Monday, December 8, 2014

723 Chinese believe Jews control America; and want to learn their tricks

Chinese believe Jews control America; and want to learn their tricks

(1) China and the Jews, by Lasha Darkmoon
(2) The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America. Is That a Good
Thing? by Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore
(3) Chinese Academic says China using Jewish Model to Take Over United
States & West

Newsletter published on 14 December 2014

(1) China and the Jews, by Lasha Darkmoon

China and the Jews

  Lasha Darkmoon

December 12, 2014

Published originally on Veterans Today

What do the Chinese think about Jewish world domination?
How would they like to be next on the hit list?

Part 1: On Domination Games

A new article by Kevin MacDonald on China is well worth reading. The
article begins with these words: “Tablet [magazine] has an article
reflecting Jewish angst over the possibility that the Chinese might
think that Jews run America: The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control
America: Is That a Good Thing?“

MacDonald then goes on to give an extensive quote by the author of the
Tablet magazine article, Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore (pictured), in which
the young Jewish writer does her best to pooh-pooh the whole idea that
Jews control America.

When someone with the name “Sebag-Montefiore” pens an article, the world
has to sit up and pay attention. This is because the Montefiores belong
to one of the most venerated Jewish families in England—the crème de la
crème of British Jewry—the other great Jewish families in England being
the Rothschilds, the Sassoons, the Freuds, the Joels, the Neubergers,
and the Harts.

Ms Sebag-Montefiore is clearly at pains to convince the Chinese—who she
knows will be reading her article with avid interest—that any such idea
of Jewish power in America is a malicious anti-Semitic canard.

The Jews, she would like to persuade the Chinese, have at best a
marginal influence on American affairs. True, it’s often alleged by
people who ought to know better that Jews own the media and Hollywood,
but these silly assertions have to be taken with a pinch of salt. The
Chinese, with their high intelligence, will see through these specious
claims—or, in Ms Sebag-Montefiore’s predictable parlance, “entrenched

Henry Ford would of course have another view on all this. Writing almost
100 years ago, he said: “Controlling the world’s sources of news, Jews
can always prepare the minds of people for their next move.

Here is Ms Sebag-Montefiore doing her valiant best to persuade the
Chinese into viewing the Jews through rose-tinted Jewish spectacles:

“Do the Jews Really Control America?” asked one Chinese newsweekly
headline in 2009. The factoids [note the dismissive word “factoids”]
doled out in such articles and in books about Jews in China—for example:
“The world’s wealth is in Americans’ pockets; Americans are in Jews’
pockets”—would rightly be seen to be alarming in other contexts. But in
China, where Jews are widely perceived as clever and accomplished, they
are meant as compliments.

Scan the shelves in any bookstore in China and you are likely to find
best-selling self-help books based on Jewish knowledge. Most focus on
how to make cash. Titles range from 101 Money Earning Secrets From Jews’
Notebooks to Learn To Make Money With the Jews.”

And now for the flattery: the attempt to prove that Jews and Chinese are
kindred spirits under the flesh, united by common ideals and noble

“The Chinese recognize, and embrace, common characteristics between
their culture and Jewish culture. Both races have a large diaspora
spread across the globe. Both place emphasis on family, tradition, and
education. Both boast civilizations that date back thousands of years.
In Shanghai, I am often told with nods of approval that I must be
intelligent, savvy, and quick-witted, simply because of my ethnicity.”

Without waiting to finish the article—I was to race through it later
that day—I posted this comment on my website:

“Though it is obvious to all of us that the Jews control America, it
astonishes me that they still keep pretending they don’t! They appear to
be concerned right now that the Chinese might get the “wrong idea” that
they control America! They would obviously like to dupe the Chinese into
thinking they are pretty harmless.”

To this comment I received a thought-provoking response from writer
Franklin Ryckaert, a veteran commenter on Kevin MacDonald’s The
Occidental Observer: “It wouldn’t astonish you if you knew about what is
called ‘aggressive mimicry’, which is defined thusly : ‘Aggressive
mimicry is a form of mimicry in which predators, parasites or
parasitoids share similar signals with a harmless model, allowing them
to avoid being correctly identified by their prey or host.’” (See here)

{quote} “Jews are parasites who want to exploit, control and eventually
destroy their host,” Ryckaert went on to explain, “but because they are
everywhere a small minority they must resort to certain strategies so as
not to be identified and expelled.

