Shimon Peres, father of Israel's bomb and sponsor of Settlements,
as a Peacemaker
Newsletter published on 1 October 2016
(1) Shimon Peres celebrated aas a Peacemaker, despite
invasion of
Lebanon and Qana massacre
(2) Shimon Peres, father of
Israel's Bomb, promoted Settlements in Galilee
(3) Arab world sheds no tears
for Peres, brands him a "war criminal"
(4) Shimon Peres obituary: Peacemaker
or war criminal? - Jonathan Cook
(5) Obama: 'Peres ... showed us that justice
and hope are at the heart
of the zionist idea'
(6) Peres: Jerusalem must
remain united ie under Jewish rule
(7) Peres supported invasion of
(8) Peres Praises Murder of Hamas Leader
(1) Shimon Peres
celebrated aas a Peacemaker, despite invasion of
Lebanon and Qana
"Sadanand, Nanjundiah (Physics and Engineering Physics)"
Thu, 29 Sep 2016
16:06:38 +0000
Butcher of Qana: Shimon Peres Was No Peacemaker
by Robert
September 29, 2016
When the world heard that Shimon Peres had
died, it shouted
"Peacemaker!" But when I heard that Peres was dead, I
thought of blood
and fire and slaughter.
I saw the results: babies
torn apart, shrieking refugees, smouldering
bodies. It was a place called
Qana and most of the 106 bodies – half of
them children – now lie beneath
the UN camp where they were torn to
pieces by Israeli shells in 1996. I had
been on a UN aid convoy just
outside the south Lebanese village. Those
shells swished right over our
heads and into the refugees packed below us.
It lasted for 17 minutes.
Shimon Peres, standing for election as Israel’s
prime minister – a post
he inherited when his predecessor Yitzhak Rabin was
assassinated –
decided to increase his military credentials before polling
day by
assaulting Lebanon. The joint Nobel Peace Prize holder used as an
the firing of Katyusha rockets over the Lebanese border by the
Hezbollah. In fact, their rockets were retaliation for the killing of a
small Lebanese boy by a booby-trap bomb they suspected had been left by
an Israeli patrol. It mattered not.
A few days later, Israeli troops
inside Lebanon came under attack close
to Qana and retaliated by opening
fire into the village. Their first
shells hit a cemetery used by Hezbollah;
the rest flew directly into the
UN Fijian army camp where hundreds of
civilians were sheltering. Peres
announced that "we did not know that
several hundred people were
concentrated in that camp. It came to us as a
bitter surprise."
It was a lie. The Israelis had occupied Qana for years
after their 1982
invasion, they had video film of the camp, they were even
flying a drone
over the camp during the 1996 massacre – a fact they denied
until a UN
soldier gave me his video of the drone, frames from which we
in The Independent. The UN had repeatedly told Israel that the
camp was
packed with refugees.
This was Peres’s contribution to
Lebanese peace. He lost the election
and probably never thought much more
about Qana. But I never forgot it.
When I reached the UN gates, blood was
pouring through them in torrents.
I could smell it. It washed over our shoes
and stuck to them like glue.
There were legs and arms, babies without heads,
old men’s heads without
bodies. A man’s body was hanging in two pieces in a
burning tree. What
was left of him was on fire.
On the steps of the
barracks, a girl sat holding a man with grey hair,
her arm round his
shoulder, rocking the corpse back and forth in her
arms. His eyes were
staring at her. She was keening and weeping and
crying, over and over: "My
father, my father." If she is still alive –
and there was to be another Qana
massacre in the years to come, this
time from the Israeli air force – I
doubt if the word "peacemaker" will
be crossing her lips.
There was a
UN enquiry which stated in its bland way that it did not
believe the
slaughter was an accident. The UN report was accused of
being anti-Semitic.
Much later, a brave Israeli magazine published an
interview with the
artillery soldiers who fired at Qana. An officer had
referred to the
villagers as "just a bunch of Arabs" (‘arabushim’ in
Hebrew). "A few
Arabushim die, there is no harm in that," he was quoted
as saying. Peres’s
chief of staff was almost equally carefree: "I don’t
know any other rules of
the game, either for the [Israeli] army or for
called his Lebanese invasion "Operation Grapes of Wrath", which –
if it
wasn’t inspired by John Steinbeck – must have come from the Book
Deuteronomy. "The sword without and terror within," it says in
Chapter 32,
"shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the
suckling also with the
man of grey hairs." Could there be a better
description of those 17 minutes
at Qana?
