinking and aggressive affect, and decreases prosocial behavior."
The study was conducted by a team of eight researchers, including ISU psychology graduate students Edward Swing and Muniba Saleem; and Brad Bushman, a former Iowa State psychology professor who now is on the faculty at the University of Michigan. Also on the team were the top video game researchers from Japan - Akiko Shibuya from Keio University and Nobuko Ihori from Ochanomizu University - and Hannah Rothstein, a noted scholar on meta-analytic review from the City University of New York. ...
The analysis found that violent video game effects are significant in both Eastern and Western cultures, in males and females, and in all age groups. ...
But Anderson knows it will take time for the creation and implementation of effective new policies. And until then, there is plenty parents can do to protect their kids at home.
"Just like your child's diet and the foods you have available for them to eat in the house, you should be able to control the content of the video games they have available to play in your home," he said. "And you should be able to explain to them why certain kinds of games are not allowed in the house -- conveying your own values. You should convey the message that one should always be looking for more constructive solutions to disagreements and conflict."
Anderson says the new study may be his last meta-analysis on violent video games because of its definitive findings. Largely because of his extensive work on violent video game effects, Anderson was chosen as one of the three 2010 American Psychological Association Distinguished Scientist Lecturers. He will give a lecture at October's New England Psychological Association (NEPA) meeting in Colchester, Vt.
(11) A Lithuanian compares Communism & Capitalism
From: gzibordi <gzibordi@cobraf.com> Date: 03.05.2010 07:12 PM
I lived in La and NY for 8 years and I saw this and worse but he is tallkng about RACE
> A Lithuanian compares Communism & Capitalism
He is comparing his "aryan" Lithuanians under Socialism, with Blacks and Mexicans of indian roots under Jewish Capitalism. Why do not try socialism and comunism on blacks and american indians instead, in Ethiopia they did ....
Why do not look at capitalism in a white country without a jewish elite? For instance US capitalism until 1910 was egalitarian, even though it was a "wild" "savage" capitalist system if you look at the insitutions, with, but the elite was still anglo-saxon and 90% of the population was white.
You have to compare social systems CETERIS PARIBUS, applied to the same race of people, the USA is jewish at the top and 45% "NON white".
Giovanni Zibordi
... According to the Children's Defense Fund, every day in America six children commit suicide, thirteen children are homicide victims, fourteen children are killed by firearms, eighty-one babies die, 280 children are arrested for violent crimes, 443 babies are born to mothers who had late or no prenatal care, 781 babies are born at low birthweight, 1,403 babies are born to teen mothers, 1,827 babies are born without health insurance, 2,430 babies are born into poverty, 2,756 children drop out of high school every school day, 3,436 babies are born to unmarried mothers, 5,753 children are arrested, 8,470 children are reported abused or neglected, 11.3 million children are without health insurance and 14.5 million children live in poverty. ...
Reply (Peter M.):
The US in the nineteenth century had its depressions, its Morgans & Rockefellers & carpetbaggers.
Whites were dominant, as depicted in the painting called American Progress by John Gast: http://www.johnhorse.com/trail/00/int/05zz.htm
Indians, buffalo, wild horses, bears, and other game flee before the settlers.
However, the issue of the inclusion of Indians, Mexicans and Blacks split the Nationalist movement and led to the Civil War.
Today, Americans need to rein in the Internationalists - of both Left and Right - who have held sway in recent decades. Further, the "Minority" movements which have destroyed family life.
These tasks require a rebuilding of the nation and the family. To cast the issue in racial terms would be divisive, when division is what must be overcome.
It's one thing to want to curb immigration, as a means of safeguarding the jobs and lifestyles of existing residents. It's another matter to NOT CARE about citizens who are not of your own race.
Yet, this is implicit in the Tea Party movement. It seems quintessentially WASPish. Its laissez-faire line cannot possibly deal with the problems Valdas Anelauskas describes, which you say you've seen.
Do the Tea Party people tackle the Media? Hollywood? Junk food? Dumbing down? Their small-government line precludes them from controlling the forces wrecking the US.
Do they take on the Jewish lobby? Ron Paul does, but the Tea Party also rally around Sarah Palin - who has endorsed Israel's ongoing Settlements program.
(12) A Lithuanian compares Communism & Capitalism
From: Heather Bryse-Harvey <hb-h@comcast.net> Date: 05.05.2010 07:59 PM
An interesting piece.
I read about 1/2 way thru before I realized that he was making me angry and had to stop.
His naïve description of what he and so many envision in the US only tends to show that he is 'one of the masses' and unrealistic!
This country IS the land of freedom. A land where you can try your hand at anything, and can often even get grants to assist you towards your goals. This land is NOT a land of 'free living', where everything is given to you on a platter.
Far from it.
In it's freedom is also included the freedom of other individuals to try to take what they can from you. .. So your freedom reasserts itself in that you can thrive if you are smart enough and hard-working enough, and lucky enough.
Life is not free. But a thinking person has more options here. Hopefully you will also be a conscientious individual, but that is not a requirement in the US.
I often think about how people should care more for one another, and how it is easy for wealthy Republicans to sneer at the concept of providing Social Security, Heath Care etc. because they themselves don't have to worry about where the money is going to come from to pay for it. .. And as the author said, in USSR people did not become wealthy by exploiting others partly because it would have attracted attention to themselves by the government if they had more than they needed.
I know many people here in US who have more money than they know what to do with, who fritter it away whilst complaining about having to pay taxes to provide Healthcare or in fact anything, and I feel that a system with some facets like the USSR's might be a good idea if it made those people more humanitarian!
But back to the topic at hand.
He is naïve, and sounds like he is whining. I also notice that despite mooching off the Catholics and living in their homes whilst looking for work, (supposedly almost destitute) it never seems to have occurred to him that having children was not very bright!
Reply (Peter M.):
The US has a weak state, meaning that the country is largely run by institutions of Civil Society - such as Wall St, Hollywood, Media congolmerates, Transnational Corporations and the Jewish lobby.
Being non-Governmental, they are outside public control. They promote the Laissez-Faire ideology, to keep it that way.
American 'Patriots' also have a Laissez-Faire ideology, which derives from the do-it-yourself self-reliance of small farmers and small business. They're not smart enough to see that they're being USED by the big end of town to retain the status quo.
The result is an excess of Freedom:
- freedom for imports to drive national industries to the wall
- freedom for employers to shift jobs offshore
- freedom for Junk Food providers to ruin the physical health of the nation
- freedom for Big Phrama to ruin the mental health of the nation
- freedom for the Media & Hollywood to corrupt the youth and destroy family life
- freedom for pornography and decadent "Art" to distort sex and beauty.
How Americans can be PROUD of such a system, is beyond my comprehension.
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