First of all they do that by hiding their identity (assuming non-Jewish
names, “converting” to another religion etc.) and by staying as much as
possible in the background (as “adviser” of a leading figure but not as
the leader himself). Secondly they project the image of themselves as
harmless, powerless or even as oppressed and persecuted. Hence the
stress on the Holocaust story.

This is why the Jews don’t want to be seen by the Chinese as in total
control of America. China is their next host and they need to be seen as

Ms Sebag-Montefiore’s entire article founders on that one withering
HARMLESS.” A penetrating comment, without a doubt, though not exactly
flattering to our Jewish cousins.

I replied:

{quote} “Well, let’s hope the Chinese are smart enough to avoid the fate
of the Americans. America is now little more than a slave colony
dominated by Jews. That the Americans were unable to learn from
history—from the complete takeover of Germany and Russia by the
Bolshevik brigade—is a sad reflection on the American character.

Didn’t they see it coming? If they did, it seems they weren’t too
bothered: like the English who threw in the towel long ago and were
quite happy to accept serfdom under the Jews: (a) provided it was
dressed up as “democracy”, and (b) provided the loot was divided up in
such a way that the gentile aristocracy were not excluded from a place
at the pig’s trough.

The Brits and the Americans, you could say, were willing to make a
Faustian pact with the Jews: that as long as the Jews made a certain
percentage of them rich, letting them be part and parcel of the predator
elite, there would be no complaints. Hollywood is a case in point, and
wherever celebrities like Madonna are manufactured. Fabulous wealth is
showered upon these non-Jewish degenerates as long as they serve their
elite masters faithfully.

I’m not sure the Chinese will be any more successful than our Western
countries in resisting the wiles of the Jews. Bribery and blackmail may
well do the trick. The important thing is to keep the masses sedated. As
long as the slaves are allowed to think they are in control and are made
to enjoy their slavery, life will go on.

This quote by Aldous Huxley says it all:

“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the
all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers
control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because
they love their servitude.”

Franklin Ryckaert agreed. He expressed the hope that the Chinese, for
their own sakes, would be a bit smarter than the dopey Americans who had
allowed themselves to be sold down the river.

“We can only hope that the Chinese will be able to avoid being corrupted
by the Jews. Their high intelligence, realism and traditional values
might be of help, but we must also keep in mind that they already have
been once victims of the destructive ideology of Communism, which is
Jewish after all. Under Communism the Chinese repudiated their
traditional values, condemned Confucianism as “feudal” and during Mao’s
Cultural Revolution even destroyed centuries old art treasures. If one
Jewish ideology could subvert them once, another one could do it for a
second time.


Kevin MacDonald goes on to quote Ms Sebag-Montefiore again, this time
about media control. She seems inordinately anxious to persuade the
Chinese that the whole concept of Jewish control over the media is an
anti-Semitic canard to which even the Chinese (sigh sigh) appear to have

“Just before my visit to Nanjing,” she points out plaintively, “the
Chinese tycoon Chen Guangbiao made international headlines by publicly
announcing his ambitions to buy the New York Times and later the Wall
Street Journal. In a TV interview he explained that he would be an ideal
newspaper magnate because “I am very good at working with Jews”—who, he
said, controlled the media.

“Who, he said, controlled the media.”

{caption} Chinese philanthropist Chen Guangbiao handing out money to
street cleaners in Nanking {caption}

Note the cunning way that’s put. Poor Chen, it seems to suggest, has
somehow gotten the silly idea that Jews control the American media!
Where on earth did he get such a bizarre idea from? Oy veh, do grow up
already Mr Chen, you silly-billy Chinese billionaire!

The flamboyantly generous Chen Guangbiao (pictured), one of China’s 400
richest men, flew into America a year ago and announced to everyone’s
surprise his wish to buy up the New York Times. Apparently the Jewish
shareholders refused even to meet him to discuss the proposition and his
bid was scorned (cartoon pic).

He then said he wanted to buy up the Wall Street Journal, another
Jewish-owned newspaper. With engaging chutzpah, he had said he would
like to give these Zionist papers “more balance”— a comment which
doubtless caused considerable alarm in cosmopolitan circles.

Failing to make any headway in acquiring unbalanced American newspapers,
Cheng finally consoled himself with throwing a slap-up lunch in Central
Park for 250 homeless New Yorkers

A pity the Chinese billionaire was not allowed to give “more balance” to
the Jew-owned mass media by smashing through their monopoly—something
that has led to the complete zionization of America in an Israelified
police state and the crippling psychological jewification of the
American people.