Yes, of course, Peres changed in later years. They claimed that
Sharon – whose soldiers watched the massacre at Sabra and Chatila
in 1982 by their Lebanese Christian allies – was also a "peacemaker"
when he died. At least he didn’t receive the Nobel Prize.
Peres later
became an advocate of a "two state solution", even as the
Jewish colonies on
Palestinian land – which he once so fervently
supported – continued to
Now we must call him a "peacemaker". And count, if you can, how
the word "peace" is used in the Peres obituaries over the next few
Then count how many times the word Qana appears.
Robert Fisk
writes for the Independent, where this column originally
(2) Shimon Peres, father of Israel's Bomb, promoted
Settlements in Galilee
Ilan Pappe
The Electronic
28 September 2016
and mourners surround coffins covered with Lebanese flags
during a mass
funeral in the southern Lebanese town of Tyre, 30 April
1996. The victims
were killed in an Israeli artillery attack on a UN
base in Qana, in southern
Lebanon, on 18 April as part of an operation
ordered by then Israeli Prime
Minister Shimon Peres.
The obituaries for Shimon Peres have already
appeared, no doubt prepared
in advance as the news of his hospitalization
reached the media.
The verdict on his life is very clear and was already
by US President Barack Obama: Peres was a man who changed the course
of human history in his relentless search for peace in the Middle
My guess is that very few of the obituaries will examine Peres'
life and
activities from the perspective of the victims of Zionism and
He occupied many positions in politics that had immense impact on
Palestinians wherever they are. He was director general of the Israeli
defense ministry, minister of defense, minister for development of the
Galilee and the Negev (Naqab), prime minister and president.
In all
these roles, the decisions he took and the policies he pursued
to the destruction of the Palestinian people and did nothing
to advance the
cause of peace and reconciliation between Palestinians
Born Szymon Perski in 1923, in a town that was then part of
Peres immigrated to Palestine in 1934. As a teenager in an
school, he became active in politics within the Labor Zionist
that led Zionism and later the young State of Israel.
As a
leading figure in the movement's youth cadres, Peres attracted the
of the high command of the Jewish paramilitary force in
Palestine, the Haganah
In 1947, Peres was fully recruited to the organization and sent
by its leader David Ben-Gurion to purchase arms which were later used
the 1948 Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, and against the
Arab contingents that entered Palestine that year.
After a few years
abroad, mainly in the United States, where he was busy
purchasing arms and
building the infrastructure for the Israeli military
industry, he returned
to become director general of the defense ministry.
Peres was active in
forging Israel's collusion with the UK and France to
invade Egypt in 1956,
for which Israel was rewarded by France with the
needed capacity to build
nuclear weapons.
Indeed it was Peres himself who largely oversaw Israel's
nuclear weapons program
less important was the zeal Peres showed under Ben-Gurion's guidance
inspiration to Judaize the Galilee. Despite the 1948 ethnic
cleansing, that
part of Israel was still very much Palestinian
countryside and
Peres was behind the idea of confiscating Palestinian land for
purpose of building exclusive Jewish towns such as Karmiel and Upper
Nazareth and basing the military in the region so as to disrupt
territorial contiguity between Palestinian villages and towns.
ruination of the Palestinian countryside led to the disappearance
of the
traditional Palestinian villages and the transformation of the
farmers into
an underemployed and deprived urban working class. This
dismal reality is
still with us today.
Settlers' champion
Peres disappeared for a
while from the political scene when his master
Ben-Gurion, Israel's founding
prime minister, was pushed aside in 1963
by a new generation of
He came back after the 1967 War and the first portfolio he held
was as
minister responsible for the occupied territories. In this role, he
legitimized, quite often retroactively, the settlement drive in the West
Bank and Gaza Strip.
As so many of us realize today, by the time the
pro-settlement Likud
party came to power in 1977, the Jewish settlement
infrastructure, in
particular in the West Bank, had already rendered a
two-state solution
an impossible vision.
In 1974, Peres' political
career became intimately connected to that of
his nemesis, Yitzhak Rabin.
The two politicians who could not stand each
other, had to work in tandem
for the sake of political survival.
However, on Israel's strategy toward
the Palestinians, they shared the
Zionist settler-colonial perspective,
coveting as much of Palestine's
land as possible with as few Palestinians on
it as possible.
They worked well together in quelling brutally
the Palestinian uprising that began in 1987.
Peres' first role in
this difficult partnership was as defense minister
in the 1974 Rabin
government. The first real crisis Peres faced was a
major expansion of the
messianic settler movement Gush Emunim's
colonization effort in and around
the West Bank city of Nablus.