  Here is a famous quote from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion on
Jewish media control, a book which acclaimed Norwegian Professor Johan
Galtung, author of 100 books and more than 1000 scholarly papers,
heartily recommends to readers in spite of its reputation as a
“forgery”. (See here). Galtung was particularly impressed by this quote
on the Jewish stranglehold over the media:

“Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control.
Even now this is attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received
by a few agencies …. These agencies will then be entirely ours and will
give publicity only to what we dictate to them. If already now we have
contrived to possess ourselves of the minds of the goy communities to
such an extent that they all come near looking upon the events of the
world through the coloured glasses of those spectacles we are putting
astride their nose.” (Protocol 12)

Kevin MacDonald concludes his essay on China with a veiled warning to
the Chinese not to pay too much attention to Jewish doubletalk, as
represented by the honeyed phrases dripping from the pen of the lovely
Ms Sebag-Montefiore.

“Honest discussions of Jewish power and influence—whether it’s the
Israel Lobby, Hollywood and the media, Wall Street, or immigration and
multiculturalism—are to be made off limits, not only in the U.S., where
there is an elaborate, lavishly funded infrastructure to ensure it, but
also in China where Jewish money is already having a major effect on the
boundaries of legitimate discussion.

China as a rising power would do well to view Jews through the lens of
realism and empirically based discussion. As elsewhere, however, there
are already forces that are pushing in the opposite direction.”


We have so far devoted this essay to the prospect of a Jewish takeover
of China. The entire idea, admittedly, seems ridiculous on the surface.
Ms Sebag-Montefiore would turn up her nose and dismiss it all as a
“wild-eyed conspiracy theory.” She has been at great pains, as we have
pointed out, to persuade the Chinese that if Jews should ever come to
China in ever-increasing quantities in the foreseeable future they will
be doing so as friendly and altruistic do-gooders.

Never mind that every single country to which the Jews came in the past
was beset with innumerable problems soon after their arrival.. Never
mind that they have been expelled from 109 locations from the year AD
250. Never mind that they have been perceived and stigmatized throughout
history as unmitigated pests. Never mind that over 60 millions Russian
Christians were put to death by them in the Soviet Union under Lenin and
Stalin in the gulags and cheka dungeons. Never mind that they have now
taken over America. This time it will be different. Totally different.

But wait—hold on!—perhaps we need not worry too much about the Chinese
being taken over. It seems they are already aware of the Jewish bid for
world domination. Far from being unduly concerned about being taken
over, some of them have already begun to talk about modeling Chinese
behavior on Jewish strategies for attaining wealth and power.

They want to study the Talmud, incredibly, to see if the wise rabbis of
ancient times have any hot tips on how to make them as stinking rich as
the Jews! And while they are about it, why not make a close study of the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion to see what ingenious ideas these clever
Jews have to offer on World Domination?

It sounds almost like a Swiftian satire. Enough to give the genteel Ms
Sebag-Montefiore a fainting fit. Heck, if the Jews can take over
America, why can’t we Chinese have a bash at it too!

Here is Professor Xu Xin addressing an American audience. Listen to him
carefully. Is he serious or is he pulling our legs?

“I think it is obvious that Jews control the Western world. They run
your media, universities, and much of your government. They tell you who
to wage war on, who to fight, who to support and how to spend your
money. This is what we Chinese want to understand when we study Jewish
dominance and hegemony of the West.

There are literally so many instances of how you have fallen for Jewish
tricks. Hitler was the last person to openly contest Jewish rule and
look how he is viewed. He is hated because of what Jews taught you with
their films and books.

We Chinese are amused at how gullible white men are. We want to find the
same way to shape your thoughts. This is why we study them, the Jews.”

— See “Chinese Academic Says China Using Jewish Model to Take Over
United States & West.”

Fun times ahead. What with the Jews chatting up China, like the Big Bad
Wolf playing nice with Goldilocks … and with the Chinese half-jokingly
planning to study the Talmud and the Protocols with a view to taking
over America from the Jews.