Rabin opposed the new settlements, but
Peres stood with the settlers and
those colonies that now strangulate Nablus
are there thanks to his efforts.
In 1976, Peres led government policy on
the occupied territories,
convinced that a deal could be struck with Jordan,
by which the West
Bank would be within Jordanian jurisdiction but under
effective Israeli
He initiated municipal elections in the West
Bank but to his great
surprise and disappointment, the candidates identified
with the
Palestine Liberation Organization were elected and not the ones
loyal to
Jordan's Hashemite monarchy.
But Peres remained faithful to
what he named the "Jordanian option" as
an opposition leader after 1977 and
when he returned to power in
coalition with the Likud in 1984-1988. He
pushed forward the
negotiations on the basis of this concept until King
Hussein's decision
to cede any political connection between Jordan and the
West Bank in 1988.
Israel's international face
The 1990s exposed
to the world to a more mature and coherent Peres. He
was Israel's
international face, whether in government or outside it. He
played this role
even after the Likud ascended as the main political
force in the
In power, in Rabin's government in the early 1990s, as prime
after Rabin's 1995 assassination, and then as a minister in the
of Ehud Barak from 1999 to 2001, Peres pushed a new concept for what
called "peace."
Instead of sharing rule in the West Bank and Gaza
Strip with Jordan or
Egypt, he now wished to do it with the Palestine
Organization. The idea was accepted by PLO leader Yasser Arafat,
who may
have hoped to build on this a new project for the liberation of
As enshrined in the 1993 Oslo accords, this concept was
endorsed by Israel's international allies.
Peres was
the leading ambassador of this peace process charade that
provided an
international umbrella for Israel to establish facts on the
ground that
would create a greater apartheid Israel with small
Palestinian bantustans
scattered within it.
The fact that he won a Nobel Peace Prize for a
process that advanced the
ruination of Palestine and its people is yet
another testimony to world
governments' misunderstanding, cynicism and
apathy toward their suffering.
We are fortunate to live in an era in
which international civil society
has exposed this charade and offers,
through the boycott, divestment and
sanctions movement and the growing
support for the one-state solution, a
more hopeful and genuine path
As prime minister, Peres had one additional
"contribution" to make to
the history of Palestinian and Lebanese
In response to the endless skirmishes between Hizballah and
the Israeli
army in southern Lebanon, where Hizballah and other groups
resisted the
Israeli occupation that began in 1982 until they drove it out
in 2000,
Peres ordered the bombing of the whole area in April
During what Israel dubbed Operation Grapes of Wrath, Israeli
killed more than 100 people - civilians fleeing bombardment and UN
peacekeepers from Fiji - near the village of Qana.
Despite a United
that found Israel's explanation that the shelling had been an accident
to be "unlikely," the massacre did nothing to dent Peres' international
reputation as a "peacemaker."
In this century, Peres was more a
symbolic figurehead than an active
politician. He founded the Peres Center
for Peace, built on confiscated
Palestinian refugee property in
which continues to sell the idea of a Palestinian "state" with little
land, real independence or sovereignty as the best possible
That will never work, but if the world continues to be
committed to this
Peres legacy, there will be no end to the suffering of the
Shimon Peres symbolized the beautification of Zionism, but
the facts on
the ground lay bare his role in perpetrating so much suffering
conflict. Knowing the truth, at least, helps us understand how to move
forward and undo so much of the injustice Peres helped create.
author of numerous books, Ilan Pappe is professor of history and
director of
the European Centre for Palestine Studies at the University
(3) Arab world sheds no tears for Peres, brands him a "war
world sheds no tears for Peres
Latest update :
Mourned internationally as a peacemaker, Israeli ex-president
Peres's death has met with official silence in most Arab countries,
where public opinion vilified the Nobel laureate as a "war
Of the 21 Arab states, only two -- Egypt and Jordan -- have
diplomatic relations with Israel.
Even in those countries, the
legacy of their destructive wars with
Israel and its policies towards
Palestinians continue to influence
public opinion.
Peres, who died at
93 on Wednesday, was widely viewed in Arab countries
as one of Israel's
founding fathers and closely associated with its
policies towards
He is remembered internationally as the man who won the
Nobel Peace
Prize in 1994 along with then prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
But Arab media coverage has focused
on his role in Israeli military action.
"Peres, the engineer of the Qana
massacre, dies," said a front page
headline in Al-Ahram, Egypt's flagship
state newspaper.
Peres was the prime minister in 1996, having taken over
after the
assassination of Rabin by a Jewish extremist for signing the peace
treaty with the Palestinians.
During a 16-day war with the Lebanese
Hezbollah militant group that
year, Israel shelled a United Nations compound
where Lebanese fleeing
the conflict had taken refuge.
One hundred and
six civilians were killed. Israel said the shelling of
the compound near the
village of Qana was accidental.
'A thousand damnations'
dies: the 'butcher' of Qana," read a headline on the website of
the Lebanese
daily Al-Safir.
"A thousand damnations on his soul, although he's in
hell," said
Lebanese Public Health Minister Wael Abou Faour.
"I had
wished for him a death that suited his crimes against Arabs and
Palestinians. The only thing we mourn is that the devil is overjoyed
because his counterpart has joined him."
Most other Arab officials
remained silent, with the exceptions of
Palestinian president Abbas, who
said Peres was "brave", and Bahrain's
foreign minister.
"Rest in
Peace President Shimon Peres, a Man of War and a Man of the
still elusive
Peace in the Middle East," the minister, Khaled ben Ahmed
al-Khalifa, wrote
on Twitter.
There was no official comment in Jordan and Egypt, which in
1979 became
the first Arab country to sign a peace treaty with
Public opinion in both countries remains hostile to Israel.
(4) Shimon Peres obituary: Peacemaker or war criminal? - Jonathan
Peres obituary: Peacemaker or war criminal?
The last significant figure
of Israel’s founding generation – and the
father of its nuclear bomb – dies
after suffering stroke
Al-Jazeera – 28 September 2016
The death of
Shimon Peres at the age of 93 marks the departure of the
last major figure
in Israel’s founding generation.
He died in a hospital on Wednesday after
his condition worsened
following a major stroke two weeks ago.
– one of the disciples of David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first prime
minister –
spent his long political career in the public spotlight. But
his greatest
successes were engineered in the shadows, noted Yaron
Ezrahi, a politics
professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Peres’ most important task,
to which he was entrusted by Ben Gurion, was
developing in secret – and over
US opposition – Israel’s nuclear weapons
programme through the 1950s and
’60s. To that end, he recruited the
assistance of France, Britain and
Peres, like his mentor, believed an Israeli bomb was the key to
guaranteeing Israel’s status – both in Washington and among the Arab
states – as an unassailable Middle East power.
The testing of the
first warhead in the late 1960s was probably at least
as responsible for
ensuring rock-solid US patronage in subsequent
decades as Israel’s rapid
victory against neighbouring Arab states in
the Six-Day War.
later diplomatic skills in negotiating peace agreements with
Jordan and the
Palestinians were exercised largely out of view, too,
though he was keen to
take the credit afterwards.
His pivotal role in realising the Oslo
Accords through a back channel in
the early 1990s earned him – after frantic
lobbying on his own behalf –
the Nobel peace prize in 1994, alongside
Israel’s prime minister of the
time, Yitzhak Rabin, and Palestinian leader
Yasser Arafat.
These agreements, as well as his vision of economic and
cooperation between Israel and Arab states in a "New Middle
East", made
him a beloved figure in western capitals, where he was feted as
At home, among both Israelis and
Palestinians, he was viewed far less
Born Syzmon Perski, Peres immigrated to Palestine from Poland
with his
family in 1934, aged 11. Raised on a kibbutz and inculcated in the
values of Labour Zionism espoused by Israel’s East European elite, he
was quickly identified as a rising star by Ben Gurion, a fellow
During the 1948 war, Ben Gurion kept Peres in a backroom job, far
the fighting, where he was responsible for acquiring weapons, often
illicitly, for the new Israeli army.
His diplomatic skills were
relied on throughout the state’s tricky early
years in the defence ministry.
Despite his lack of an army background,
he was instrumental in developing
Israel’s large state-run military
In the same role, he
also developed alliances with key western states,
especially France and
Britain, that would eventually help Israel
establish the Dimona nuclear
reactor and build a bomb.
In return, Peres plotted with these two fading
colonial powers an attack
on Egypt in 1956 that triggered the Suez Crisis.
Israel invaded Sinai to
create the pretext for an Anglo-French
"intervention" and seizure of the
Suez Canal. All three soon had to withdraw
under pressure from the US
and Soviet Union.
Peres was elected to the
Israeli parliament in 1959, the start of a
48-year career as an MP, the
longest in Israel’s history. There were few
senior ministerial posts he did
not hold at some point.
But popularity eluded him. He led Ben Gurion’s
Labour party to its
first-ever defeat in the 1977 election against Menachem
Begin. It would
be the first of many electoral disappointments.
With Rabin’s victory in 1992, Peres was appointed number two and
returned to what he did best: backroom deals, in this case a peace track
in Norway that led to the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993.