  PART 2: Opium, Sex and Death

It is a sad and sobering fact that the Jews are already deeply
entrenched in China and have been been so for centuries. As an erudite
China watcher on my site was quick to point out recently, the
sinofication of Jewish names was already underway during the time of the
Ming Emperors several centuries ago:

“During the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), a Ming emperor conferred seven
surnames upon the Jews, by which they are identifiable today: Ai (?),
Shi (?), Gao (?), Jin (?), Li (?), Zhang (?), and Zhao (?);
sinofications of the original seven Jewish clans’ family names: Ezra,
Shimon, Cohen, Gilbert, Levy, Joshua, and Jonathan, respectively.
Interestingly, two of these, Jin and Shi, are the equivalent of common
Jewish names in the west: Gold and Stone. (See here)

Jews had in fact arrived in India via the Silk Road almost 1000 years
ago, well before Marco Polo made his way to the Court of the Grand Cam
(Khan) in distant Cathay (China) in the late 13th century. Waves of Jews
were to follow them in subsequent centuries until China finally acquired
its own thoroughly assimilated Jews, the Kaifeng Jews, indistinguishable
from the Chinese. Iraqi Jews, Jews taking flight from Russia, Jews
fleeing the Nazis in their tens of thousands, all these came flooding
into great melting pot of Shanghai.

There were even high-profile Jews in the Chinese Communist Party,
including the American Jew Sidney Rittenberg and the journalist Israel
Epstein. (See here)

The shameful opium trade in China, into which the easily corrupted Brits
were drawn by Rothschild money, was in fact the brainchild of a British
sephardic Jew, Elias David Sassoon. He was joined in this ignoble
enterprise by another British Jew, Silas Aaron Hardoon, his partner in
the firm E.D. Sassoon & Co.

The origin of the conflict between China and the Rothschild-backed East
India Company—i.e., the Jew-ridden nucleus of the British Empire—can be
found in this bland statement about the First Opium War:

“In the 17th and 18th centuries, the demand for Chinese goods
(particularly silk, porcelain, and tea) in the European market created a
trade imbalance because the market for Western goods in China was
virtually non-existent; China was largely self-sufficient and Europeans
were not allowed access to China’s interior….

The British East India Company had a matching monopoly of British trade.
[It] began to auction opium grown on its plantations in India to
independent foreign traders in exchange for silver.

The opium was then transported to the China coast and sold to Chinese
middlemen who retailed the drug inside China. This reverse flow of
silver and the increasing numbers of opium addicts alarmed Chinese

To deconstruct and simplify:

Europe wanted tea, silk and porcelain from China, but China was
self-sufficient and needed nothing in exchange from Europe. The result
was a trade deficit in which Britain (via its East India Company) owed
China an enormous and increasing amount of silver.

How did Britain try to solve this tricky problem? It left it to the Jews
who formed the nucleus of the East India Company to come up with a neat

The East India Company began to grow opium on its Indian plantations. It
then transported the processed opium to Bombay and Calcutta where the
crop was sold by auction to “independent foreign traders.” This
innocuous phrase—“independent foreign traders”—needs translation. It is
of course a euphemism for Jewish merchants.

There were not only swarms of British and European Jews in India at this
time, concentrated mostly in the port cities of Bombay and Calcutta, but
an entire community of Indian Jews: namely, the Cochin or Malabar Jews
(see this picture) who had made their home at the southernmost tip of
India from earliest antiquity.

The Jewish merchants who had bought the opium in India then shipped it
to China on their opium clippers where it was exchanged for silver from
“Chinese middlemen”—most of whom were Kaifeng (Chinese) Jews—another
fact that has been carefully concealed by our politically correct court
historians. These Chinese Jews thereupon proceeded to distribute the
opium all over China, causing an epidemic of opium addiction among
Chinese of all classes, ranging from the elite landowners and mandarins
to the lowest coolies and rickshaw pullers. CHINESE OPIUM DEN

As for the silver received from the sale of the opium, this not only
helped to narrow the British trade deficit with China but enriched the
East India Company’s vast army of officials, many of them Jews.

This, then, is how the British Empire became so powerful: by winning two
Opium Wars with the help of Rothschild money. (The First Opium War:
1839-1842; the Second Opium War: 1856-1860). The Brits grew rich on
Chinese tea, Chinese silk, Chinese porcelain, and acquired Hong Kong on
a 99-year lease. And on this they built their Empire, with the help of
the mercantile Jews.

What did China get in exchange? — Millions of opium addicts. By 1905, it
has been calculated, 27 percent of Chinese males had become addicted to
opium, with “13.5 million people consuming 39,000 tons of opium yearly.”