Rabin was assassinated two years later, it was assumed that Peres
would romp
home in the general election a short time later, riding a
wave of sympathy
over Rabin’s death.
With the election looming, Peres approved a 16-day
campaign of attacks
on Lebanon viewed by many as an effort to bolster his
chances of
winning. The operation further blackened Peres’ reputation in the
world for the Qana massacre, when Israeli shelling killed more than 100
civilians sheltering in a UN base in south Lebanon.
In the end, Peres
lost to Likud’s Benjamin Netanyahu, who profited from
the right’s campaign
to discredit the peace process and its architects
as "Oslo criminals".
Over the next seven years, Peres gradually came to be viewed as a
national treasure.
Champion of the settlers
Palestinians, it was harder to rehabilitate his image. He is best
as part of a Labour Zionist elite responsible for the
creation of a Jewish
state in 1948 on the ruins of the Palestinian homeland.
Despite his later
reputation, Peres held hawkish positions for much of
his political career,
noted Asad Ghanem, a politics professor at Haifa
Following the 1967 war, he championed the cause of the
settlers, and
used his role as defence minister in the 1970s to establish
the first
settlements in the northern West Bank. His slogan was:
With the Oslo process, Peres helped
engineer Israel’s recognition of
Arafat’s Palestine Liberation Organisation
as the representative of the
Palestinian people.
But in every other
way, said Ghanem, the accords soon proved disastrous
for the Palestinians,
helping the settlements expand as the newly
created Palestinian Authority
looked on, confined to small enclaves of
the occupied territories.
(5) Obama: 'Peres ... showed us that justice and hope are at the
of the zionist idea'
Peres funeral: Obama, Abbas in attendance
Shimon Peres, the Israeli elder
statesman, has been laid to rest in
Jerusalem in a ceremony that brough
together several world leaders.
US President Barack Obama, Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas, French
President Francois Hollande, German
President Joachim Gauck and other
world leaders were among those who
attended the funeral on Friday.
Speaking at the ceremony, Obama said: "I
could not be more honoured to
be in Jerusalem to say farewell to my friend
Shimon Peres, who showed us
that justice and hope are at the heart of the
zionist idea."
The US leader, who wore the traditional Jewish kippah cap,
said that the
attendance of Abbas was a gesture "and reminder of the
business of peace". [...]
(6) Peres: Jerusalem must remain
united ie under Jewish rule
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2005 13:50:39 +0100 From:
"Kristoffer Larsson"
Jerusalem must remain united
Jerusalem must remain united but the city
must be open and accessible to
all, Knesset member Shimon Peres said Friday
after meeting with Indian
"If Hamas negotiates with rifles
and explosives, there will be only fire
and fighting in the region, the
problem is not the Palestinian nation,
it's terror," he said. (Ronny
(12.17.05, 12:21)
(7) Peres supported invasion of
Subject: Peres Is Looking Forward to WW III Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003
23:03:53 -0800 From: Jeffrey Blankfort <>
"In the course of
his September 12 dialogue with Rabbi William Berkowitz
at the Center for
Jewish History..... Berkowitz asked Peres what he
thought of President Bush
and America's response to Iraq, the foreign
minister said: 'Why speak about
an attack when you are defending freedom
as you did in World War I, World
War II and now in [World War]
III?.....I don't think this is a campaign
against Iraq, neither their
people nor the land, but against a terrible
killer, a dictator who
already initiated two aggressive wars -- one against
Muslim Iran for
seven years at a cost of 1 million [lives] and against an
Arab Kuwait,
which lost 300,000*..... Who saved Kuwait? The Arab League?
You gave
Japan an improved Japan, and you gave Germany a better Germany and
Marshall Plan. I believe the strength of freedom is equal to the
strength of the United States. [Emphasis added] I don't see anybody
doing the job. So I justify the American position fully. The president
speaks loud and clear." From MASHA LEON's column, the
Forward, October 4, 2002
*The number of Kuwaitis killed by Iraq was
240. It's a number you never
hear or read about.
(8) Peres Praises Murder of Hamas Leader
Date: Sat, 17
Apr 2004 23:17:06 -0700 From: Jeff Blankfort
a man with years of blood on his hands, speaks:
"Whereas on the
right-wing people are congratulating themselves on the
death of the Hamas
leader, Abdel Aziz Rantissi, on the left people are
rather divided. Shimon
Peres, the leader of the labor party, has
nonetheless given his support to
Tsahal asserting that ''whoever takes a
part in murder pays the price and
the responsibility for it''.
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