When we look back at the British Empire, and the part played by Jews in
bringing it to the pinnacles of wealth and power, we cannot but help
reflecting on Balzac’s famous epigram: “Behind every great fortune lies
a great crime.” OPIUM WAREHOUSE IN INDIA (c. 1850)

This iconic image of an opium warehouse is a lithograph produced by
Bengal Commissioner Lt. Col. Walter S. Sherwill. The production and
distribution center was located in Patna, India. Here 13 million pounds
of opium juice were processed in giant vats and compacted into sticky,
melon-sized balls (see picture above), the workmen being expected to
roll 100 balls a day. These were then placed in chests and sent to
Bombay and Calcutta, from where they were shipped out to Canton in
China. (For more details, see here)

Here is a map showing the route from the opium warehouses in Bombay and
Calcutta to Canton in China. And here is a chart showing the huge growth
of British opium exports to China between 1729 and 1832. Thereafter,
trade was to improve spectacularly as the number of Chinese addicts
soared to over 10 million.

Did the British care? Apparently not. Growing rich on the sufferings of
others, as all predator nations know, is the iron rule of life. It’s
known as the Survival of the Fittest. The Jews were indisputably the
driving force behind this evil trade, as today they are behind the evil
pandemic of porn addiction. Then it was opium, now it is pornography.
New addictions for new ages.

Curiously enough, opium dens often doubled as brothels.

Among other things—painkiller, anaesthetic, stupefacient, hypnosis
inducer, euphoria giver—opium was also a powerful aphrodisiac and had
been associated with sexual performance since the 16th century.
According to Chinese physician Li Slizhen, writing in his Compendium of
Materia Medica (1578), opium had the ability to confer extra stamina and
staying power during intercourse, since it had the ability to “arrest
seminal emission.”

Gorgeous young Russian girls and slant-eyed Asiatic Jewesses were
available for sex in the opium dens of Shanghai. These sordid dens of
vice where emaciated men poured their semen into the voracious vaginas
of opium-addicted girls—for whom sex was a way of paying for their next
opium fix—spread to the great Western cities: to Paris, London, Berlin,
New York, and San Francisco. By the late 19th century, there were
200,000 opium addicts in the United States, three-quarters of them women.

Here (see the Punch cartoon below) is how the jingoistic Brits, under
their Jewish mentors, treated the Chinese in the heyday of the British
Empire. The Chinese would do well to remember these past humiliations
and do their utmost to keep the old colonialists raptors out of their


We have now learned a valuable history lesson. The Chinese
intelligentsia today are doubtless acquainted with these basic facts.
They too must know who their historical enemies are.

If they have any doubts, let them open their history books and a litany
of Jewish names will spring from those musty pages, the names of all the
Jews who helped to plunder their ancestors via the British Empire: Elias
David Sassoon and Silas Aaron Hardoon, partners in E.D. Sassoon & Co, as
already mentioned above, in addition to Edward Ezra, Morris
Cohen—described by the South African Sunday Express in 1945 as “the
guiding genius behind the War Lords of China”—Jacob Borodin (aka
Grusenberg), Trebitsch Lincoln (British MP), BK Galen (aka Chesin),
Skidelski, Gekker, Koslowsky, Snamensky, MD Lashewitz, WN Levitscher, A
Joffe, R. Haas, JB Rajchman, Ben Kizer.

All these names will be found in an essay written by Arnold Leese, a
notorious anti-Semite, so maybe he shouldn’t be taken too seriously when
he concludes his exposé, The Jewish Rotting of China, with these
shocking words:

“Every key position in the process
of the Bolshevik destruction of China has been Jewish.”

The prospects for the world do not look good. We are not talking here
any longer about the “takeover” of China by the Jews. As Franklin
Ryckaert, with his astute observation on aggressive mimicry might say:
“The parasites have already taken control of the host’s body.”

When the time is right, I predict, the Jews will jump ship en masse and
make China their next cash cow and kleptocracy—but not before they have
destroyed America, leaving behind a Third World country in ruins.

Here, in this multicultural hell pit of existential despair, the
remnants of the white race will have to put up with rape and murder on
an unprecedented scale, like the Russians and Germans in the first half
of the 20th century at the hands of the same Bolshevik Jews.

The sun is setting on the American Empire and night is about to fall,
like the blade of an axe on the neck of the bleating lamb.

Dr Lasha Darkmoon (b.1978) is an Anglo-American ex-academic with higher
degrees in Classics who lives and works in England. She is also a poet,
translator, and political columnist on various websites. Her own
website,, is now within the top 1 percent of websites in the
world according to the Alexa ranking system. Most of her political
essays can be found at The Occidental Observer, The TruthSeeker, and at
VeteransToday. Many of her articles and poems, in addition, have been
translated into several languages. In her spare time, Lasha likes to
read, swim, listen to music, and take long walks in the country.

(2) The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America. Is That a Good
Thing? by Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore

The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America. Is That a Good Thing?

Prof. Xu Xin’s Institute of Jewish and Israel Studies at Nanjing
University seeks to establish Chinese scholarship on Jews

By Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore

March 27, 2014 12:00 AM

“Do the Jews Really Control America?” asked one Chinese newsweekly
headline in 2009. The factoids doled out in such articles and in books
about Jews in China—for example: “The world’s wealth is in Americans’
pockets; Americans are in Jews’ pockets”—would rightly be seen to be
alarming in other contexts. But in China, where Jews are widely
perceived as clever and accomplished, they are meant as compliments.
Scan the shelves in any bookstore in China and you are likely to find
best-selling self-help books based on Jewish knowledge. Most focus on
how to make cash. Titles range from 101 Money Earning Secrets From Jews’
Notebooks to Learn To Make Money With the Jews.

The Chinese recognize, and embrace, common characteristics between their
culture and Jewish culture. Both races have a large diaspora spread
across the globe. Both place emphasis on family, tradition, and
education. Both boast civilizations that date back thousands of years.
In Shanghai, I am often told with nods of approval that I must be
intelligent, savvy, and quick-witted, simply because of my ethnicity.
While it is true that the Chinese I’ve met are fascinated by—rather than
fear—the Jews, these assertions make me deeply uncomfortable.

So, it was with a degree of apprehension that I recently traveled to the
former imperial capital of Nanjing to spend the day with Prof. Xu Xin,
director of the Diane and Guilford Glazer Institute of Jewish and Israel
Studies at Nanjing University. The first thing Xu did was suggest lunch.
As we sat down to a steaming tofu hot pot, he woefully conceded that
many Chinese believe the Jews to be “smart, rich, and very cunning.”
Just before my visit to Nanjing, the Chinese tycoon Chen Guangbiao made
international headlines by publicly announcing his ambitions to buy the
New York Times and later the Wall Street Journal. In a TV interview he
explained that he would be an ideal newspaper magnate because “I am very
good at working with Jews”—who, he said, controlled the media.

Yet Chen presumably, like the majority of Chinese, has few concrete
ideas about the reality of Jewish history or practices. Xu, the
65-year-old pioneer of Jewish studies in China, is campaigning to change
that—and, by doing so, challenging entrenched stereotypes. The
diminutive professor has made it his life’s pursuit to present a more
nuanced view of the Jewish race and religion to his countrymen: one
based on scholarship rather than rumor. To this end he launched the
Institute of Jewish Studies in 1992, the first of its kind in Chinese
higher education.

Today there are more than half a dozen similar programs across the
country, many started by Xu’s former students. In Nanjing, Judaica
courses—from Ancient Jewish History to Rabbinic Literature to Holocaust
Studies—have proved popular. According to Xu one of the best-attended
courses in the institute is Jewish Culture and World Civilization, in
which 18 topics are covered in a 20-week semester. It attracts roughly
200 undergraduate students per term. Survey of Judaism and Study of
Monotheism, both graduate courses, have enrollments of around 30 to 40.

Strung up around the unheated classrooms of the institute are dated
photographs of Jerusalem and fuzzy black-and-white images of the death
camps. Bookshelves boast Chinese translations of the Haggadah and Xu’s
own books, including his best-selling A History of Jewish Culture. In a
glass cabinet sit various teaching tools: embroidered kippas, bronze
menorahs, and polished shofars. Thankfully, there is not a “get rich
quick” manual in sight.


The institute is funded largely by foreign Jewish donors, who have their
own interest in seeing portrayals of Judaism propagated in a more
balanced way. “Hatred and intolerance are bred in ignorance,” the
executive director of the China Judaic Studies Association, Beverly
Friend, a patron of the institute, wrote to me in an email. “The
institute provides knowledge.”

Xu was first introduced to Beverly Friend and her husband Jim in the
mid-1980s, when the latter was teaching English at Nanjing University;
Jim was the first Jew Xu had ever met. In 1986 Xu traveled to America
for the first time, where he stayed with the Friends in Chicago. The
trip was revelatory: Not only did he learn how to use a fork but he
started attending Shabbat dinners and other Jewish celebrations. It
convinced him that China might be able to learn something from the
West—and in particular, from Jews.

This conviction was rooted in his own country’s recent resurfacing from
a traumatic past. Like many teenagers at the time, Xu was a Red Guard
during the Cultural Revolution, one of the zealous youths who helped
destroy much of China’s own heritage. “I participated in the Cultural
Revolution. We all went through the Great Leap Forward,” Xu said,
referring to Mao’s push for industrialization that helped lead to a
famine in which more than 30 million perished. “We started to feel from
the bottom heart there is something wrong with society. China needed new

As China began to open up again to the West, Xu read Western literature,
which had been banned under Mao. He’d soon realized that his favorite
writers—J.D. Salinger, Saul Bellow, Philip Roth—were Jewish (today, many
of their works are translated into Chinese and studied by college and
graduate students in China). As psychology became popular, Xu delved
into Freud; he also held immense respect for Henry Kissinger, who
orchestrated the start of American relations with China. Like Salinger,
Bellow, Freud, and the godfather of Communism Karl Marx, Kissinger was a
Jew. “He was a refugee and an immigrant to the U.S., but within 20 years
he had made his way to become secretary of State. How come?” Xu wondered.

The search for an answer to that question became Xu’s mission. He
returned from two years in the United States, and a formative official
trip to Israel in 1988, convinced that Judaism could provide lessons for
a young and hungry new China. “Once we learned, we wanted to teach,” he
said. Xu set up university classes, attended international seminars, and
translated the Encyclopedia Judaica into Chinese. Eventually, once
diplomatic relations between Israel and China were established in 1992,
he founded the Institute of Jewish Studies.


If Xu had the sense of discovering something new, the Jews were not
exactly strangers to China. Jews likely first arrived in China via the
Silk Road almost 1,000 years ago. In the mid-19th century, following the
Opium Wars, Iraqi Jews settled alongside British traders in Shanghai,
where many made their fortunes. China later accepted Jews taking flight
from Russia, who made their homes in the bleak snowy landscapes of
northern Harbin. In World War II, tens of thousands of Jewish refugees
fleeing Nazi Germany flooded Shanghai: Most left for Australia, America,
or Israel when the Communists gained power in 1949.

Chinese state media has long championed positive portrayals of the Jews,
in part because Judaism, with its ethnically based and non-evangelical
nature, has proved less of a threat to the Communist Party than other
foreign monotheistic religions, like Christianity or Islam. (China’s own
Jewish population, the Kaifeng Jews, have being almost completely
assimilated.) High-profile Jewish figures in the Chinese Communist
Party’s own history include Sidney Rittenberg, the first American
citizen to join the party, and the journalist Israel Epstein, whose
funeral was attended by former Chinese President Hu Jintao and former
Premier Wen Jiabao.

China’s relationship to the Jewish state is more complicated. In 1990,
Xu was invited to participate in a closed meeting of Chinese
intellectuals, military personnel, and party officials, which posed the
question: Should China initiate formal diplomatic relations with Israel?
The answer was no—but times have changed. Today China’s authoritarian
government is invested heavily in the oil states, including Iran and
Iraq. But it is also increasingly forming ties with Israel. In 2013,
Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to China, the first official visit by an
Israeli prime minister in six years. Many believe the trip signals
growing Chinese interest in Israeli technologies, as China attempts to
transform itself from a manufacturing to an
innovation-and-knowledge-based economy.

“China is learning more technology from Israel, trading more,” said Xu,
who was in the process of creating a specific course on Israel to
reflect this change. “China finally decided to establish former
diplomatic relations with Israel [in 1992] because they believed that
being friendly with Jews is good for China’s development and to change
China’s image internationally.” If China’s global clout does not yet
match its status as one of the world’s fastest-growing economies,
developing closer ties with Israel and the Jewish Diaspora may be a
relatively easy way to widen China’s influence, or so some Chinese
leaders seem to believe.

Support of Israel also underpins American patronage of the institute.
“Bringing China and the Jewish people and specifically the Jewish state,
Israel, closer together has merit,” said John Fishel, a consultant for
the Glazer Foundation. “There are increasing exchanges between Israel
and China on a number of levels including academic, cultural, and
economic. The growth of both Jewish Studies and Israel Studies in
Chinese universities seems to be creating opportunities for the
knowledge base to grow.”


Yet on a human level, at least, the geopolitical rationale for greater
Chinese-Jewish understanding may pale next to the role that the Jews
play in China’s own search to rediscover itself. When Liu Nanyang first
studied history of the Middle East at Nanjing University he became
interested in how Israel had managed to survive. “There were many Middle
East wars, but Israel was still there,” he said. “So, I wanted to know why.”

Now Liu, 28, is a doctoral student conducting research into the Jewish
roots of Christianity (he spent one year in Jerusalem as part of his
studies). As we sat in the university, clutching paper cups of hot green
tea to keep us warm, Liu earnestly rattled off similarities between
Jewish and Chinese culture. “Even if some people believe in Buddhism or
Daoism or Christianity, they live their everyday life according to
Confucianism,” he expounded. “The Jewish people believe in [different]
denominations like reform or liberal or even nonreligious. But usually
their lives follow traditional ideas.”

Then he paused. “Maybe I should add a difference,” he said cautiously.
“Chinese culture is not so tolerant.”

Liu comes from a family of farmers. They are also Christians. In China,
where religion is perceived as a threat to the ruling Communist Party,
Christians are routinely persecuted and worship is allowed only in
officially sanctioned churches. “Any ideas or philosophy or cultures are
controlled. In the past it was controlled by the imperial emperors and
now by the party,” said Liu. “But Jewish people don’t have such a strong
political power. So, [Judaism] has more pluralism.”

It is this space and allowance—even encouragement—for debate that has
helped Jews make cultural and scientific strides in the world, Liu said
he believed: “In the Talmud, for one question they have different
answers. But in China we have [either] correct or incorrect. If someone
has different opinions, it is difficult to live.”

“Do you know how many Chinese Nobel Prize winners there are?” asked Liu,
not waiting for an answer. He didn’t have to. The Chinese have long
articulated ambitions to win more Nobel prizes. (No Chinese-born
scientist, for example, has ever been awarded a Nobel Prize for work in
the mainland.) “The Jewish population is very small but the Chinese is
big,” Liu said. “Compare that, if you will. When we know that the Jewish
people are so successful in both science and human studies, we feel that
maybe we can learn from them.”

As the afternoon drew to a close, I mentioned Chen Guangbiao, the
billionaire who declared he is good at working with Jews. Liu was
exasperated by such reductions.

“In their minds, Jewish people control the banks in America. It means
for them that Jewish people control the world, controls the
governments,” he railed, shaking his hands in disbelief. “I feel it’s a

Prof. Xu was more understanding. “Stereotypes are overemphasized. But in
China this is positive,” he said calmly. After all, he added: “Had the
Jews achieved nothing, no Chinese would be interested in them.”


Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore, a Sydney-based journalist, lived in China
from 2009 to 2014. Her Twitter feed is @cmontefiore.

(3) Chinese Academic says China using Jewish Model to Take Over United
States & West

  Nov 25, 2014

G. Wolf

Indian business students read Mein Kampf, westerners Machiavelli and Sun
Tzu. The Chinese? They study Jewish tribal evolutionary strategy.

“Do the Jews Really Control America?” asked a top Chinese newsweekly
newspaper recently.

“That’s what the data shows us. It is undeniable from my perspective.”
Professor Xu Xin told the IB Business Times when asked this question at
a Jewish study group in late October. “They run your media, univerisites
and much of your government.”

The professor and his colleagues are so convinced that the Jews run the
west, particularly, the US, that they’ve conducted a study to see ‘how
the Chinese can follow suit and match Jewish success running western

“Yes I think it is obvious that Jews control western world. They tell
you who to wage war on, who to fight, who to support and how to spend
your money. This is what we Chinese want to understand when we study
Jewish dominance and hegemony of west.” Professor Xu Xin stated in the
recent IB interview.

The professor took things one anti-Semitic step farther stating,

“There are literally so many instances of how you have fallen for Jewish
tricks. Hitler was the last person to openly contest Jewish rule and
look how he is viewed. He is hated because of what Jews taught you with
their films and books. We Chinese are amused at how gullible white men
are. We want to find the same way to shape your thoughts. This is why we
study them (Jews).”

So why when we point this out are we castigated as anti-Semites?

Something to think about….

The IB Times reported that,

“The Chinese recognise the world’s wealth is still in Americans’ pocket
and Americans are in Jews’ pockets." [...]  {see item 2,
Sebag-Montefiore article from The Tablet}

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